
White-Robed Chief

Chu Li was a particle physicist until a freak accident took his life and transmigrated him to a parallel universe — one where he wakes up with inexplicable abilities and finds himself in the running for a job in the imperial palace. This is a story of heroic adventures, cunning strategies and romantic tales. How will our MC thrive in a world completely strange to him? Where will his ambitions and abilities take him in the palace?

Xiao Shu · แอคชั่น
1215 Chs


นักแปล: EndlessFantasy Translation บรรณาธิการ: EndlessFantasy Translation

"What should we do?" Guo Mulin asked frantically. "How did they find us?"

"They probably have a tracking master! Elder Zhao Qingshan, there's no point in hiding any longer. We'll have to face them straight up!" Chu Li said.

Zhao Qingshan furrowed his brows and looked at him. He then looked at Xiao Shi, "Lady, we shall distract them!"

"Mmm," Xiao Shi nodded lightly.

"Elder Guo Mulin, I shall leave this to you!" Zhao Qingshan said.

"Could you actually succeed for once? Make yourselves a bit more useful!" Guo Mulin scoffed. "You better not get distracted and leave us all to die in here!"

"As long as we distract them long enough, there's a chance of survival!" Zhao Qingshan said.

"Alright, alright. Do it quickly!" Guo Mulin waved off his hand.

Zhao Qingshan and the six other people flew out of the cave and rushed uphill. They did a long whistle on the top of the hill.

Chu Li looked in the Omniscient Mirror.