

Is every wrong right? Or is every right wrong? I am Tim. An office boy. I have been working in this place for about 6 years. The six yeras were identical: I wake up,get to work,work and then go home. The routine is killing me. For a change I decided to skip work today. Who knew this would change my life?

mayssa_benletaifa · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

The robber got robbed

I decided to have a day off.

Even my boss was surprised when I told him :

-Tim, you are OK? Right?

Don't make me worry!

-Sir,I am a little tired.

-it is okay, son.

You can have the day off.

-Thank you, sir.

And this is how, folks, I ended in front of my desk.

I had nothing in mind.

I sat down wondering.

What am I going to do with this day off?

Go to the movies?

No, I don't want to be the only single in the middle of all the lovey-dovey couples.

They make me sick.

Just get a room already!

And stop with the

'take my hand if you are scared'

When the movie is about a girl being the lolita of her high school.

How is this supposed to make you feel scared?


Should I go to the zoo?

It's a Saturday so there will be a bunch of kids and their parents.

It will be very noisy.

What about the mall?

I have enough clothes so why would I go there?

My mum will visit me tomorrow.

Should I go buy her flowers?

There is a flower shop near by.

I should stop by and buy her a couple of roses.

Pink roses, she likes them.

The flower shop is really pretty.

With plenty of different flowers.

I don't know their names but they are pretty.

The atmosphere is nice.

Two girls were dancing with the music on full volume.

It was great to see people enjoying their time in this world.

One of them asked me what I wanted. I answered.

She started singing while the other was dancing.

My flowers were there in front of me.

I watched the girl sing while holding my roses as a mic.

The shop was lively.


After the show ended, I got my flowers.


Now, I am far away from the two singers.

I didn't realise I walked that much until I reached the corner where the bank is.

The cafe was playing that song.

A song that got popular recently thanks to its touching story.

A girl sings about her family.

The bank is in front of me.

Should I go and get a loan?

A loan for what?

A storm came.

Who knew robbing a bank this chaotic?

Two boys, wearing black clothes and covering their faces.

Left the bank with big suitcases.

I guess they are robbers?

Since a man left the bank while shouting:

-Robbery! Robbery!

Someone call the police.

The bank got robbed.

They... They robbed the bank.

Someone! Robbery!

The bank! The money!


No one came immediately.

The man nearly fainted but was way too scared to chase the run aways.

His assistant,I guess, came and dragged him inside.