
Chapter 1256 was so shameless


She had been talking to Mrs. Smith the whole time and did not even call for help.

As she spoke, Jian Xiaomo glanced at the dense sweat on long chenjue's forehead and said, "did you walk very fast because you were worried about me? Look at the sweat on your forehead. "

Long chenjue nodded. "I thought something had happened to you. "

Jian Xiaomo smiled and took out a wet towel to wipe the sweat off long chenjue's forehead.

At this time, the housekeeper had already taken out the bottle opener and opened the wine. A burst of fragrant wine fragrance came over. Although Jian Xiaomo did not drink wine, she could still smell that it was good wine.

"Young Master Long, let me bring you to the bar. " As Mrs. Smith spoke, she leaned her body slightly and stretched out her hand. The waves in front of her chest seemed to almost burst out.

Jian Xiaomo blushed when she saw this. How could this woman be so shameless.

This woman was really shameless!

She saw a flash of disgust in long CHENJUE's eyes. Then, she saw long Chenjue take off his coat and put it on Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Smith was stunned at first Then, the surprise on her face was revealed.

Jian xiaomo looked at the smile on Mrs. Smith's face. Although she was warning him in her heart, she actually understood long Chenjue. Long Chenjue was just disgusted to see this woman wearing such a revealing dress, so he covered this woman with his clothes in disgust However, Jian Xiaomo still felt jealous.

At this moment, Mrs. Smith said, "Young Master Long, let me pour you some wine. "

"No need. I'll do it myself. " Long Chenjue's voice was still very indifferent. Then, he picked up the wine bottle and poured the wine for Mrs. Smith.

Jian Xiaomo inadvertently glanced at the two wine bottles and saw that there was white powder at the bottom of one of the wine glasses. There was no powder at the bottom of the other wine glass.

She could not help but look at long Chenjue in surprise. What was long Chenjue doing.

She looked at long Chenjue just like that. The expression on long Chenjue's face did not change at all. He calmly poured the white wine into the two wine glasses and shook the two wine glasses at the same time. Jian Xiaomo then watched helplessly Long Chenjue handed the glass of wine with the white powder at the bottom to Mrs. Smith.

Of course, the white powder had been melted by long Chenjue's shaking. It had completely merged with the wine.

No one could tell.

Mrs. Smith looked at long Chenjue with burning eyes. She took the glass of wine, put it to her nose and sniffed it. She couldn't help but sigh. "It smells so good. "

"Then let me toast to Mrs. Smith. " Long Chenjue had already picked up the glass in front of him and said expressionlessly.

"thank you, young master long. But don't you feel that we are not in the mood to drink like this? How about we have some fun to help the wine? " Mrs. Smith didn't look like she was drinking at all.

Jian Xiaomo was very curious. What was Mrs. Smith Thinking about this time.

"whatever, " Long Chenjue said in a light tone.

Mrs. Smith smiled and whispered a few words to the Butler beside her. The Butler soon walked out.

The few of them were waiting for Jian Xiaomo. Jian Xiaomo was also very curious. What kind of trick was Mrs. Smith Thinking about this time? She wanted to see what other tricks this woman had not used.

Jian Xiaomo had just finished drinking a mouthful of water when she heard the sound of footsteps coming from outside. It seemed that many people were walking toward her. She could not help but look toward the door.