

Is every wrong right? Or is every right wrong? I am Tim. An office boy. I have been working in this place for about 6 years. The six yeras were identical: I wake up,get to work,work and then go home. The routine is killing me. For a change I decided to skip work today. Who knew this would change my life?

mayssa_benletaifa · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Pink roses

I decided to go in the same direction as the guys, by curiosity.

It didn't take much before I reached them.

I decided to hide behind a car parked near them.

They were a group of three people.

Their car was a little truck.

I guess the money is inside that truck.

The guys charged in colorful and stylish clothes.

If I did not see them with my own eyes I would have said they were different people.

Now, they can even enter the same bank and no one will be able to tell them apart from the thieves.

It is magical!

And fascinating.

Is this the art of'camouflage'?

I am so close to them.

I can even hear what they are saying :

-Do you want to check again?

-I am sure of it!

-The spies in the bank did not say anything.

-Do you trust them?

-Yes. The boss said we will find it in that place but it is gone!

-So, someone stole it before us?

I can tell something is fishy in this.

The robbery didn't go as planned and they were looking for something inside but it was gone when they stepped there.

So the robbers got robbed?

But who did it?

The guy who came shouting earlier?

maybe the secretary?

one of the guys is lying?

Or maybe it wasn't there in the first place and someone gave them the wrong place?

This is exiting!

But what is the thing they are so desperate to steal anyway?

One of the three robbers went to the driver's seat and the two followed.

He started the truck.

They will leave soon.

One of them sneezed.

Sneezed again.

Again and again.

What is with this guy?

-Are you OK, Fin?

-My allergy is acting up.

-There is no roses in here!

Oh, crap.

The roses for my mom.

They are making him sneeze!