
Yggdrasil’s Developer

The story follows a man that was reincarnated into the future, or so he thought. Instead, he was reincarnated into the world of Earth 2138, where he found a job as a developer for a game. "Hmm, I must have seen this game idea somewhere, it seems familiar," "Wait, isn't this Overlord?!?!" Note: Not a plot following fanfic. Rewriting some mistakes made in the early chapters.

Gabriantheus · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

E2138-10: Shining Armor

The ambush was suddenly interrupted by the sound of rushing wind, as an insect warrior lunged at the human swordsman. The human, caught off guard, stepped back and shouted, "Hey, you didn't warn me when someone was coming!" But the insect was relentless, and with a swift strike, his spear pierced the human's chest.

The archer, also caught off guard, scrambled for an escape. "He came out of nowhere!" the archer shouted, trying to defend himself.

The insect warrior didn't waste any time and quickly ran towards the swordsman. The human swordsman tried to dodge, but the insect's spear seemed to have a mind of its own, as it changed direction and hit the human with deadly precision.

The human swordsman fell to the ground with a loud thud, his body lifeless. The archer, realizing the danger he was in, quickly retreated, leaving the insect warrior standing victorious over his fallen opponent.

"These player-hunting heteromorphic races have grown worse since the day of the launch," said the insect warrior, his voice carrying the weight of authority. "But fear no more! I have arrived."

"Thank you for saving me," said the crab, gratitude in his voice.

"It was simply the right thing to do," replied the insect.

"I might have died if you hadn't come to save me," said the crab. "My build isn't geared for combat, and my HP and MP were low."

"Hahaha, looks like I came to save the day," the insect chuckled.

"Your armor is impressive," the crab said, his eyes falling on the insect's equipment. "If you don't mind me asking, how did you make it?" he added, before quickly apologizing, "I'm a crafter, always on the lookout for new items in Nilfheim."

"Ah, you're a crafter! "I've been looking for one, I already have the necessary items," the insect replied.

"Allow me to make it for you as a thank you for saving my life," the crab said, a note of determination in his voice. "It would be terrible if I lost my items here if it weren't for you."

"Yes, I would appreciate that," said the insect. "But first, let me introduce myself. My name is Amanomahitotsu. "What is yours?"

"My name is Touch Me," the crab replied.

Amanomahitotsu and Touch Me bonded over their shared interests and quickly became fast friends. They talked about their love for the hero genre and their passion for creating and crafting items. Touch Me, who was excited about the idea of participating in the tournament, asked Amanomahitotsu to create a heavy and shiny armor for him. Amanomahitotsu was more than happy to oblige, seeing an opportunity to use his skills to help his friend.

Together, they spent countless hours in the forge, creating the perfect armor for Touch Me. Amanomahitotsu took great care to ensure that the armor was not only aesthetically pleasing, but also functional and able to withstand the rigors of battle. Touch Me was more than pleased with the results and eagerly showed them off to anyone who would listen.

With the armor ready, Touch Me set his sights on the tournament event. He and Amanomahitotsu trained together, honing their skills and pushing each other to new heights. Touch Me was determined to do well in the tournament, not only for himself but also for Amanomahitotsu, who had put so much time and effort into creating his armor.

The day of the tournament arrived, and Touch Me and Amanomahitotsu set out with their nerves on edge. As they entered the arena, they were greeted by a raucous crowd cheering and jeering the contestants. Touch Me donned his armor and took his place on the field, his eyes fixed on the prize.

The competition was fierce, and Touch Me was put to the test. But he stood his ground, his armor giving him the strength and confidence to face his opponents. With each round, he grew stronger and more confident, pushing his limits and winning the hearts of the crowd.

In the end, Touch Me emerged victorious, his shining armor catching the light as he raised his weapon in triumph. Amanomahitotsu was beside himself with excitement, his eyes shining with pride as he watched his friend claim victory.

"Congratulations Touch Me for winning the tournament!" Yuki exclaimed. "I'm the developer assigned to make your special request as a reward."

"Ah yes, thank you," Touch Me replied. "I actually want to keep this armor, but can you make it unbreakable and do one thing?"

"Of course, what do you want it to do?" Yuki asked.

"I want a skill that creates 3D floating letters that say 'JUSTICE HAS ARRIVED'," Touch Me replied.

"What does it do?" Yuki asked.

"That's it," Touch Me said simply. "I just want to make a statement when I enter a battle. It doesn't have to do anything else."

Yuki was assigned to make a special request for Touch Me, the winner of the tournament. He was confused by the request but decided to make it anyway, as it didn't seem to break any game rules or balance. However, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something familiar and odd about the request.

As he worked on the creation of the armor with an unbreakable durability and the skill of creating 3D floating letters that said "JUSTICE HAD ARRIVED," Yuki couldn't help but feel a sense of déjà vu. He had never made anything quite like this before, yet it seemed familiar to him.

"Hmm, Touch Me....."

"Justice had arrived....."

"Insect hero in shining armor....."

"Wait, hold on a damn minute!"

"How TF did I forget that!?"