
Realm of Dead

Freedom. He had finally achieved what he wanted. Delighted that he would not have any nightmares haunting anymore, Yuan's eyes teared up, as he passionately waited for darkness.

Darkness did not find its way towards him; rather it was light. His soul glimmered brightly as it flew off his body and headed towards the sunny sky.

However, it did not stop once it was out of the planet, rather it kept on heading somewhere deep inside the universe, a place of complete mystery. Finally, as it seemed to have completed its journey to go deep, it vanished from the face of the universe.

A wave of coldness washed over him as he opened his eyes. The world was gloom, and the pressure radiated on him was heavy.

"Where am I?" Yuan questioned as he found himself in a foreign world. As he glanced around, he said," I just want to die. Let me fulfil one thing at least."

"Whoa," he said as he looked down. He had no legs at all; all that remained was a piece of flapping white pieces of clothes. However, this got him more excited as he realised, he was no longer disable – he was flying.

Feeling delighted, he glanced around. It nearly killed him as he realised that he was probably in hell. There was ox, wolves and even dragons, who seemed to be freely roaming around the ghastly place.

As he turned his head around, he found people like him: without physical bodies. As he observed the few, someone a few meters away started to go through a rapid change. Their eyes turned red, and a horn started to slowly grow out of their forehead. A berserk roar leaked out which oozed out pressure greater than that of the

Witnessing the unthinkable, Yuan nearly blanked out. As his feelings were shrinking, he started to become deformed as well. Terrified to a certain degree, his face twisted to one of despair.


For the first time in his life, he asked for help. There was an innate feeling which said that he did not want to be one of the deformed creatures.

In response to his answer, a charming woman suddenly appeared in front of him and tapped his forehead.

"Next," she said as her beautiful crimson eyes left his.

Although he wanted to see them more, his body suddenly experienced a change, so did his surroundings. He was no longer deformed, nor was he scared. He felt calm as he saw his features.

"Land of Rebirth," said Eria as he saw a small board atop of a building. An apprehension hit him as he realised he was not in his previous world.

"Fool, I am overlord of Durden galaxy. Let me go back or I will let you know that this place won't be standing anymore," a voice came from the front.

Yuan looked ahead to see the gathering of many souls, but they were not that different from one another. It seemed that they were of the same race.

There was a giant, who stood tall at around twenty meters, listening to them revolting. He seemed quite annoyed as seen by the veins that popped out of his forehead.

As the voices continued saying, "Let me out, bitch," he seemed to have had enough as he raised his fist and slammed down hard. A sound of cracking rang out.

"Dumbass. How dare you try to defy the rule of Yama? There is no rebirth for you," the giant said.

Yuan was caught off guard by the sudden death of the souls. He could not help but wonder why the giant did not explain the rebirth part before striking. Perhaps life could have been saved.

Uncaring of people's feelings, the Giant said, "This is the Land of the Dead. A place where only the dead can walk, talk, and fell. Of course, this means that all of you are dead."

"Since all of you fuckers decided to die, it will probably take months for all you to get to the well of reincarnation. I might as pick the luckiest one among you and take you. Since we are taking about the luckiest, I will pick the unluckiest since I don't believe in luck."

Mutter full of curses flew out towards the Giant, with some saying that he was too unreasonable, and perhaps brain dead. It seemed that whoever put him in charge was too uncaring, and ruthless.

"You, come with me." The giant's finger pointed straight towards none other than Yuan.

His voice was quite sympathetic as he glanced at Yuan. His expression changed as he kept on glancing at Yuan, perhaps he was going through his memory on the spot.

Yuan walked behind the giant, and crossed through the gate, without speaking a word. He was more interested in the gate right now. It was kilometres apart and wide, specifically made for giant creatures.

"After you pass through here, you will meet Grandma elixir, a supreme being just below King Yama. Make sure you do not anger her subordinate… they are nastier than devils or demons. Ah, he is gone."

The giant was about to explain, but Yuan was teleported once he passed through the gate.

Name has been changed from Tong to Yuan.

As I continue this novel, please have a read at book 1 of Demon Slayer: book 1 -Relife at Amazon. Greatly appreciate if you would check it out

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