
Whispers of the Sporewood: The forbidden path

"Whispers of the Sporewood: The Forbidden Path" follows the journey of Oriana, a young wood elf druid who finds herself drawn to the forbidden secrets of the Circle of Spores. Despite being considered a child by her fellow wood elves, Oriana feels a restlessness stirring within her, a longing to explore the world beyond the boundaries of her woodland home and discover her true place.. When Oriana stumbles upon a mysterious tome hidden in the library of Whispering Oak Grove, she finds herself captivated by the forbidden knowledge contained within its pages. The tome reveals the secrets of fungal magic and the teachings of the Circle of Spores, a sect of druids shunned by their brethren for their unorthodox practices and dark powers. Driven by curiosity and a sense of destiny, Oriana sets out on a journey to uncover the truth behind the Circle of Spores and unlock the secrets of her own heritage. Along the way, she faces dangers both mundane and magical, from treacherous beasts lurking in the depths of the forest to the dark forces that seek to claim her newfound power for their own. "Whispers of the Sporewood: The Forbidden Path" is a tale of adventure, discovery, and the transformative power of forbidden knowledge. It is a story of one young druid's journey to find her place in the world and unlock the secrets of her own destiny, even if it means risking everything she holds dear.

Patricia_Alderson · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Encounters in Alderbrook

In the morning Oriana and Finley rose to the smell of freshly baked bread, the tavern they slept in had a nice breakfast made for the travellers, they had some bacon egg and freshly baked bread. While having their meal Oriana and Finley chatted about the journey towards the city, "How far is it to Alderbrook?" Oriana Asked. "About half a day's travel, so we should be there by noon," Finley replied. After finishing their breakfast Oriana and Finley headed back towards the carriage and departed towards Alderbrook city. The sun already casted a warm glow over the village they left behind and the road ahead. As they journeyed onward, they passed through rolling hills and lush meadows, the scenery changing with each mile they travelled. Along the way, they encountered other travellers and friendly villagers, exchanging greetings and sharing tales of their adventures on the road.

Oriana saw a river as they passed by and asked Finley to stop so she could have a look, she had a feeling her spirit animal, the otter, could be there. Finley guided the horse and carriage to a gentle stop by the riverbank, allowing Oriana to explore the area. As she stepped onto the soft grass, the sound of rushing water filled her ears, and she felt a sense of peace wash over her.

With a smile on her face, Oriana made her way to the edge of the river, her eyes scanning the clear waters for any sign of her spirit animal. She watched as the sunlight danced on the surface, casting shimmering reflections that sparkled like diamonds in the midday sun. Suddenly, a movement caught Oriana's eye, and she gasped in delight as she spotted a sleek figure darting through the water. It was an otter, gracefully swimming along the river, its playful antics bringing a sense of joy to Oriana's heart. Without hesitation, Oriana knelt down by the water's edge, reaching out a hand in silent greeting to the otter. To her surprise, the creature swam closer, its dark eyes meeting hers with a curious gaze. Oriana stroked the otter on its head, in that moment, Oriana felt a deep connection with the otter, a bond that was beyond words and barriers. As she watched the otter disappear into the depths of the river, Oriana felt a sense of gratitude wash over her. She knew that her spirit animal was always with her, guiding and protecting her on her journey through life.

Finley watched from a respectful distance as Oriana interacted with the otter, a soft smile playing on his lips. He could sense the depth of her connection with nature, and it filled him with a sense of admiration. When Oriana returned to the carriage, her heart light and her spirit renewed, Finley greeted her with a gentle smile. "That was quite a sight," he remarked, his voice tinged with reverence. "It's moments like these that remind us of the magic and beauty that surrounds us." Oriana nodded in agreement "Let's continue the journey," she said and Finley guided the horses back to the winding road. As they resumed their journey, Oriana and Finley rode in silence, each lost in their own thoughts as they rode the winding road towards Alderbrook City. The rhythmic clip-clop of the horses' hooves filled the air, accompanied by the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze.

Oriana couldn't shake the feeling of peace that had settled over her after her encounter with the otter. The memory of the creature's playful antics and the sense of connection she had felt lingered in her mind, filling her with a sense of gratitude for nature, but it also made her miss her home a bit. Beside her, Finley remained focused on the path ahead, his hands steady on the reins as he guided the horses with practised ease. Despite the weight of their journey and the challenges they had faced, he seemed unfazed, his confidence unwavering as they pressed on towards the city. As the sun rose higher in the sky, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor, Oriana found herself lost in the beauty of the landscape. The towering trees, their leaves bathed in golden light, seemed to whisper secrets of ages past, their ancient wisdom echoing through the air. In that moment, as she rode alongside Finley, surrounded by the untamed beauty of the wilderness, Oriana felt a sense of peace.

As noon approached, they caught sight of the towering spires of Alderbrook in the distance, the city's bustling streets beckoning them closer with the promise of new opportunities and adventures, and of course, another step closer to the Sporewood.

As they drew nearer to Alderbrook City, Oriana's eyes widened in wonder at the sight before her. The towering spires and bustling streets of the city stretched out before them, a maze of stone and steel that seemed to reach for the sky. Everywhere she looked, there were people hurrying about their business, the air filled with the sounds of laughter, chatter, and the occasional clang of metal. But amidst the hustle and bustle of city life, Oriana couldn't help but notice the stark absence of nature. Unlike the villages and towns they had passed through on their journey, where trees and greenery thrived alongside the buildings, Alderbrook City seemed devoid of any natural beauty. The streets were lined with buildings of stone and mortar, their imposing structures casting long shadows over the crowded roads.

For Oriana, who had spent her life surrounded by the tranquillity of the forest, the sight was both inspiring and unsettling. She couldn't shake the feeling of displacement that washed over her as they entered the city, the absence of trees and the presence of so much stone and concrete leaving her feeling strangely out of place. Beside her, Finley glanced at Oriana, sensing her unease. "It's quite the sight, isn't it?" he remarked, his voice filled with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. "Alderbrook City is like nothing you've ever seen before, but don't worry, you'll get used to it." Oriana nodded, her gaze still fixed on the sprawling cityscape before her. As they made their way through the crowded streets, she couldn't help but feel the longing for the natural world she had left behind. But she knew that their journey was far from over, and that they had come to Alderbrook City for a reason. Finley headed towards a row of houses, where he had to drop off the horse and carriage. Jumping down from the driver's seat, Finley secured the horse's reins to a nearby post, ensuring it would be safe while they conducted their business in the city. He then turned to Oriana with a reassuring smile. "We'll just be a moment," he said. "I need to drop off the horse and carriage, and then we can explore the city together." Oriana nodded in understanding, her eyes alive with curiosity as she took in the sights and sounds of the market row. "Sounds good," she replied, a hint of excitement in her voice. "I'm eager to see what the city has to offer." Finley went into a little house where he paid for the use of the horse and carriage as he came out he saw Oriana standing on the street, she looked lost and out of place. He walked towards her "Hey there," he said, reaching out to gently link his arm with hers. "You seem a bit lost in the hustle and bustle of the city. Don't worry, I've got you."

Oriana's tense expression softened at Finley's reassuring words, and she returned his smile with a grateful nod. "Thanks, Finley," she replied, leaning slightly into his side for support. "It's just... everything is so different here. I'm not used to being surrounded by so many people and buildings." Finley nodded understandingly, his grip on her arm comforting. "I know it can be overwhelming at first, but you'll get the hang of it," he reassured her. "And remember, I'm here with you every step of the way." Oriana smiled but she still looked nervous.

She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself amidst the unfamiliar sights and sounds of the bustling city. "Where should we go first?" she asked. Finley squeezed her arm gently, offering her an encouraging smile. "Let's start with something simple," he suggested. "How about we head to the marketplace? It's a good place to get a feel for the city, and you might find something interesting."

Oriana nodded, her curiosity piqued by the idea. "Alright, the marketplace it is." Together, they made their way to the market square, Finley guiding her with ease. As they walked, he pointed out various landmarks and interesting spots, sharing some information about the city.

"See that tower over there?" Finley said, gesturing to a tall, ornate structure. "That's the Clock Tower of Alderbrook. It's been standing for over three centuries and is one of the city's most famous landmarks." Oriana looked up at the tower, her eyes widening in awe. "It's beautiful," she murmured, momentarily forgetting her anxiety.

As they approached the market square, the air was filled with the lively chatter of vendors and shoppers, the aroma of freshly baked bread, exotic spices, and various street foods tempting their senses. Stalls lined the streets, displaying a dazzling array of goods, from handcrafted jewellery to colourful fabrics and fresh produce. Oriana's eyes lit up with wonder as she took in the bustling scene. "This is amazing," she said, her earlier apprehension melting away in the face of the marketplace's vibrant energy. "See? It's not so bad," Finley said with a wink. "Let's explore a bit. Maybe we can find something special for our journey ahead." While they went from stall to stall to look for some supplies for their journey ahead they came across a stall filled with flasks and bottles, a big sign saying "Discounted potions" hung above it. Behind the stall was a little goblin, his snarky, high pitched voice shouting "Pick your luck with these potions, neither tried nor tested." Finley chuckled, nudging Oriana gently. "What do you think? Should we take a chance?" Oriana eyed the goblin and his wares warily but couldn't help but feel intrigued. "It's tempting," she admitted. "We could always use potions, but 'neither tried nor tested' sounds...risky." The goblin's sharp ears picked up their conversation, and he leaned forward with a sly grin. "Ah, but that's the thrill of it, isn't it? You might find a potion that'll give you incredible strength, or perhaps one that'll make you invisible! You'll never know until you try." Finley's curiosity got the better of him. He stepped closer, examining the array of bottles. "What do you have here, exactly?" The goblin rubbed his hands together, eager to make a sale. "Oh, a little bit of everything! Healing potions, strength potions, speed potions...and some more, uh, unconventional ones." He picked up a bright green flask with a questionable glow. "This one, for instance, is supposed to enhance your senses." Oriana tilted her head, intrigued despite her better judgement. "How much are you selling them for?" The goblin's grin widened. "For a lovely duo like yourselves, only five gold coins per potion! A bargain, really." Finley looked at Oriana, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "What do you say? Should we try our luck?" Oriana hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Alright, let's do it. But let's not go overboard." Finley handed the goblin ten gold coins, and they each chose a potion from the assortment. Oriana picked a sleek, silver flask that seemed to hum with a soft energy, while Finley opted for a deep blue bottle with a faint, swirling mist inside. "Excellent choices!" the goblin cackled. "May luck be on your side!" As they walked away from the stall, Oriana turned to Finley, a mixture of excitement and apprehension in her eyes. "I hope these turn out to be useful." Finley smiled, tucking his potion safely into his pack. "We'll find out soon enough. And if nothing else, it'll make for a good story.

All of a sudden, there was a ruckus on the other side of the market square. Shouts and the clanging of weapons filled the air as a small female gnome barbarian caused an uproar, fighting off several city guards. Curious and concerned, Finley and Oriana made their way through the crowd to investigate. As they approached the scene, Finley squinted at the figure causing the commotion. Recognition dawned on his face, and he quickly turned to Oriana. "I know her!" he exclaimed. "That's Thistle Bramblebark!"

Thistle Bramblebark was a fierce and tenacious gnome barbarian known for her explosive temper and unmatched strength, despite her small stature. Her wild red hair and piercing green eyes were unmistakable.

A section of the market square was in chaos. Stalls were overturned, goods were scattered, and people were shouting and scrambling to get out of the way. In the centre of it all, Thistle stood her ground, swinging a massive axe with surprising ease, fending off the guards who were trying to subdue her. Her face was a mask of fury, and her small frame seemed to radiate an intimidating aura of power. 

Finley quickly grabbed Oriana's arm and pulled her closer to the action. "We need to help her," he said urgently. "She's a friend from my adventuring days."

Oriana nodded, her eyes scanning the scene for an opening. "What's the plan?" she asked, readying her scythe.

"First, we need to calm her down," Finley replied. "She's probably in a rage and won't recognize us at first. I'll try to talk to her while you keep the guards at bay." As they moved closer, Finley called out to Thistle. "Thistle! It's me, Finley! Calm down, we're here to help!" Thistle's wild eyes flickered towards Finley, a moment of recognition breaking through her rage. "Finley?" she growled, her grip on the axe loosening slightly.

Oriana stepped forward, using her druidic magic to create a barrier of entangling vines between Thistle and the guards. "We don't want any trouble," she called out to the guards. "Just give us a moment to talk to her." The guards hesitated, wary of the growing vines and the fierce gnome. One of the guards, a burly man with a stern expression, shouted, "This gnome attacked a merchant! She needs to be brought to justice!" Finley stepped in front of Thistle, raising his hands in a calming gesture. "There must be a misunderstanding," he said diplomatically. "Let us speak to her and sort this out."

Thistle, still breathing heavily from the fight, looked around at the chaos she had caused. "I didn't attack anyone," she said, her voice calmer but still edged with anger. "That merchant tried to cheat me, and when I called him out, he accused me of stealing and set the guards on me!" Finley nodded, understanding her frustration. "Let's go somewhere quieter and sort this out," he suggested. "We'll get to the bottom of this, I promise." With Oriana's barrier holding the guards at bay and Finley's calming presence, Thistle finally lowered her axe. The tension in the market square began to dissipate as the onlookers relaxed, curious to see how the situation would resolve.

After some negotiation and explaining, Finley managed to convince the guards to let them take Thistle to a nearby tavern to discuss the matter further. The guards, seeing the crowd's growing impatience and sensing that Finley and Oriana might actually be able to resolve the situation peacefully, reluctantly agreed. In the tavern, over a round of drinks, Thistle recounted her side of the story in more detail. With Finley's charm and Oriana's calming influence, they were able to mediate between Thistle and the merchant, ultimately clearing up the misunderstanding. As they prepared to leave, Thistle grinned at Finley and Oriana. "Thanks for stepping in," she said. "I owe you one. If you ever need a barbarian on your side, just call." Finley smiled, clapping her on the back. "Glad to see you haven't changed, Thistle. We're actually heading to the Sporewood and could use an extra pair of hands. What do you say?" Thistle's eyes lit up with excitement. "Count me in!" she exclaimed.

The three walked through the city, weaving through the busy streets of Alderbrook, until they came across a blacksmith. The sound of hammer striking anvil echoed through the air, and the scent of hot metal and burning coal filled their nostrils. "Let's see if we can find anything useful here," Finley suggested, leading the way.

The blacksmith's shop was an impressive sight. The front was open to the street, revealing a large, muscular dwarf hammering away at a piece of glowing metal. His arms were thick with muscle, and his beard was signed at the tips from years of working so close to the forge. Various weapons and tools were displayed on racks and tables, ranging from simple knives to elaborate swords and axes."Good day to you," Finley called out over the noise of a clattering hammer. "We're looking for some supplies for our journey. Got anything special today?" The blacksmith paused his work, wiping sweat from his brow as he turned to greet them. "Aye, plenty of fine wares here," he rumbled, his voice like gravel. "What are you in need of?" Oriana glanced around, her eyes catching on a beautifully crafted scythe hanging on the wall. It was polished to a gleam, with intricate carvings along the handle. "That scythe," she said, pointing. "May I take a closer look?"

The blacksmith nodded, reaching up to take it down. He handed it to Oriana with a proud smile. "One of my finest pieces. Strong, balanced, and with a sharp edge that'll cut through just about anything." Oriana tested the weight and balance of the scythe, giving it an experimental swing. It felt perfect in her hands, like an extension of herself. "I'll take it," she said, satisfied.

Finley, meanwhile, was examining a rapier. "This looks well-made," he remarked, picking it up and testing its balance. "I'll take this."

Thistle, ever the warrior, was drawn to the more formidable weapons. Her eyes sparkled as she admired a hefty battle axe with a wickedly sharp blade. "Now this," she said, hefting the axe with ease, "is a weapon worthy of a barbarian. I'll take it."

The blacksmith's grin widened at Finley's suggestion. He took a moment to inspect their old weapons, running his calloused fingers over the blades and handles, evaluating their condition and craftsmanship.

"Hmm," the blacksmith mused, examining Oriana's old scythe, Finley's worn rapier, and Thistle's battle-worn axe. "These have seen some good use, but they're still in decent shape." He looked up at Finley, stroking his singed beard thoughtfully. "I'll tell you what. I'll give you ten gold for the scythe, five for the rapier, and ten for the axe. That'll bring your total down to thirty-five gold for the new weapons. Deal?" Finley glanced at Oriana and Thistle, both of whom nodded in agreement. "Deal," he said, shaking the blacksmith's hand firmly. The blacksmith took their old weapons and handed over the new ones. Oriana admired her sleek new scythe, feeling the balance and craftsmanship in her hands. Finley tested the weight of his new rapier, and Thistle hefted her new battle axe, a fierce grin spreading across her face. "Thank you," Finley said as he handed over the remaining gold. "These will definitely come in handy."

"Aye," the blacksmith replied with a nod. "Safe travels, and may your blades stay sharp."

As they continued their exploration, the sun began to dip towards the horizon, casting a warm golden light over the city. They decided to find a place to rest for the night and stumbled upon a cosy inn tucked away in a quiet corner of the city. The innkeeper, a friendly half-elf woman, welcomed them warmly and showed them to their rooms.

After a hearty dinner in the inn's common room, the trio sat by the fire, sharing stories of their past adventures. Thistle regaled them with tales of her exploits, each more outrageous than the last, while Finley shared anecdotes from his travels with various adventuring parties. Oriana listened with rapt attention, feeling a sense of brotherhood with her new companions. As the night wore on and the fire burned low, they retired to their rooms, having some rest before they needed to plan out the next step of their journey.

As the sun rose and the roosters announced the morning Oriana was already downstairs in the inn, having her breakfast as Finley and Thistle made their appearance. "You don't sleep much do you?" Finley asked Oriana as he sat down at the table. "I don't need much sleep, perks of being an elf I guess" Oriana replied. "I on the other hand feel like I could sleep for days" Thistle replied as she was devouring her eggs and bacon. Oriana was amazed how someone so small could eat so much, but she cast the thought aside and focused on the journey ahead. She revealed the sporewood map, Thistle crawled over the table and sat next to Oriana, her eyes in amazement as the sporewood themselves seemed to be alive on the map. Finley leaned in, studying the animated sporewood that seemed to shift and glow on the parchment. "No wonder it's been so difficult to navigate the Sporewood."

Oriana nodded, tracing her finger along their intended path. "The Sporewood is a living entity, constantly changing. This map is enchanted to reflect those changes, but it means we'll need to be vigilant." Thistle looked up, her expression serious. "So what's our plan?" "We'll follow this path," Finley said, pointing to a winding trail that led past several small villages, they would have to travel over the mountains. "It seems like a long way from here" Oriana sighed. "But now if we go through this place" Thistle said as she pointed on the map indicating a small, glowing grove on the map. "This is a shortcut isn't it, it will get us to the mountain pass faster." she spoke with excitement in her tone. Oriana frowned and wondered why Finley didn't suggest it, she looked at him "Well?" she asked. Finley cleared his throat "that's the Whispering Glade" he spoke with a tremor in his voice "It's said to be the home of many malevolent spirits, people who travel through it are never seen again".

Thistle's excitement faltered for a moment, replaced by a glint of concern. "Malevolent spirits, huh? Sounds like we'll need more than just our weapons and wits." Finley nodded, his expression serious. "The Whispering Glade is notorious for a reason. The spirits there are said to be restless and powerful. It's not just a shortcut; it's a gamble." Oriana looked between the two, weighing their options. "So, we have a choice. We take the longer, safer route through the villages and over the mountains, or we risk the Whispering Glade to reach the mountain pass faster." Thistle shrugged, her determination returning. "I say we go through the Glade. If we're cautious and stick together, we can handle whatever comes our way. Plus, if we succeed, we'll save a lot of time."

Finley sighed, knowing the decision was a significant one. "It's a dangerous path, but Thistle has a point. The sooner we get to the mountains, the better our chances of reaching the Sporewood before winter sets in."

Oriana took a deep breath. "Alright. We'll take the Whispering Glade. But we need to be prepared for anything. We should gather any supplies and information that might help us before we enter." Thistle grinned, her enthusiasm clearly shown on her face. "Great! Let's stock up and get going. The sooner we face those spirits, the sooner we can move on."

With their plan set, the trio finished their breakfast quickly. They spent the rest of the morning gathering supplies in Alderbrook. Finley sought out a local sage who provided them with charms and herbs said to ward off malevolent spirits. Oriana procured extra provisions, ensuring they had enough food and water for the journey through the Glade and beyond. Thistle, always practical, made sure they were equipped with plenty of rope, lanterns, and other tools they might need for navigating the dense forest and potential hazards. As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows over the city, the three companions met at the edge of Alderbrook, ready to embark on their perilous journey. The Whispering Glade awaited them, its secrets and dangers looming just beyond the horizon. Finley adjusted his pack and looked at Oriana and Thistle. "Remember, we stay together no matter what. The Glade will try to separate us, confuse us. We can't let it." Oriana nodded, her face set with determination. "Thank you both for your help and agreed. We're stronger together, I couldn't do this without either of you" Thistle hefted her axe onto her shoulder, her eyes gleaming with excitement and resolve. "You're more than welcome, I've not seen action in a while, let's do this."

With one last look at the busy city behind them, the trio stepped onto the path that would lead them into the heart of the Whispering Glade.