
World Travel Simulator System In Modern Society

Alister Wright was one day unexpectedly transmigrated into a world of modern fantasy. A world where people could use superpowers, like in those novels he used to read. But it wasn't a dream come true as one might expect it to be, it was a nightmare. In this new world, dimensional gates descended, and monsters waged war against the human race, To make matters worse, in such a dangerous world, Alister was transmigrated into the body of a nobody with no talents and supernatural powers. Not just a trash, but the trashiest of them all known to the world after breaking the world record of awakening a 0-star talent! Receiving the scorn and mockery of the world, it was a despairing situation for him. Nonetheless, he persevered and didn't give up. But when all hope was lost and there was no salvation in sight, A miracle happened and Alister finally awakened his golden finger. [The World Travel Simulator is online] "Finally!" The World Travel Simulator System, a cheat system that could simulate another real world, creating a temporary replica of everything like a mirror world where Alister could travel to and explore freely. It was like another life, and to top it all off, the greater his achievements in that world, the greater he would be scored by the simulator system. Kill some mobs, it was F- grade. But... Uncovering the mastermind or defeating the strongest, it was a guaranteed S-grade! Depending on his grade, he could inherit the power, talent, knowledge, and experience he had in the simulation. [If the host can get S-grade in the simulation world, it will become permanent and the host can transmigrate into that world by performing a full-dive realistic simulation but with the risk of true death.] "But what if I get another S-grade score in that world during the realistic simulation?" [After obtaining another S-grade simulation score, the host can obtain the ownership of that world and become a World God!] "WTF? ARE YOU SERIOUS?... This... This is... AWESOME!!!!" "Hahahaha" Alister laughed manically. "So what if you're the strongest? What if you can kill me? Heh! I'll keep on simulating. I'll keep on returning back until I defeat you!" "I will fight with you countless times in that simulation, know every future, and come back to kill you and give you the worst possible death... Mark my words... GOD!" A transmigrator, system user, and even a regressor. With those identities of his, Alister vowed to become the strongest! *** Join the discord server: https://discord.gg/BX9ZDY6mdT

ShadowKatake · แฟนตาซี
374 Chs

You Want To Amass An Army

[As you have expected, when Lynn and you wanted to leave the school, Mark and his goons stopped you at the school gate.]

[When you and Lynn arrived at the school gate, Mark sized up your appearances before saying, "You are the Sword Prodigy, right? Are you interested in becoming one of my subordinates?"]

[Not only you but Lynn was also shocked by Mark's words. After all, you had defeated Mark before and he was the first human flesh that Lynn had eaten so how could Lynn forget about him?]

[What surprised you two the most was that instead of preventing the two of you from going out, Mark had extended an olive branch to you and offered to let you become his subordinate.]

[As soon as Mark noticed your surprised look, Mark added, "Don't look at me like that. You might have been stronger than me and I wasn't worthy to make you my subordinate. But now, I am different. I am stronger than you!"]

[As if to prove his words, Mark forwarded his fists and it was covered with flames. "I, Fire Fist Mark, offer you to become my subordinate. As long as you are my subordinate, no one dares to offend you!"]

[When you and Lynn heard Mark's words, the two of you looked at each other incredulously. You and Lynn's thoughts seemed to resonate and in both of your minds, you were like: 'Does this idiot have screws loose on his head?']

[After all, let alone you, even Mark wasn't worthy to make Lynn his subordinate. If the unknown mastermind was excluded, you are undoubtedly the strongest and Lynn is the second strongest.]

[Yet Mark, who had recently awakened his superpower, is only at a mere F-rank Initial Stage. 'Junior, you dare?']

[Looking at Mark's confidence, you couldn't help but size up Mark and you were intrigued by his brain circuitry. Mark has the audacity to make you his subordinate, you wondered whether Mark was tired of living.]

[Not wanting to spend any time and effort with a worthless existence like Mark, you mobilized the air surrounding Mark but before you decided to kill him, a thought flashed in your mind.]

['Wouldn't it be better if I try a different route this time? Although Mark is weak, he is still a human awakener so he ought to have some worth. In this timeline, I can focus on learning the skills of my mind control superpower. It just so happens that I can use my mind control superpower to control the mind of Mark and make him my loyal subordinate.' You decided to take a different route this time and see if amassing an army under you would result in a different ending.]

[Not only can you acquire a bunch of toolmen to do your bidding, but you can also improve your mind control superpower. You can also test if doing this will bring new changes to your ending as well as determine whether new events will be encountered in the future. It was like killing three birds with one stone.]

[With that plan in mind, you no longer cared about Mark's opinion and directly used your mind control superpower to not only make Mark become your loyal subordinate but also Mark's subordinates.]

[Mark and his subordinates were several times weaker than you so they could easily be influenced by your mind control superpower. In an instant, Mark and his subordinates kneeled towards you.]

[In unison, Mark and his subordinates greeted, "Boss, we are all willing to die for your sake! Please make good use of us! Our purpose of existence is to become the boss' most useful tool!"]

[When Lynn witnessed all of this, she quipped, "I didn't know the Sword Prodigy is the hidden boss of our school. Boss, you are hiding too well!"]

[In response, you rolled your eyes and joked, "Even if I am the boss, you can also command them if you want. After all, you are the boss's wife."]

[After you and Lynn flirted with each other, you indifferently gazed at Mark and the others, "Take control of the entire school. If someone opposes you, you can kill them. But if there are any human awakeners such as yourself, don't act yet and report them to me beforehand."]

[Hearing your command, Mark and the others nodded, "Yes, boss!"]

[What you want is to amass an army of human awakeners at your beck and call. If not for the restriction of suppressing your achievements in this simulation and only daring to get an A-grade as your simulation score instead of an S-grade, you would have already planned to take over the world.]

[Of course, your plan for this simulation is to only improve your power and control over your mind control superpower. Aside from that, discovering the identity of the mastermind of the zombie virus is one of the agenda.]

[But you worried whether discovering the identity of the mastermind will provide you with enough achievements to get an S-rank simulation score. If that happened and you only managed to discover the identity of the mastermind and not his power or capabilities, you can only sigh of your outstanding excellence.]

[To be honest, you know that if it really was impossible for you to survive the simulation world in full-dive simulation, it wasn't that the system didn't give you any other options. It did give you two options which were to either enter the simulation world in full-dive simulation mode and conquer the simulation world to obtain that world's ownership.]

[Or, you can also choose to completely end the simulation and move on to another simulation. But the problem was, if you chose this option, it wasn't that you were too greedy to obtain a world for yourself and become an existence tantamount to a World God.]

[But, if you did that, Lynn would stay in the zombie world and you can no longer meet her again. You have already grown attached to Lynn and she also felt the same to you. It was impossible for you to wrong Lynn and abandon her.]

[With that in mind, you already know what option you will choose if ever you manage to get an S-grade simulation score.]

[Taking a glance at Lynn who was standing beside you, you sighed, 'I hope I won't get an S-grade as my simulation score in this simulation.']