

Transmigrated to another world, how will Nathan and Aiden, the twin duo, fend for themselves? Will they die at the hands of a beast, or will they fight their way to the top?

SageTheWise · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Persistent Duel

" Wow, that was such a seductive line, got me feeling something..."

" Don't you dare finish that line, you lustful asshole, Aiden!" Nathan interrupted.

" Fine whatever. But anyway what were you calling me for?" Aiden asked as tilted his head.

Nathan then tossed his sword back to its rightful owner, Raven. And Raven then tossed it to Aiden.

" A sword?" Aiden questioned as he looked at the blade that the reflection of sunlight cast upon.

" Now fight me with all you've got to offer without holding back anything. Think of this duel as a life and death scenario where it's kill or be killed, because of you don't I don't I'll bother teaching you a thing." Raven informed Aiden beforehand.

" Whatever you say, good-looking," Aiden said as he winked at Raven with a pleasant smirk. He then charged forward," Dont blame me if you get hurt, wouldn't wanna ruin a perfect face like yours!"

His first attack was far too expectable from just his characteristics alone, he would charge on swinging like a madman without using his head for a single second, and that was, without a doubt in mind, exactly what he did. He performed a barrage of heavy swings which Raven barely made an effort to dodge. To Aiden, it looked like Raven just flickering about with each attack he performed.

" Damnit! Why won't you get hit already?" Aiden questioned.

Yet another expectable outcome had emerged, he had run out of stamina, and Raven knew this for a fact as his breaths were more frequent, he abnormally panted loudly, his attacks were slower, and there was less weight put into his attacks.

" This is hard to watch," Nathan commented as he placed his palm on his forehead.

" As if you could do any better asshole!" Aiden snapped.

" Dont focus on swinging alone, relax your hands don't grip tightly, don't swing heavily, focus on swinging with accuracy, and speed rather than brute power, and instinct. Relax your entire body, and make one of your primary focuses be your footwork, don't forget your rotate with your hips, and as you swing add in slight weight bringing your body forward. Think of your blade as an extendable body part." Raven instructed.

"If you would go at least a bit slower then maybe I'd understand a single word you're saying."

" Maybe your body just can't process information properly." Nathan ridiculed Aiden.

" Motherfucker!" Aiden snapped as he turned over in Nathan's direction.

Bang! Raven extended the hilt, the opposite side of her spear where there was no blade, and swung it down onto Aiden's head, it was a direct somewhat messy hit.' She's going to make him lose brain cells when he's already limited on them. This has to be one of the worst things I've ever watched in the entirety of a lifetime. What makes it worst is that he won't even listen to any of her advice like the idiot he is.' Nathan thought disappointed in Aiden.

Raven then extended her spear back, tossed it into the air, and as it fell to her reach, she quickly grabbed it and thrust the hilt of it forward into Aiden's abdomen.

" Arghh!" Aiden groaned as he held his stomach. After holding his stomach for a short while, u is eyebrows furrowed, his teeth clenched against the lower and upper jaw, and each breath was intentionally louder," Damn it!"

" Listen to its words, Aiden, before we depart you need at least know the basics of the blade unless you want to die during the journey to Iraes." Raven consulted with him.?

" Fine," Aiden said silently as he turned away his gaze.

" Now go at me."

Aiden then charged forward, swinging aggressively yet more relaxed at Raven, as a result, his attacks were much faster, even faster than Nathan's. It wasn't just faster, but it still packed a lot of weight of strength behind it, just from this alone, Raven could tell that he was without a doubt, stronger than Nathan.

" Perhaps this weapon of choice doesn't match well with you. From a look alone, you're much physically stronger than your brother." Raven commented.

' Twin-To-Twin Transfusion Syndrome, it's where one twin gets a smaller share of the placenta than the other, I happen to be that twin, which is why Aiden has always been taller than me by two inches, and he's a bit stronger. We learned of this during our first check-up at the hospital, and that bastard Aiden was happy after hearing he was the stronger one. But of course, Raven wouldn't know of this. Just thinking of his reaction annoys me.' Nathan thought.

" Wait here, I will most certainly return fast," Raven said as she tailed away.

" You still haven't managed to get a hit in or make her block an attack?" Nathan said.

" What about you, you haven't accomplished that yet you're here boasting." Aiden talked back.

" You weren't here to see my duel with her so, of course, you would think that like the idiot you are." Nathan ridiculed him.

Raven then returned. Very noticeably, she held a somewhat fairly large sword, far larger than the one they held before, it was half the size of her body, yet she held it with ease." Here," she said to Aiden as she tossed it to the fall, as it went spinning to his direction, and stopped a bit before his legs.

Aiden then picked up the sword, he could have barely held it upright," Wow, this thing's huge, and heavy as a fact too. I think this will work well against those monsters that the old woman was talking about."

" You mean beasts, yes, it will work well against low-ranked beasts but high-ranking, advanced-rank, and even middle-rank would be a stretch." Raven then said to Aiden.

" Those things must be all over the world then," Aiden said.

" They're everywhere, as of recent years, they've been wiping out towns, and advanced and high-ranked monsters in numbers have been wiping cities. Humanity has been at war with them for centuries and is since the start now." Raven informed them.

' So we're going to be fighting monsters as Arcane knights, I look forward to it.' Nathan thought.