
WORLDS FARMER: I farm every single day.

When he thought his life was over he was graced by the creator. Let's see where the MC leads us to.

Asher_7206 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

chapter 04. Missions

"Little fairy, where do I get the missions?"

"Say status and you will be able to see how to go about it."

" Thank you little fairy" I said to her. "status! " I said out loud. A semi transparent blue screen appeared with some writting on it.



Host:Tobias musto

Age: 23 years

Class: Farmer

Level: 0 (0/100 exp)

Farm level: 0 (1000 f.p)





1. find a farm to bond with the system

reward : full body health

2. plant the first crops on your farm

3. weed your plants


"Wow fairy this is great, I can now get my family out of this mess."

"Hey dumbo, wake up from your delusions without a farm how will I link it to the system" Little fairy reminded me.

I have to stop the sale of the farm, grabbing the wheels of my wheelchair I pushed harder to increase the speed. On reaching the main house door I see my siblings Romani and Billington huddled together crying. "hey what's the problem? ", I asked " Mr Muandu is bullying mom and dad " said Romani.

"Dad, mom don't sell the farm !", I shouted loudly

"Toby what are you doing outside right now, the doctor said you needed rest ", mama shouted as she came out of our little house.

"mom don't sell the farm, I will be just fine.", I said .

" But we need the money for your operation " she tried to reasone out with me.

"Mom don't worry about that I will be fine and you will see it. "

"Son I know you are feeling sorry for bringing this tragedy to us but we are a family and your well being is what we want. " Papa said to me as he came out of the house as Mr Muandu followed him.

" But Papa just believe me this once please do not sell the farm", I implored my father. He looked at me then at my mom as he thought on what to do.

"Mr Samwel what is this, do you want to change your mind we were about to reach an agreement, this money can help your son get his operation and also pay some of your debts. "

" Sir, after you take the land where will we plant food or even this season and the next will we have to come to your home for alms? " I asked him.

Mr Muandu looked at me with disdain " Young man what do you know, you caused your family pain, made an enemy with Japesa family and put your family into debt. "

"Yeah I know all that but that's between me and my family " I shouted at him.

"Mr Muandu I don't think I am going to sell the land anymore, " My father as he came and stood in front of us in a bid to protect us in case Mr Muandu got angry and ordered his bodyguard to attack us.

" Do you understand the implications of your words ,my master just sympathiesed with your family and one sentence from your cursed son and you change your mind." shouted the agitated bodyguard.

"Hey sir don't you dare call my son names" , shouted mom

" Mr Samwel if you change your about the sale you know where to find me, remember the deal I gave you will change. " He said as he walked off.

He was a proud man and his ego would not allow him to argue with us peasants ,but since he is a business man he was cunning and vengeful I was sure that was not the last of him.

'Sigh' breathing a sigh of relief as I saw him turn back and order his men to leave our home. "Papa and Mama thanks so much for believing in me , I will not let you down this time around," I said to my parents as I swore in my heart to do everything in my power to be filial to my parents .

my readers I apologize for taking long before updating the novel

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