
Wishful Love

17+ REQUIRED. THIS BOOK HAS SCENES OF VIOLENCE, INAPPROPRIATE LANGUAGE, DEATH, AND SEXUAL ENCOUNTERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED. The daughter of a multi-million dollar company chain was always going to be in the spotlight. Savannah Anderson, the only daughter to Zander Anderson lived a lavish life. Fast cars, fancy clothing and jewelry, all of it could go to her head if she let it. With great power, comes people who will do anything to get a taste of it. Unwilling to listen to her father when danger is near, he sets his sights out to get her to listen to his warnings. How will Savannah be able to handle having one man around her all of the time, every hour of the day? Not just any man, someone that she loathes and despises? Lucien Richardson, her father's top and personal bodyguard. Will she ignore the warning signs and push against him until the end, or fall into his arms?

DCVILLI · สมัยใหม่
5 Chs

There's Danger Here.

12:00 P.M (EST)

The morning had already gone by in the blink of an eye. Classes for the morning are already done, walking down the hallway with her friends as they chat about cliche college student things.

"I think we should go shopping after classes! Get the new line before everyone's getting it, you know?" Rae says, Savannah nodding in agreement with her.

Savannah had always enjoyed going shopping with her girlfriends, even if it meant spending a ton of money over it. It didn't really bother Savannah, as she was very well off thanks to her father. If she wasn't, then none of her life would be ultimately possible. The young woman was always grateful for the life she had, cherished it.

Katherine rolls her eyes, "Are you sure? You said that last time, and Jessica got to it before you. You had a whole fit." Savannah was looking between the two, all the while Lucien followed silently behind the three girls.

"Listen, she had her father get her in before us! I know we have connections, but she can't this time." Rae scoffs, wrapping her arm around Savannah. "We have the biggest model in New York with us, remember she modeled the line?"

Savannah confidently smiles, grinning with her pearly whites. "I for sure can get us there first, they wouldn't want their model to go without their clothing on to promote!" There's a little giggle following her words.

"That's right!" Rae pulls her closer by her shoulders, looking at Katherine. "She's super smart don't you think? Getting us in on all the high brands she models!"

Katherine nods, looking at Savannah with a smile. "I'm grateful, thanks for being a great friend ,Savannah."

Her words have her cheeks heating up, pulling her hands to cover the rushing red that covered her skin. "Guys.." Savannah giggles, waving one of her hands shyly. "You don't have to say all that! Savannah Anderson will always be the sunshine: You can count on it!"

Clay hums, crossing his arms over his chest. "I think they take advantage of your connection a bit too much, Sav." Savannah peers up at him, a little pout on her lips. "Oh come on now, I was joking!"

"Bad joke." Rae chuckles, squeezing Savannah's shoulder tightly in a hug. "She's just too nice, and plus we love her. We've all been friends since we were young!"

The group stop in the middle of the bottom floor of their college building, phones out conversing with one another. The group had planned to go out for lunch during their time off for their neck classes. Savannah eagerly listens to her friends, she sways back and forth with her hands behind her back. This was something they all had done together before, grabbing lunch and spending time together.

Savannah adored the time they got together, even if the media was always on their tails when they did. They all were children of celebrities, it was a daily event of their life. She had never minded the cameras either, being a model throughout the young parts of her life until now. Being a natural to the camera had the paparazzi wanting to catch her out more and more.

"Miss Anderson." Savannah's ears perk up, head turning quickly to her side to see Lucien. She pouts, crossing her arms over her chest.

He interrupted her little meeting with her friends, "What is it?" She says, trying her hardest to come off as intimidating. Clearly it doesn't work, Lucien's brown eyes holding their intense stare on her.

Lucien's hand extends to her, Savannah's eyes darting between his hand and his face. Owlish eyes staring up at him. "Your father has requested you be removed from the building immediately. There is an immediate threat, we must depart your friends."

Her eyes widen, eyebrows raising over her light green hues. "Huh?" Savannah starts, looking around her. There was a threat to her, yet everything seemed so peaceful. What was going on, she thought. "I don't want to leave, why do I have to leave? What's the threat?" Savannah whines, gesturing towards her friends who now were staring at the two of them bicker.

"I am not at liberty to tell you, this is your father's orders." His tone is dark, serious as it always had been. "Your father has instructed me to get to his location immediately, this is not up for any discussion."

Savannah groans, pouting up at Lucien. "Are you serious? Why can't dad just tell me this instead?!" She whines, looking back at her friends. "I have to go now, so stupid.." Mumbling under her breath, she begins to walk towards the front door.

Even with the large chatter of the room around them, Savannah's ears are still about to pick up Lucien's booming footsteps close behind her. She could never get rid of him it seemed, and there was no way her father was going to remove him at her request. There had never been a time she didn't like her bodyguards, until now.

"You made me leave my friends when we were gonna go to lunch!" Savannah continues to whine as they walk, opening the front door. "I really wanted to go to that new shop down the street.."

Lucien catches the door as it swings back, swiftly closing it behind him as they walk out of the building. "It is not my decision, I follow your father's orders Miss Anderson."

"Savannah! Please stop with the Miss Anderson, please!" She groans, looking back at him with a dagger shooting glance. "You never listen to me, I don't know why my dad wants me to be with you and not other people!"

Making their way to their car, the paparazzi stand outside. Cameras clicking, words being through in their direction. Savannah doesn't seem to mind the presence of them, continuing to hold her pouty look on her face.

He stays quiet, continuing to watch Savannah look back at him as they walk. "Your father hired me for a reason, that is all you need to know Miss Anderson. I am in charge of protecting you."

"I had four people doing it before you, I just don't get it.." Her hand whips back to the front, arms crossing over her chest. "At Least they wanted to be friends with me!"

"It is not a part of my job description to be your friend, Miss Anderson."

He had her wanting to rip her hair out. He was always so formal, so distant, so cold. Savannah just wanted to make him her friend, be able to bond with him somewhat. Having to be around him almost twenty four hours of the day wouldn't go well if they didn't like each other.

What made him so adamant on not being her friend? He had to be lonely, with the way he was. Always doing what he was told, always being so strict and precise. Like a lone wolf unable to bring himself to meet another wolf of his own status. Lucien was not far off in wealth from her, he was not too far off in status.

Savannah huffs, standing in front of their car. "It should be! How can we be together all the time if you don't want to be my friend?!" Her hands fall to her sides, turning back to look at him. "There's nothing wrong with me being friends with me! Everyone else is, everyone who worked in your spot did too you know!"

"I am not them." Lucien opens the door swiftly for her, looking at her with the same emotionless stare. "Please enter the vehicle with haste, Miss Anderson."

Savannah sighs, hopping into the car. She scoots to the other side, watching as Lucien gets in afterwards shutting the door. "I know you aren't.." She mumbles, crossing her arms once more as she sinks into the seat like a child. "You're always so bossy and serious.."