


I should have known that the peace i found in New York would not last long.

I should have suspected, should have guarded my heart. I should have known better. The universe had noticed that I was getting lax, and it had thrown a wrench into the wheels of my life.

"I'm so sorry, babes. I didn't want to do this, but I had no choice," Juliette said, her voice tight with tension.

I rubbed my eyes, feeling the weight of sleep still clinging to me. The morning light streamed through the window, casting long shadows across the room. 

Something was wrong, I knew instinctively, and the knot in my stomach tightened with fear.

I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. "It's alright. How bad is it?" My voice came out weaker than I intended, a thread of panic woven through it.

Juliette's call had been the one to wake me up today.