
Witches Vs Werewolves

"My sweetest little treasure, don't be naive, you are either damned or dead in here, so now be good and scream your loudest for me." Persephone [Psyche] Charming found herself sent away into a strange highschool for troubled teenagers after commiting a crime worthy of hell back home. Soon enough the Witch began to realize these troubled teenagers were more dangerous than the worst of criminals. Especially the Crescent brothers who were more monstrous than animals. °°° "No, whatever you're gonna say, no, not now, not ever. Also get out of my room you psychopath, you'll get blood all over my sheets…. Why is there blood all over you?" She could no longer control her urge and asked. He really looked like a mess. So much blood that Persephone felt it was his. His face had a tear, and his hair was just…. Well that hair was always looking messy. At her words that smirk died. Replaced with a lost look. "Hm, you're being nosy." He said, coolly. "....." Persephone deadpanned. "You broke into my ROOM." She couldn't help the incredulity that filled her voice as she said those words. The reddish eyelashes fluttered, and then slowly but surely the eyes were opened. It was worse than expected. His red eyes were bloodshot, hurt, so many emotions going in a long and horrible roller coaster.  Persephone always thought Caspian was a straightforward person. Everytime she met him, he would always say or do whatever came to his mind. He looked like he was mad at everything whenever he was around, because he couldn't be bothered to hide his emotions. This kind of open person, when they were hurt, it was too obvious for the world to see. Persephone's throat bobbed as she swallowed. She didn't know why she was aggrieved by the hurt in his eyes. Anytime they crossed parts one way or the other Caspian always threatened her. Seeing the cool smirk on his face all those times, Persephone hoped it would be knocked off his face, but literally seeing that arrogant look away from his face, Persephone's heart was pumping really fast. This time she couldn't control her brain from allowing her hand to reach out towards Caspian, her fingers sinking into the mop of hair for the first time. Despite the unsettlement she felt at his hurt, she couldn't help the wave of satisfaction and the tremors of shudders that traced up her spine as her fingers sank into his hair. It was so silky, as she imagined it would be, so soft, it would entice anyone to keep touching. She has fallen down the rabbit hole so it couldn't be helped as she combed her fingers through his hair softly, her skin enjoying the tickling and electric feeling of petting his hair. She stiffened when she heard his sigh. It was actually not a sigh…. If she heard it correctly it was a moan, a soft and gentle moan. Persephone felt something thick had obscured her throat from swallowing as she heard the sinfully soft moan. She peeked away from the hair to his face. His eyebrows dipped into a furrow but the curve and contort of his features couldn't be misunderstood….. This was a look of satisfaction. "What happened to you?" She sounded like she had choked out the words. The reply was a bit late but it came. "I shouldn't have come here." Seeing the way she was petting his hair, enjoying every minute of it, enjoying him enjoying every minute of it, she indeed concurred that he should not have come to her. But she said, "But you did." A hand descended on the back of her head. "Yeah, I did." [Mature Content] [Slow burn]

Merci_Douglas · แฟนตาซี
117 Chs

Chapter 3

"Perhaps I should rip out your oesophagus and feed it to your sister."

These words were spoken by someone I recognized— Sin Crescent.

Sin Crescent. He was an aesthetically pleasing boy with a rare kind of bronze-brown hair, green eyes that hid far too much inside a thin hue that gave off the feeling of those green eyes being a reflection from a bottle— In short it was marvelous to look at without a doubt.

At least that was how I remembered him when I met him yesterday.

The boy seated way too comfortably on a canteen chair, long taut legs spread out while his head was thrown one side as if he could not even be bothered to give a damn about anything. The atmosphere around him was unusually domineering yet unlike yesterday instead of aloof…. Mischievous.

His bronze-brown hair had suddenly turned dark red. The locks were mildly curly much like mine, but were far longer than yesterday, reaching down to his jaw, from my point of view making him look like a devilishly figure watching down at the clown in front of him.

It made me frown.

His eyebrows and surplus eyelashes were stained red like his hair. His face was symmetrically carved just like before, and built, taut and constructed with a hard day's labour at the gym.

What was harder to miss was two of the shining piercings above his eyebrow, the hoop piercing on his lower lip, and the scattered ones on both of his ears. A swirl of red and black ink was bathed on his neck, crawling onto the side of his jaw even. Fingers dotted with small tattoos, while the other one wrapped with a white piece of clothing.

I took note that he was wearing the uniform he wore yesterday, and also unusual black leather boots with skull decorations on it, as well as the iron necklace of half a moon.

I could perfectly see the majority of his face but until he threw his head back in what sounded like a sarcastic laugh I couldn't see his eyes.

My heart might have paused if only for half a second when my eyes jammed his incredibly dark red eyes. Reckon if it wasn't for the light which pierced his face thrown back, I would have mistaken those dark red eyes for black eyes.

Only when my fingers involuntarily folded into a fist did I realize that I had been sweating already.

Those eyes….. Were they contacts?

"Alpha, Alpha, please, it was a mistake," an irrevocably pathetic voice sobbed from the side.

Alpha? Was this some kind of shit title? What was with the title?

My eyes darted to the owner of the voice— Another boy across the table from Sin. He was a petite boy who looked like a dwarf near Sin. He had a mop of black hair, and a timid looking face, dark brown eyes glistened with tears staring at Sin's chest as if he was afraid to look at his eyes.

While the boy was staring at Sin's chest with his fingers twiddling along, Sin's red eyes were stagnant on him, his jaw tightly locked. It was irrefutable that his dangerously hard expression was reeking with an emotion I had always ran from…. Hate.

"A mistake…." His eyebrows both arched. "A mistake is fucking your girlfriend too hard, a mistake is accidentally choking on food, a mistake might even be banging your head too hard on this table, but screwing me over is never a mistake."


"Never a mistake, Emerson." His voice spontaneously turned denser, frightening for a moment.

I wasn't sure why I continued watching them, especially with how much it freaked me, standing there, but as I detached my eyes from them I saw that the majority of the people around were watching the scene.

They had several different expressions on their faces. Some had fear, some pity, and the majority was just…. Excitement.

Goosebumps rose from my body seeing the glee that filled their eyes.

"I should gut you like a pig, Emerson."

My eyes widened at the blatant threat that rolled out of his mouth far too comfortably for it not to be a common occurrence with him.

"My sister would fight back," Emerson said, this time his tone not filled with stuttering.

I could clearly see the tick of his jaw. Whatever mischievous gleam similar to the air of a king who was entertained by a lowly servant had long disappeared. It might have been my imagination but I saw his eyes became an impossibly darker shade of red.

Were those not contacts?

His lips tightened together, dark red eyes frighteningly cold yet fierce. That was when I heard something that nearly made me jolt back in fear…. A growl….. No no it was a growl…. A deep hoarse grumble that reverberated from his chest like some kind of animal.

What kind of phantom zone bizarreness was this? And this was coming from a witch.

Boom! The table flew through the air and landed away from the duo. Finally his stone cold expression broke when he huffed, breaking his eyes away from the Emerson boy for a moment before returning them back.

Emerson, as if knowing something dangerous was going to happen, was already backing away but his legs, which were trembling, seemed crippled by fear because he wasn't fast enough to not be caught by Sin.

"You think I wouldn't order my Beta to make a pyre and throw your bitch sister to roast in it?" Sin sneered, a spiteful feeling was etched in every word even from a bystander's point of view.

I saw his hand rising, I had a strong epiphany that was going to put his hand on the throat of the boy….. Without allowing my brain to think my fingers spread out as an illusionary hue stretched forward from them and caught a hold of Sin's rising hand.

He felt it, surely he felt the inability to move that hand anymore, and the coldness that engulfed it.

Registering my actions I quickly dropped my hands, and blinked knowing my eyes were glowing an eerie purple color. No longer feeling the coldness of magic gripping me I was assured my eyes were no longer glowing purple.

Sin's head whipped the moment he retrieved control of his hand again. His eyes were ransacking through everyone in the Canteen….. Suddenly those dark red eyes landed on me.

Shudder shot through my spine like lightning as my body stiffened. He bent his neck sideways like a small animal analyzing….. Prey.


No, no, he couldn't know it was magic could he? He couldn't know it was me?

It was when my eyes rose back at him that I noticed his presence right in front of me. I swallowed.

"What did you do?"

Shit, shit, he-he knew! He knew! How could he know? No! No!

A big hand caught onto my wrist. I shuddered again this time instead of fear was a tingling electric that slithered from his hand to my chest.

I wasn't sure if I was the only one who had felt such a strange sensation but from the hardness in his face I was assured that only I did.

I finally opened my mouth to speak. "Are you mental?"

From the slight twitch of his eye I could tell he did not expect that reply. "Unhand me," I spoke through gritted teeth.

Instead of unhanding me his grip on my wrist tightened. "Unhand you?" He repeated. "You fucking broom hopping bitch."

Startled by the retort was evident by the shock most likely on my face. This boy….

"Screw you, you maniac, let me go."

Another hand caught my wrist, this one was smaller. I turned my head to Stoner.

"Alpha Caspian, release her," There was a small shaking in her voice but her face was completely free of fear or any emotion at all.

There was a certain emotion of utmost seriousness that filled her eyes that I never guessed Stoner could express.

His eyes never left my face when he said. "Arabelle, you look well."

Stoner's hand tightened on my wrist, her eyelashes not even so much as twitching a little. It almost seemed as if she was scared to breathe. "I am." She muttered.

"Don't make me change that."

Something swelled in my chest at the open threat. This boy was certainly insane. How the hell did he get away with making threats like this?

"Alpha Caspian, she's protected by the one week rule, you cannot hurt her." Stoner responded, not even fazed by the threat thrown her way.

His grip loosened at the instant Stoner said that, but he still didn't let go completely.

I cut my eyes at him, my other hand balling tightly. "Let go of me," I grounded every word out, not afraid to silently use magic any moment now.

The chillness of magic was already rising from my core, ready to envelope me when his hand dropped from mine.

His peach colored lips tenderly hooked to the side as a vicious smirk— at least it was what it looked like to me. "Welcome to Nether Mount High, newbie."

Then he walked past me, making sure to roughly brush my shoulder even like the asshole he was.

Massaging my unhurt shoulder it began to dawn on me that there were certainly many things about Nether Mount High that I was not aware of.

"Are you okay?" Stoner asked with both hands on my shoulders.

As she questioned me and I nodded, realization fell upon me. Stoner never referred to him as Sin. She called him….
