

Valeria (aka Val) Creico was the heir to one of the biggest Italian mafias. Unlike many other heirs to mafias, she wants to be the head. She wants to be the one that makes everyone bow down to her. The ranking system is messy but if you ever hear the name Red, you run. If she winks at you three times, you are already dead. She doesn't call herself the devil because everyone knows that she is the devil. Xavier Torres is the heir to the Spanish mafia. He is no fool and if you dare to even try to do anything to him, you are probably dead. This isn't some normal mafia leader, he lets his enemies think they are winning just to kill them right. He likes to see the hope go away from his enemies' eyes. Both are cold hearted and highly intelligent. You could ask the people they tortured, but they are already in their graves. What will happen between the two of them?

Emma_Donker · สมัยใหม่
13 Chs



After that boring meeting I needed to get out. Since the meeting, I had been lying down on my bed, imagining our training tomorrow. My men were not going to want to train with his and I'm sure his would not train with mine. We would see, we would see.

"I'm here girl!" Mell barged into my room.

"Yes, lets go out to my club," I responded.

"One, not in pajamas. No matter how hot you look in those pants, I will not let you go to the bar like that. Two, not to your bar. There is always some unnecessary problems there with allies or enemies," She said. She sounded already drunk.

I didn't have the heart to tell her that wherever we went, there was going to be a problem eventually. So I just agreed with her despite knowing that we could get in serious trouble for going somewhere unguarded. I live for the thrill.


"Omg, I cant believe you agreed. So lets go to this place call the Goober Place. There is this really cute bartender that would be good for you," She rattled.

I agreed? Goober Place? Cute bartender? It was good I don't recognize the bar, so that means it is not another mafia owned bar. That was weird, most bars had some background from a mafia. Worst case I would just end up in fighting some dick head that wanted to mess with me.

Before, I realized clothes after clothes were thrown in my face. Shoes, pants, jeans, shirts, and dresses. I hate those.

"Please you need to wear a dress. Omg, yes. You would look so cute. Plus it's short so you would be able to kill easily."

Despite being my friend, I do not hesitate to put her in her place. I stand up with laser fast speed and push her against my bed. The wall would have been better but the bed worked.

"I do not wear dresses unless I need to. And I dont!" I yell.

"Oh come off it, Val," Mel tries. She acts as if she isn't scared but her eyes show it all. I see the fear and I love it and hate it out the same time.

I let her get up. She starts trying to laugh it off, muttering about how I'm such a funny friend. She wouldn't remember this tomorrow since she was already drunk. No matter what, she will not tell me what to do. I am the fucking donna.

When I get married, I'm going to make my husband go to a ball in a dress and me in a suit.

"Lets, go. I will be going in my beautiful pajama pants." I remark.

We start down the stairs, and I hear talking and laughing. I wonder who it is at the same time not caring who the hell it was. Then I heard him speaking.

Oh shit, the Spanish peeps were here.

We were already too far down the stairs to turn back around.

"As you have already met my daughter, and this is her best friend Melissa," My dad says pointing between us as if we didn't have a heated meeting in the morning.

"We were waiting for you to start dinner," My mother says.

Shit. I had forgotten about the dinner. Too bad for them, I guess. I step an inch closer to my dad and whisper to him, "Start without us. We are going out." I see my father tense.

"You will not leave," my dad commands me.

I smile.

"I am so sorry Mr. and Mrs. Torres but it is my friend's birthday and we had scheduled to go out with our group for a long time," I lie. It was such a smooth lie that even if Melissa broke it, I could still find away to defend it.

Xavier read through my lie though. He looked at me with skeptical eyes, willing me to tell the truth but not way.

My father's smile left his face as Mel, and I left, and the door shut.

We walk down to the gate. I'm press my hand so that the gate opens and we go through.

I walk up to the motorcycle that we are taking.

"I am not taking the motorcycle with you. You drive wildly," Mel said.

"Of course not. You will ride in that one," I answered pointing to the motorcycle next to mine. Mel hated them, but my dad would have shut down the garage by now, so we were either walking or taking them.


I roll my eyes. We get on our motorcycles. I was always warned to wear the helmet, but what fun is that. Of course I would take it though, incase that I met someone to take home. Maybe the cute bartender, I think to myself while laughing.

I look behind to see Melissa with her helmet on. I nod at her and she starts her bike up. I didn't know the way to this place so I let her lead the way. It meant that we were going to have to go slower though. I hate New York traffic, in Italy people moved away when I came through.

Somewhere in the next 20 minutes we get there. We had terrible luck with the lights and the traffic, and we didn't even go on the highway.

I stepped off the bike, looking at my surroundings. The sign at the bar didn't say Goober Place. It was Lunar Place. The fucking Spanish bar. It wasn't there main but it was one of theirs. Xavier was at dinner with my family so we shouldn't run into any problems.

"Opps, I guess I was bad at reading," Mel says. She lied before and I hadn't noticed! She knew I would never agree to come here. That smart bitch. I was starting to regret less and less pushing her on the bed when she was drunk.

"Yeah you were. Lets go in," I played along with her.

We go inside to the bar. The bar tender was hot, I guess.

"Not that one silly, that one," Mel said pointing to a different guy.

He was handsome and all but that wasn't just any guy, that was that hacker dude from the fucking meeting. I thought he went to that dinner.

Melissa walks up to him before I can pull him away.

"This is my friend-

"Valeria," He finishes for her.

"You've met?" Melissa asks confused.

"Yes," I breathe.

"Nice meeting you, where is this cute bartender, Melissa?" I coldly ask.

"Right here," Josh says.

I look him up and down with disgust clear on my face. Maybe if he wasn't part of the Spanish mafia.

"I'll have a vodka," I announce.

"Make that two," Melissa says.

Josh laughs to himself while preparing our drinks.


I am enraged, first I have a meeting and she shows up late then I have a dinner and she shows up on time but then leaves! What is wrong with her? She doesn't rule the world.

My mother and father look upset as well. They think their time is wasted and we don't like when our time is wasted. I then looked to see her parents, they also looked upset. Zoey wasn't there but Alonzo was, and Alonzo just sat at the dining table waiting to eat. I almost laugh at him.

"We are so sorry about that. She hadn't told us about the birthday meet," Her mother starts.

I want to scream at her, 'Thats because it is a lie!' But I don't. My parents taught me better than that.

"That is fine. We can dine without them," My mother replies. I couldn't tell if my parents believed the lie but they were doing a great job hiding it if they did realize.

We start the meal and my father and mother get into deep conversations with the opposing mafia. We will never be actual allies, it was only to please our parents.

During all the weird talking that was going on, my phone vibrates in my pocket. I pull my phone out.

Josh: Your best friend, Valeria is here and her drunk friend Melissa.

Josh: They are both dancing right now.

Now I was angrier, I didn't just walk into their bars, but she walked into mine. I now have to go over to the bar.

"I'm sorry to excuse myself like this but there is some mafia business to attend to." I tell her parents.

With that I stand up and exit their house and then exit their gate. Got to love the old fashioned gates. We had them to.

I open my phone up to see a picture of Valeria grinding on one of my men. Disgusting, I knew just the way to surprise her.

I open my corvette and start driving the Luna Place. They were in for a surprise. After 5 minutes of ignoring the lights and going through traffic, I finally made it.

I opened the door and I saw Valeria mouthing the words of a song to her friends with two men having their hands run down and around their bodies. It nauseated me. I nodded to Josh who was bartending tonight.

I walk onto the dance floor and walk over to the man that was touching Valeria and I tap and motion for him to move. I then move so that I took the position of one of my men and I start going along with the music waiting for her to realize.


New hands started touching my body. They were somehow rougher and more gentler at the same time. I go along with whatever he was doing until his hands slid a little to low. Instead of turning around to see who it was I through my head back hitting him on the nose. The man staggered back as I turned around. I found him. I wanted to throw up, his hands were on me?

Instantly 6 or 7 men surround him, guarding him from me. Xavier nods to them, telling them it was okay and that they could leave. I stomp off and go to Josh.

"Can I have a tequila?"I ask.

Josh laughs and hands me my drink. I take it and walk up to Xavier.

"What happened to your birthday party?" He taunts.

In response I throw my drink at his face. He stands there shocked as I turn to leave pulling Melissa with me as we head out of the door.