

Valeria (aka Val) Creico was the heir to one of the biggest Italian mafias. Unlike many other heirs to mafias, she wants to be the head. She wants to be the one that makes everyone bow down to her. The ranking system is messy but if you ever hear the name Red, you run. If she winks at you three times, you are already dead. She doesn't call herself the devil because everyone knows that she is the devil. Xavier Torres is the heir to the Spanish mafia. He is no fool and if you dare to even try to do anything to him, you are probably dead. This isn't some normal mafia leader, he lets his enemies think they are winning just to kill them right. He likes to see the hope go away from his enemies' eyes. Both are cold hearted and highly intelligent. You could ask the people they tortured, but they are already in their graves. What will happen between the two of them?

Emma_Donker · Urban
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13 Chs

Bombed Warehouses


Seeing as no one was talking, I decided to step forward and talk.

"Thank you, sir. You may go now," I smile at the guard.

The guard looks at Xavier to get confirmation that he can leave. I glare at the guard, he could have read the room and decided to leave.

Once Xavier nodded, the guard left the office.

I start laughing and everyone looks at me like I'm crazy.

"As soon as I am announced Donna something happens? Who could've guess? It's crazy how this person thinks he can get away with it." I explain myself but get even more looks.

I ignore them and walk to behind the desk. Probably where Xavier does his work. I look up to see smoke coming out of Xavier's ears if that is possible.

"Get out of my desk!" He seethes.

"Oh, don't be such a big baby. It's first come first serve." I reply tauntily.

My father sees that another fight is about to break out. So he tries to reason with me, first with his eyes and then with words. "Val, would you want Xavier to sit in your seat?"

"Of course not, but we would never end up in that situation where he was sitting in my seat," I reply.

Alonzo rolls his eyes.

"Xavier, hate to break it to you, buddy but I don't think she will be getting out of that chair." Alonzo says to Xavier.

"No shit, sherlock." Xavier replies still glaring at me.

"Lets get back to the problem at hand, the warehouses." Xavier's father says, unsuccessfully trying to lower the tension.

"Already way ahead of you," I say. I didn't give a fuck if he was older than me or the former head of the Spanish mafia. Hell, even if he was president, I wouldn't care.

Like his son, he also seemed to have smoke coming out of his ears. I guess he didn't like being disrespected. Like father, like son.


"You guys should really work on your security detail in the computer, it's rather sad that I was able to get access to all your cameras and information this easily. " Valeria announces.

I look around to see Josh, surprised. Even though it was a computer inside the mafia, we made sure that only those who knew how to get in could. There were a billion traps, and passwords but somehow Valeria was able to get in a matter of seconds.

Valeria started typing at a quick pace until she stopped and looked at her work with a proud face.

"Oh, I put your warehouse on lockdown. Now, I have to plug in this code, and we should match the style of movement from the man who planted the bomb and who he is." Valeria continues.

She pulls out of her pajama pocket, a ring of USBs. Does she just randomly, carry those around. She then unclips one of them and puts it into the computer.

"I cannot let you take this information with you. This is confidential information and -" Josh starts to say.

I should have stopped him from talking. All he was going to end up doing, was embarrassing himself. If it was this easy to get into the network, that means she already knew all the passwords which meant she already had all the information.

"I'm not taking the information about the Spanish mafia. I already have it. But we need to match this man to a man with a face that has already been documented." Valeria smirking, like it is the easiest thing to do.

Antonia whispers in my ear, "Are you not angry that she has information on us?"

"No because we have information on them. It's part of being in the mafia." I say not caring if anyone can hear us.

"Only the information she lets you take," Antonia whisper answers.

Like Valeria had any idea how much information we took....or did she.

"Yup, got em. His name is Richard Cardino. The Russians, just as I expected." Valeria says, ignoring my comment.

She gets up and makes a move for the door.

I swiftly get up and block the door.

"Come on Xavier. Let me leave." She groans. I love riling her up.

"We have the original reason we are here to discuss."

"Well...?"She asks.

"Especially with this attack, and all we need to become allies. I know since Xavier had taken over we were friends but not working together in the mafia business, but I think we need to now." Pedro speaks finally.

"Absolutely not, "I say instantly.

I look to my father, wanting to know his thoughts. His eyes tell me that he had discussed this recently with Pedro already.

I look to Valeria. Her eyes meet mine. Her eyes blank, it was so frustrating that I could not read her emotions.

"No, I am not working with him." She says pointing to me.

"I'm not so keen, working with you either," I say.

"Listen we want these mafias to keep going. The second idea would to marry you off but you together would bring down both mafias and the world with you." My mother says.

"You have no right disrespecting me like that. The Italians will live forever no matter what happens," Valeria seethes.

My mother looks at her. I can that my mother is grateful that the marriage would never work out between us.

"So, you would marry me?" I smirk.

"It depends, do I get to kill you?" She asks glaring while liking his lips.

Gosh, that was a turn on.

"No one is marrying anyone! We might not be the mafia leaders anymore, but everyone in the family agrees so that overrides you. You are becoming allies and will work together. Training starts tomorrow." Valeria's father says.

Valeria heads for the door but before she leaves, she turns around and opens her damn petty mouth.

"Oh, and I know about the spy who takes the information off our computers. You should train your spies better and whisper softer."

Fuck, I needed to get a knew spy.