

A girl in the bride attire is seen sitting at the centre of the bed her face is covered with a heavy veil. Her small and fair hand is adorned with a slave bracelet while her feet are feasting the bedspread. Her poster screams her nervousness whereas fear can be smelled in the air.

It's been hours since she is waiting for her groom to come but her wait didn't end so she drift off in a sitting position only.


A man is having rough sex with a girl who is enjoying his harsh ways on her body. After a while, he was done biting and bitewing her body left her on the bed and went to the bathroom to clean himself up.

After a while, he come back and saw that girl is still laying shamelessly on the bed. Seeing him coming back she gave him a seductive smile to which he rolled his eyes with an arrogant smirk.

He took out a bundle of 500 notes and throws on the bed.

"Take it and leave". Arrogantly he spoke.

"Baby let's do it again". Fluttering her lips she invited him.

"I don't have sex twice with the same girl just leave before I lost my mind". He said while wearing his blesser.

"Where Will I go at this time".

"Then pay the hotel's bill."

"I came here with you and now you are ditching me". She tries to trap him emotionally not knowing that the person don't have a heart.

"Your problem not mine. Leave or pay decision is yours."

"Such a heartless monster".

"You realised late. Now get lost."

The girl collected her clothes and left from their cruising him.

He also moves towards his house.


A dead silence welcomes him into his apartment just like his life darkness is spread like a blanket. Switching on the light of the living room he stepped into the kitchen in account to find something to eat. He find a bread packet but when he checked the date it had been expired three days ago. Then it hit him that it's been a while he had come here so to find edible is next to impossible.

Ordering a medium size pizza he went to fresh up wearing nightclothes he sat in the living room waiting for the meal. A bride of a few hours was long forgotten who was sleeping empty stomach. Receiving his order he ate and sleep in his room.

Early morning he got a call from his PA regarding a very important meeting in the UK, taking a quick shower he left locking the apartment.


She opens her eyes finding herself in a new surrounding frighten her a bit but her mind quickly recalls yesterday happening how she was married off to a man who is around 8 to 9 years elder to her it was not her choice wait... Did she even once get a chance to select something for herself? Now all she can wish is to get a peaceful life as love and respect is something on which she had lost hope long back now she wanted to be a person not noticed by anyone and live as a no one.

Once she use to proudly spell KHUSHI GUPTA but now only a handful of people know her as such for others she is an unnamed girl whom they can insult anyhow they want.

With great difficulty, she lifted her body dragging till the bathroom taking bath changed into oversize long t-shirt and male's shorts.

After checking all cabinets of the flat she finally got cleaning tools into a spare room and instantly start her routine which has been following since she lost her parents. Scrubbing the floors and dusting furniture she moped the whole area. Before afternoon she was out of task so she try to go out but find every door locked. The first thought that came to her mind was she lend in another hell from the previous one.

She pulled out bed-spreaders and curtains of the apartment as she has earlier seen enough detergent to wash a lot of clothes. Dissolving detergent into the water she run her hand in it making bubbles which brought a smile on her face taking some in palm rubbed it forming a big light rainbow bubble playing a bit with it she burst it with a slight push by finger. Giggling she repeated the same a few more times before concentrating back on the task at hand.

All the chores tried her like hell and on top of that not eating anything made her dozed off in the early hours of the evening.


Deal in the UK was grabbed by THE ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA. It took hours to complete the formalities till he was done his hormones drive was in full swing. It didn't take time for him to chose a model who was ready to sleep with him for the night.

It's his daily routine to share the bed with different girls although he never takes them to his house or falls asleep with them he is required to drain himself to sleep.

In the morning he got the call from his PA cum best friend aka AMAN MATHUR.

"Hello, Aman".

"Hello ASR. I called to inform you that I have drafted the quotation of the new deal".

"Good mail me the draft and don't hand it over to anyone till I come back".

"Don't you think we will not get enough time if we wait for you to return"? Hesitantly Aman spoke.

"Why?? I will be back by tomorrow night".

"Ohh I thought you will grab this chance as your honeymoon". He teased him.

'For me, every night is honeymoon night". Arnav replied in a playful tone.

"Are you seeing your wife like any other girl only. Why am I even asking when I know you see all girls with the same perspective except your sister". Chuckling Aman said.

'My wife!!" Arnav asked being confused.

"A night before you left for the UK you got married to Gupta's daughter." He said not believing that a person can forget own weeding.

"What the... it skipped out my mind. By the way where is she?"

"Weren't you celebrated your first night"?

"I did but not with the girl to whom I married".

'You are crazy and don't you know where you have taken her". With a laugh, he asked finding the whole situation funny.

"When I can forget the whole weeding drama than not remembering her whereabout is not a big thing."

'You took her at your Juhu penthouse ."

"I locked before I come here". The low was he said.

"Amazing just amazing". Aman taunted him.

"She must have gone to her parent's house as when I returned midnight she was not in the hall or in my room".

"She is not there today!! I meet Shashi Gupta and he didn't mention her staying there, he is a man who loves to show off and it is not possible for her to be there." Aman cleared the doubt that her being there.

"Went to meet one of the lovers of her what we can aspects from his daughter". Aman future added.

"I don't think so. Might be she assume another room as mine". Arnav voiced out his doubt.

"Come on ASR don't hope her being innocent and all. She is the daughter of the snake must show her genes. Don't you know about Payal".

"That's true as well leave it. It is not like I have to spend my whole life with her". Arnav dismissed the matter ignoring the pinch in his heart when Aman compare his wife to Payal.

Then discussed business for some time before dropping the call.


To be continued….