
Why Did I Have To Be Uzumaki Naruto?!

An office worker with a love for all that is anime dies from choking on ramen. The ROB in charge of this universe finds this funny and decides to reincarnate him as Uzumaki Naruto because of his death. Asahi after choking to death finds himself in the nook of a tree when he wakes up. After picking 5 cheats including an enhanced Uzumaki Bloodline and the three Haki from ROB he laments his situation. Of all people to be reborn as, why on God's green earth did it have to be Naruto.

The_Square_Squad · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs

Ch 2 - Meeting the Hokage

After having another nervous breakdown I started to go through my mindscape.

I did a quick read of both the three hakis and elemental bending.

I can't practice anything except observation haki and maybe conqueror's haki without grabbing attention to myself.

The elemental bending involves a lot of meditation and connecting with the element as the first step so I suppose I could do that as well but elemental manipulation without hand signs would alert too many people.

The sealing arts symbol in my head I realized is basically a guidebook on how to do fuinjutsu.

After looking more into it I realized that it is mostly the basics and how to create my own instead of just giving me a bunch of seals.

There's also a lot about how to use and control my sealing chains.

The sensing ability I realized is also mind eye of the kagura and I was right about it evolving.

Apparently it can grant my dynamic senses for all the five basic and I can even slow down my perception of time if I focus hard enough.

I can even sense emotions but I will have to practice to differentiate the feelings.

I sit down and start to tie grass together to a large stick and then I put some berry at the end of it.

Hunting is also something I learned in the spy memories.

I also took some mud and covered my eyes.

If someone is watching me this is the best way to train my sensing and observation haki without seeming overly suspicious.

I focused on my sensing and there really is no one around.

I can't put it past them to avoid my senses but after getting kicked from the orphanage they could have lost track of me due to laziness or just incompetence.

I continued sensing and then I felt two people approaching.

One with very dull emotions and the other seemed angry or maybe sad I can't tell yet.

They don't approach me which means that both Danzo and Hiruzen are aware of what is happening.

I really hoped the Hokage would be the old grandpa he was depicted as in the show but it seems I was too optimistic.

Oh wait, I might have spoken to soon.

I had already caught a few fish when a much more powerful presence came within range and it seemed worried.

I had already washed my eyes after realizing I was being watched and looked at the old man about to steal my fish with a deadpan expression.

"Old man you can't just take my fish. I worked hard for that, dattebayo"

Damn that verbal tick.

Old Man: "But I'm just too hungry, can you spare this old man one of these fishes"

I got a tick mark on my head listing to this shameless old man.

"Fine but I want some compensation, 10,000 ryo per fish"

Old Man: "I'm just a poor old man how could I have such money"

"Well then teach me something useful, like a cool jutsu"

Old Man: "Well I might know a few from back in my youth"

I watched him do a few hand signs and poof he became a copy of me.

I tried the same but it didn't work.

I tried again but this time picturing the old man and circulating my chakra and poof there it was.

I looked down at the copy of myself who was eating the fish.

"Ah young people nowadays with no manners. Help this old man sit down I might just break my hip"

I put my hand on his head as I lowered myself and took the other fish.

We both untransformed and I started laughing when I saw him look at me incredulously.

"Haha you should see your face grandpa, hahaha you look so funny"

I could tell he was surprised and I also sensed a difference between our transformations.

Mine was physical and his was an illusion.

Must be the kyuubi chakra.

Old Man: "That was pretty good young man. By the way what are you doing out here in the forest"

"Well I was kicked out of the orphanage for being a demon and monster, whatever that's supposed to mean and so I came to live out here"

He looked a bit angry and sad from what my senses told me.

Old Man: "Well how about we go get you an apartment you can live in by yourself. I happened to be a very important person in the village"

"Old Man don't lie to me. How can an important person not afford food. You should come up with better lies"

He looked a bit embarrassed at that.

3rd Hokage: "Sorry kid let me reintroduce myself. My name is Sarutobi Hiruzen and I'm the third Hokage"

"Unbelievable, the Hokage scammed a kid out of his hard earned fish. If only I had another cool jutsu that I could be studying right now so I could forget such embarrassing information."

I side eyed him and curled my fingers and I could hear a faint chuckle from one of the anbu tailing us.

Without a word he showed me the substitution technique which I tried a few times until I got it.

"Wow grandpa your the Third Hokage. Such an important, upright, and respectable person. I'm Uzumaki Naruto"

I heard some more suppressed laughter and the old mans whole left side of his face was twitching at this point.

3rd: "*cough* *cough* Alright how about we go see about that apartment now."