

A hot headed man in earlier 30's listens to no one more dominant than Alpha lion. Write his own destiny although don't have playful playboy image but surly have good share of women in his life. For him L is not for love but lust.

Royal blood run through his veins. A single signal is enough to change a lot of things.

Fashion king in the world but also leading India as a leader under the covers.

Khushi Kumari Gupta

A dumb girl a trauma took her voice. Too naive and innocent to be true in today's world. Treated worst than maids. Living a lonely life, find happiness in small things. She is her own best friend.

Lives with her adoptive parents Garima and Shashi Gupta.

Devyani Singh Raizada. Nani

Monohor and Manorama. Mama and mami.

Their son Akash Singh Raizada married to Payal Gupta.

Anjali Shyam Jha married to Shyam Jha and sister of Arnav.

Shyam Mohohar Jha Anjali's husband. Lives with Raizada.

Shashi Gupta works for mafia always wants to be near near Raizada's and got that chance when his daughter fell for Aakash Singh Raizada.

Garima Gupta a lady devil always run behind money. Greed flow in her blood.

Arnav Singh Raizada believer of lust a and pleasure of body for whom sex is the only way to relive his frustration and a escape from his vulnerable past. Having look of hot hunk with milky skin tone heart filled with darkness but his activity is more dark than his soul.

A girl living with a hope to find a hope in her merciful life only to get tied to the darkest soul she ever come across.

Destiny bound two people totally opposite to each one. One is as pure as new born baby while other can make drivel run for his life.

Let's see the beam of love spark between two or its a path of destruction.