

Is every wrong right? Or is every right wrong? I am Tim. An office boy. I have been working in this place for about 6 years. The six yeras were identical: I wake up,get to work,work and then go home. The routine is killing me. For a change I decided to skip work today. Who knew this would change my life?

mayssa_benletaifa · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs


The smell of roses will be the end of me.

I ruched.

I wanted to move far away from the truck.


Oh, crap!

The guy from the bank is here!

Did he follow them here like I did?

He found them!


I gasped.

-you found the thieves!

-Did he call us thieves?

This guy is hilarious!

What is going on?

Don't tell me, this was all just an act?

The guy from the bank is with the thieves!

Is he the one who gave them the wrong informations?

This is not important right now.

I am in some big trouble!

Behind me are the thieves and in front of me, the bank guy.

I am screwed.

The guy said to the thieves :

-Take him with you.

He probably heard everything.

-We are going to kidnap people now!

-we can not do this, sir.

-Listen, a deal is a deal.

If you want your part, do your work properly.

-You are going to kidnap me?

Why? I won't tell anyone.

I pretty much don't care about your deal or whatever.

-This guy, he is bold.


And this is how I ended up kidnapped.

By this gang of thieves.

Is this how I am going to die?

Is this the end?

They attached me and threw me inside the truck.

The youngest sat next to me.

They didn't put tape on my mouth to stop me from screaming.

I was able to speak.

I asked the youngest who was staring aggressively at me:

-So,what,what is your name?

-My name? Haha you're such a funny guy. What's your name?

He clearly didn't answer and asked me a question.

What a weird kid.

He seemed the youngest among them.

I think he is 19 or 20 years old.

Something like that.

Pretty young.

-Hey, what's your name?

He asked again.

Should I answer him?


Is this going to make a change?

Should I be afraid?

I am curious about the thing they wanted to steal.

-Did you find it?

-Find what?

-The 'thing' you, guys, were looking for in that bank?

The truck stopped.

Obviously, they weren't expecting such a weird question coming from a guy who got kidnapped moments ago.

But anyways, what was that thing?