
Ill Intentions (1)

For some things, one day earlier and one day later results in two absolutely different outcomes.


I also heard the scream, it was like death was smiling at me. My body hair stood up momentarily. I didn't know what would happen, I tried to step aside but my body was stiff. I just stood there and waited.

[Do not panic, you are with me.]

'What the hell!! I'm getting crazy. In the face of death and I start hallucinating, what could go more wrong than that.'

I was holding one of the missiles that I dismantled from the helicopter in front of me. That was enough to wet my pants, as in who in their normal minds would feel blissful in the face of death! And behind me was this deadly force that was inching closer as time went by.

I was in a difficult situation that I had no way of escaping this time.

A few minutes before that, Kai was in a conversation with Vega. I can't say it was a conversation, maybe more of a cold war. Vega was seen with a serious face all through while Kai looked indifferent, just with a smile as this was a child's play to her. Vega knew who her opponent was and what she was capable of. Maybe she could go on toes with her but could not last for more than two minutes tops.

That she was sure of.

During their last encounter, she was lucky enough to walk out of there with little scratches. Or maybe Kai and the others were in a hurry that chooses not to completely pursue Vega to earth's end.

And now she was standing her ground with her deadly foe. Sweat started forming in her palms as the air turned cold around her and fear crept from the roots of her heart threatening to come out.

While this was happening, Rue was reading the facial expressions displayed by Kai. She couldn't see anything that could reveal much about the other party.

But something caught her eyes, then ears. Kai was confident, but she just looked basic. Then came the sound which made Rue focus on her eyes rather than her general appearance.

"What is he doing? He will kill himself." Kai said after taking a glance at me.

Rue and Vega turned their heads simultaneously to confirm what was happening. And before anyone can take it all in, Kai was airborne. Her speed was like anything anyone has ever seen. She blended well with the wind that the surrounding police officers saw several afterimages in her wake.

She was terrifying and looked like she could take all the lives of everyone around without them even knowing. But one person saw through it like clear water.

"Mmmh! Interesting."

And she punched out into the air and a body came into contact with the deformed rapidly flowing air.


The air gave in and crumbled from such a terrifying force.

I guess after all that the one who said women aren't fools. Half the time, they are merely pretending to be. Was just right and I salute him or her for their courage and dedication to bring such things to light.


"What is he doing? He will get himself killed." One member of the Clean Up Squad said.

"That kid isn't in his right mind, I saw the look in his eyes when I talked to him just now. It was a savage look that was shrouded with ill intentions. It's probably a new kind of drug, his eyes had turned black completely. I was terrified to the core." The old soldier that talked with Max earlier said.

"It's a pity he will be blown to pieces very soon as there was a leakage from one of the police cruisers." Said a woman from the team.

"Then do something." The Chief said after hearing their conversation. She was not pleased with Max after their past encounter but at this moment a life was at stake and as security personnel assigned by the government to protect its citizens, that was what she was trying to do. At least she would have a clear conscience after his death.

"What can we do, it is suicidal if we try anything." The old soldier said.

"Can't you disable him, at least that can bring him back to reality." The Chief replied.

"Maybe we can do that but the consequences might be greater than we anticipate." The lady from among the soldiers said.

She then looked at one of her members and nodded. The other soldier raised his rifle and aimed at his target.


Just as Rue punched out the air a bullet sound was heard being ejected from a gun. She frowned and released her Qi to communicate with the earth and heavens.

She then lifted her hand and directed it towards Max.

Suddenly the wind around him stopped and the atmosphere started to warm up. It was calming and felt like a ton of weight has been lifted from his shoulders.


My hands opened and the missile in my hand descended. But the most shocking thing was yet to happen.


A bullet was seen to be suspended in mid-air. It was so unbelievable that the people witnessing this would not have believed it if it were being narrated by someone else.

Vega was the most shocked of them all. She was still focused on Max when she had different types of noises around her. They happened in a split of a second. First, the woman who was behind her just a moment ago was now on a different location and on her knees with disbelief on her face. Then she heard the sound of a gunshot and looked in the general direction where Max was standing only to see the most absurd thing in her life.



28°6'49°N 116°57'30°E

Somewhere in Jiangxi, China. Stood the famous Mount Longhu also known as The Dragon Tiger Mountain. It is famous for being one of the birthplaces of Taoism and also known as one of the Four Sacred Mountains of Taoism.

Inside one of the hidden Taoist temples, monks were seen to be about with their different tasks. Others were seen in meditation. In the innermost part of the temple, someone knocked on a door and soon entered.

"Master, I have news." Said a middle-aged monk who bowed immediately after he entered.

"Yes, continue." The master a man who was seen sitting crossed legged with his eyes closed spoke.

"Our brothers from the west have been in contact. It is confirmed that she is in the eye of the disturbance that is going on there." the middle-aged monk said.

"Finally, it has been almost a decade. Prepare, we have to help her in any way that we can. She is the only one to attain that realm in the last fifty years. We have to do our best for mankind to survive." The master said while he opened his eyes.

The middle-aged monk was relieved to see his master open his eyes. It was believed that he has been in this position of meditation for the last two months in a row. He immediately bowed and confirmed something with his master before leaving the room.


"Who are you kid? Do you dare show disrespect in front of me?! You must be tired of living." Kai said with an agitated voice as she disappeared from her current position and materialized in front of Rue in the next second.

All the spectators were seen to be in a state of shock. How could something like that happen? And not just one occurrence but multiple of them which disregarded the rule of physics.

What everyone didn't notice was that another international news channel helicopter was hovering in the distance not daring to come closer. The whole world was seeing the live feed that Al-Jazeera was broadcasting.

At that instance, it was the most popular as it was gaining viewers with every second. The audiences wanted to see what was happening inside and the other TV stations weren't capable of offering that.

What everyone saw shocked them.

A missile was seen to be falling from Max's hands but was stopped by an invincible force that the naked eye couldn't see through a foot to the ground. Then a bullet that had been fired by a member of the Clean Up Squad was also suspended in mid-air a few feet away from Max. Then the fact that Kai was knocked down without even coming in contact with the punch that Rue threw. And now that Kai disappeared from one place and appeared in a different place was also mind-blowing.

And in the midst of these actions, only four people were seen. Two who looked young and two who were slightly older than the first two.

[This is interesting. I didn't know that I would encounter such capable beings here of all places.]


"Get in now." The Leader spoke to his team and jumped in the driver's seat of the GMV.

After closing the doors, they started wondering how they would drive the car as they couldn't see the keys in the ignition.


The GMV jerked and was soon in the road at a frightening speed.

"Fasten your seat belts, fools." A sound came in from their comms.

After a minute in the GMV which was maneuvering the streets at a high speed. A colorless gas was seeping in through the air vents. And in no time the occupants were knocked out cold.

I am here again with this chapter, I hope that it felt good reading it as it felt when I was writing it.

Thank you for reading!

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If you have views on how I should continue the story please feel free to lay out your thoughts on the comments and reviews!

Wishing You Advance Happy Holidays ❤️❤️❤️

Omara_Aicreators' thoughts