
Winter Days *12*

This one skips around POV style some so make sure you know what youre reading. Somene asked about this before so I thought I'd clear up some commonly asked questions:

1) Did [Name] lose her powers?

A: Why yes she did. No more powers for [Name], sorry.

2) Do you just randomly make up all your OCs?

A: Well sorta. I mean I created them all obviously, but all my OC s come from a different original story of mine. The TITANS come from an army like story Ive once written. The new characters (Jessica, Sammy, Riley, Wes, Ben, Ryan, Racer, Dhannon, Carly) all come from the same story too. I just picked my favorites.

Now the other OCs like Chantelle, Brooke, Alexandria and Kujaku belong to the contest winners from earlier. :)

Anyways Im done now. You can move onto the story haha!



Light flooded across the room and your face. You slowly opened your eyes and tried to get them to readjust. For a moment everything was peaceful. You had forgotten where you were and what had happened. Once you caught sight of Brooke straightening the soft, white curtains and Chantelle digging through your closet though a feeling of dread washed through you.

"You need to get up and get ready." Kujaku's voice said. She was standing by your bedside dressed in the same outfit as yesterday. You sat up and glanced down at your body. You were wearing the same clothes as yesterday and you weren't even under the covers. After Kujaku, Chantelle, Brooke, and Alexandria left though you resorted to lying on your bed in a heap.

"You have a busy day. Please hurry. We'll have your clothes set out for you." She sounded a tad bit stressed but wore a relaxed smile. You were ushered to the bathroom door. Once you stepped inside the door was shut behind you.

You took your time taking a hot shower and brushing your teeth. You didn't have a change of clothes in the bathroom though so you just walked out with a towel wrapped tightly around you.

"Finally." Brooke mumbled under her breath. Her, Chantelle, Kujaku, and now Alexandria rose from their seated positions and moved into action. You were ushered back into the bathroom to change, then after the four girls worked on your hair and makeup.

The final result left you in a daze. Your hair was pulled up from your face in an intricate style and your face was hidden under layers and layers of makeup that left you looking almost plastic like. The dress you wore was a willowy dress that stopped a bit above your knees. In other words you looked like Prince Rex's perfect bride. You could feel tears building up in your eyes, but you forced yourself to be strong and blinked them away. It would suck to have to sit there another hour for them to put more makeup on.

"Good luck [Name]." Alexandria whispered as the four girls ushered you out of the room. You turned back to look at them. They all looked nervous as they walked down the opposite direction down the hall.

"Wait where do I-"

"Good morning Mrs. Bryant."

You didn't turn at the name, but rather the voice that said it. The girl from the video with Xemnas stood behind you. She was probably a few inches over five foot but with the heels she was wearing she looked much taller. She was wearing a light blue, almost white, dress that clung to her petite form. Her heels were clear and looked like they were made from pure ice.

"Don't mind those four. They're just the help. My name is Dhannon Thompson. I'm head of the King's security force and I'll be in charge of protecting you and Rex as the two of you travel." She linked her arms through yours and began to lead you down the hall.

"Travel?" You asked glancing around to see if there were any possible escape routes.

"Why yes of course. All the Sectors want to catch a glimpse of their future queen. By making public appearances in Sector one all the cameras will be able to see you meaning all the other Sectors will see you as well." She explained with a peppy tone. Dhannon led you down the stairs towards the main foyer. As you got closer and closer to the bottom step you saw the Prince. He was standing between the rest of the security force. Rex was wearing khaki dress pants, black shoes, and a white button up shirt with a tie the same color as your dress. He saw you and smiled his to perfect, white grin.

"Why if it isn't my soon to be bride." He chuckled to himself darkly. You didn't even think before you acted. The moment your foot was off the stairs you tore yourself from Dhannon's grip, and broke into a sprint towards the open door. The sunlight hit your face and you didn't look back. Your dress billowed behind you as your ran. Thankfulness washed over you at the fact that you were wearing flats. A smile lit your face as you ran across the garden. You had no idea where you were running but anywhere was better than here. Your freedom was cut free when the Racer guy appeared in front of you, the one from the video with Rufus.

"Boo." He smirked. You skidded to a stop in from of him and turned around to run. You got a few more feet before he appeared in front of you again. This time you couldn't stop and you fell into his arms. He wrapped his arms around you and no matter how much you thrashed and wiggled you couldn't escape.

"Sorry babe. There's no out running me." He laughed. You fell limp in his grasp as he dragged you back to the castle foyer. Rex stood there with his arms crossed. He looked angry but when you caught his gaze he forced a smile on his face. Racer let go of you in front of him.

Your hair had fallen out of place and now a few strands hung down in your face. Rex uncrossed his arms and shook his head.

"See. This is going to be a problem [Name]." Rex sighed. "I can't have all of Passim seeing my bride run away from me like that. They need to see her smiling and happy! After all, you are marrying the most sought after bachelor on Passim."

He stepped closer to you and brushed the strands of hair away from your face softly. The contact made an unpleasant chill travel down your spine. Suddenly he grasped your chin tightly and glared at you.

"I want you to understand right now that you will be in high spirits. I want all of Passim to believe that we are the happiest couple alive. Act as if you were madly in love with me [Name]." He growled.

"Why should I?" You questioned bravely.

"Because if you don't..." He grinned darkly, "I'll have my friends kill every single one of your friends. You can be sure of that my dear bride to be."

Your eyes widened at his threat. You bit your lower lip in thought. "You don't even know who my friends are." You cried in defiance. You weren't sure if he did or not, but you prayed that he was bluffing.

"I know everything there is to know about you [Name]! You are a senior at Hollow Bastion High, you single handedly defeated Xemnas, recently helped get Rufus Shinra arrested, and i know you were once gifted with the ability to bend light, gaze, and travel." He listed off.

"That doesn't mean you know my friends." You shot back.

"I know all about Tifa, Xion, Yuffie, Kairi..." He thought for a minute, "The other girl that I almost married. The prego one. I also know about all your admirers. One in particular."

Your heart stopped. He knew about them. He them about them all. Rex knew about [BOC].

"What was his name again?" Rex pretended to be clueless, "Was it... [BOC]? I believe it was." He saw your shocked state and leaned closer. There was no space between him and you. Rex leaned towards your ear. As he spoke his lips brushed against the side of your face. "Just pretend like I'm [BOC]. Maybe it'll make it easier [Name]? You don't want him to get hurt do you?"