
WORLDS FARMER: I farm every single day.

When he thought his life was over he was graced by the creator. Let's see where the MC leads us to.

Asher_7206 · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

chapter 05: Binding the farm

"Son , you are our children we have to take care of you and guide you through everything in life till we grow old," my mother said as she gently rubbed my head as my siblings came and hugged us.

We sobbed for a moment to let all the pain pass as our tears flowed freely, as a family crying together sharing our joys and sorrows really binds us.

"Mama I would like to go and see our farm" I asked fearfully expecting my mother to deny my request. " No you can't leave the house ,the doctor said that you must have enough rest and recover well," she denied me.


As mother and son continued to banter on whether Tobias should go to the farm the fairy looked over in envy how this family although poor still stayed together.

This brought about a nostalgic look in her eyes as memories of how she used to live with her family in the ever green forests frolicking with the abundant plants and animals.

She hoped that the things that were about to happen won't break this love and care.

After a long time of persuasion Mama Toby eventually allowed her son albeit reluctantly to venture into the farm in the backyard. The farm was about 1 hectares of plowed farmland and another 5 hectares of arable land that needed tending and plowing.

The soil in that patch of land was not very fertile and the average yield was really low per season.

[DING .... Farmland detected please confirm binding]


[Binding started 0%....10%.....20%...40%...80%....100%

Binding complete, DING Anomaly detected ]

[Analyzing data, solution found]

[Applying solution]

"Fairy what's going on with you?" Tobias asked in panick.

"No problems,just how lucky are you "

"What luck are you talking about, that was a freaking anomaly "

" Keep you pants together it's just that you are a very lucky person since in the whole world this is the only place that thing is found"

"What is to this thing supposed to be?"

"Actually it's a seedling that only grows in places with high spiritual energy, unlike your world where the spirit energy is just began to surge in the last 1000 years,the saturation is still low to support such natural treasure "

"Oh wow so that's what you mean,I got scared there I thought it was some kind of monster or beast sleeping "

As he heaved in relief his parents asked him why he brought them to the farm at this time of the day.

"Mama and papa why do you think Mr Muandu wanted to buy our land?"

"I think it is because we are in desperate need of money and we also begged him to help us"

"Mom our land apart from the 1 ha that bear some yeald every year the remaining piece is a waste land" he said

"Yeah that's true " his father added

"I think there must be something that attracted him to our land " Tobias said

This left the father and mother shocked , they wondered what good thing can attract a rich man from a family with several awakened people.


Let me tell you alittle about this world their planet is called the blue planet ,1000 or so years ago a cataclysm happened and spiritual energy surged back after a meteor shower this lead to the development of plants and animals . Evolution took place in plants and animals,the normal cats and dogs grew more three times their normal sizes and trees grew taller .In a nutshell the flora and fauna of that planet experienced different degrees of evolution and change some hills were flattened into plains and plains became hills and mountains.

As everything changed humans faced extinction but they were not forgotten they also experienced changes with some of them awakening their bloodlines and such this enabled them to conquer back most of the land as the planet also expanded. Humans cover at least a third of the planet, water covers about one fifth of the planet the remaining land is covered by monsters and beasts.

The humans are led by a human awakened who runs the human alliance where all human beings are under their care and protection.

The part of the planet covered by humans Is divided into 9 continents governed by 9 kings , every continent has 81 States governed by Statesmen , and they are ranked from 1 to 81, 81 being the weakest and 1 being the strongest.

Different talents were awakened by humans and this brought hope to everyone, if a family has an awakened their status will rise and they will be exempted from some of the taxes that normal people pay and the state also pays them a fee every year.
