
Whispers of the Sporewood: The forbidden path

"Whispers of the Sporewood: The Forbidden Path" follows the journey of Oriana, a young wood elf druid who finds herself drawn to the forbidden secrets of the Circle of Spores. Despite being considered a child by her fellow wood elves, Oriana feels a restlessness stirring within her, a longing to explore the world beyond the boundaries of her woodland home and discover her true place.. When Oriana stumbles upon a mysterious tome hidden in the library of Whispering Oak Grove, she finds herself captivated by the forbidden knowledge contained within its pages. The tome reveals the secrets of fungal magic and the teachings of the Circle of Spores, a sect of druids shunned by their brethren for their unorthodox practices and dark powers. Driven by curiosity and a sense of destiny, Oriana sets out on a journey to uncover the truth behind the Circle of Spores and unlock the secrets of her own heritage. Along the way, she faces dangers both mundane and magical, from treacherous beasts lurking in the depths of the forest to the dark forces that seek to claim her newfound power for their own. "Whispers of the Sporewood: The Forbidden Path" is a tale of adventure, discovery, and the transformative power of forbidden knowledge. It is a story of one young druid's journey to find her place in the world and unlock the secrets of her own destiny, even if it means risking everything she holds dear.

Patricia_Alderson · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Bandits and ballads

After a full day's rest Oriana and Finley sat in the tavern with a drink and a nice meal which consisted of a freshly baked bread and some nice stew filled with succulent meats and vegetables. The rest combined with their meal gave them the energy they needed after their journey through the catacombs.

After their meal it was time to plan the journey ahead. "Show me the map" Finley said to Oriana "I probably know a bit more about where to go seeing as you have never been anywhere before" as he said that he gave her a wink.

Oriana rolled her eyes, his confidence did make her smile but at the same time she couldn't help but to get a little annoyed with it. She unfurled the scroll containing the map of Sporewood and spread it out on the table between them. The parchment was worn and weathered, its surface marked with ancient symbols and intricate lines portraying the layout of the forest.

"Alright, let's see what we're dealing with here," Finley said, leaning in closer to examine the map. His eyes traced the winding paths and hidden clearings, searching for any clues that might guide them on their journey. "Well I can tell you where we are," he said and then he pointed to the place on the map of the village they were in.

As Finley pointed out their current location on the map, Oriana nodded in appreciation, acknowledging his familiarity with the region. She observed the map intently, taking note of the various landmarks and features that dotted the landscape. Oriana realised they had a long journey ahead of them, she sighed at the thought of what laid ahead.

"Well at least we have your horse and carriage right?" she asked Finley to which he replied "Only till the city, I'd have to return it to my boss, together with some of the gold I made on my journey".

Finley's response brought a hint of disappointment to Oriana's face. The prospect of parting ways with their means of transportation sooner than expected added another layer of complexity to their journey. However, she understood the necessity of returning the horse and carriage, as well as the financial obligations tied to it.

"Yeah, I suppose we'll have to make the most of it while we can," Oriana replied. "We'll just have to rely on our own two feet once we reach the city."

Finley nodded in agreement, but he could tell by the look on Oriana's face she was slightly disappointed. "Time to head towards the city then, at least that would take us in the right direction, I just have to do one last job in the village before it" Finley said. Oriana was confused by what job he meant, but she decided not to ask questions, after all it wasn't her place to pry. "Alright, let's head towards the city," Oriana agreed. "We'll make the most of our time there and ensure we're fully prepared for the journey ahead." They walked out of the tavern, towards the carriage. As they walked Oriana looked around her as she admired the peaceful village. As they approached the carriage, Oriana's thoughts drifted back to the artefact they had retrieved for the sisters. Doubt gnawed at her mind, overshadowing the serenity of the peaceful village surroundings. She couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered within her, questioning whether they had made the right decision by handing over the artefact. Finley noticed Oriana was deep in thought and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Are you alright?" he asked, with concern in his voice. Oriana forced a small smile. "I'm just... thinking," she replied hesitantly. "About the artefact, and what we've gotten ourselves into." Finley nodded understandingly, his gaze softening with empathy. "I understand. But we made a deal, and we'll honour it," he reassured her. "Besides, we don't know what the sisters intend to do with it. Let's focus on our journey ahead and deal with any challenges as they come." Oriana nodded, grateful for Finley's reassurance. Despite her lingering doubts, she knew they had to press on and confront whatever obstacles lay in their path. With a renewed sense of determination, she climbed into the carriage beside Finley, ready to face whatever awaited them in the city and beyond.

They rode out of the village towards the sun, as they left the village Oriana noticed a sign saying "Windsor's rest" and "Alderbrook" in the same direction. "So which one are we going to?" she asked Finley. "I've got a job to do at Windsor's rest, it's just a one night show, but after that we're going to Alderbrook city, it's a big city so you might feel a bit out of place." "Windsor's Rest it is then," Oriana replied, nodding in understanding. "I'm sure we can make the most of our time there before continuing on to Alderbrook City. Besides, a one-night show sounds like it could be interesting." Oriana and Finley travelled along winding dirt roads, as it got dark it was time for them to rest for the day, Finley pulled the carriage over. "Time to set camp here" he said "just wait till you see what I've got in store". Finley's words piqued Oriana's curiosity. She watched with interest as Finley began to cast a spell, his movements fluid and practised. Soon, a shimmering dome of magical energy materialised around them, creating a cosy shelter against the elements. "Wow, impressive!" Oriana exclaimed, marvelling at the enchanted barrier. "I've never seen magic like this before." Finley grinned proudly, pleased with Oriana's reaction. "It's a handy little trick I picked up along the way," he explained. "Should keep us safe and comfortable for the night." With their magical shelter in place they sat down together to look at the starlit sky.

As they talked and shared stories, Oriana explained her training within the Circle of the Land, where she had learned the ancient ways of druidic magic. She spoke of her connection to the natural world and her studies under the guidance of wise druids who taught her to commune with the spirits of the land.

Finley listened intently, fascinated by Oriana's affinity for nature magic. He shared his own experiences with different schools of magic, recounting how he had encountered druids during his travels and had always admired their deep connection to the natural world.

As they grew tired it was time for them to sleep, Oriana was happily sleeping on the floor, this way she was connected with nature, Finley however rolled out a sleeping bag and laid in there.

As the sun rose early next morning Oriana was already awake, listening to the songs of the birds around them, she sat down, meditating on nature, asking the land for her guidance and strength. Finley woke up and watched her meditate for a moment, before he laid his hand on her shoulder he then whispered "We should get going if we want to make it to Windsor's rest today". 

Finley's gentle interruption broke Oriana's meditative focus, but his words carried a sense of urgency that prompted her to open her eyes and nod in acknowledgment. With a deep breath, she rises from her meditation posture and turns to face him. "Of course," she replied softly, her voice still carrying the calmness of her meditation. "Let's pack up and continue our journey. The sooner we arrive, the sooner we can prepare for your show." With that, Oriana and Finley began to gather their belongings.

They travelled for a few hours but then out of nowhere they heard a distress cry in the distance. Curiosity piqued by the distant cry, Oriana and Finley exchange a quick glance before guiding their horse and carriage in the direction of the sound. As they draw closer, the urgency in the cries becomes more evident, spurring them to quicken their pace.

Eventually, they come upon a clearing where they find a small group of travellers, huddled together with looks of fear and desperation on their faces. Among them, a young woman kneels on the ground, clutching her ankle in pain. "What happened here?" Oriana asks, concern etched into her features as she approaches the group. The young woman looks up, relief evident in her eyes at the sight of potential help. "We were ambushed by bandits," she explains, her voice trembling. "They came out of nowhere and attacked us. My ankle, I think it's sprained." Finley steps forward, his expression determined. "We'll help you," he says firmly. "Let me take a look at that ankle." With a soft incantation, Finley channelled his magical energy into the young woman's injured ankle. A gentle glow surrounded his hands as he laid them upon her, and a soothing warmth spread through her ankle. As the spell took effect, the pain in the woman's ankle began to subside, and she let out a relieved sigh. "Thank you," she murmured gratefully, testing her weight on the mended limb. Finley offered her a reassuring smile. "Take it easy for a while," he advised. "Your ankle should be much better now, but it's best not to push it too soon." Oriana nodded in agreement, casting a wary gaze around the clearing. "We should keep moving," she suggested. "Bandits could still be lurking nearby, and we don't want to risk another attack."

The travellers gave Oriana and Finley their gratitude and then went on to their journey, parting ways Oriana and Finley turned to get back to the road they were on before.

As Oriana and Finley continued along the road, their senses on high alert after being told about bandits in the area, they suddenly found themselves surrounded by a group of masked figures emerging from the shadows of the trees. "Looks like we've got some more trouble," Finley muttered under his breath, his hand instinctively moving to the hilt of his rapier. Oriana moved her hand behind her, grabbing her scythe, her eyes sharp and focused. "We won't let them take us by surprise," she declared.

Finley grinned "We've been through worse, I'm sure we can handle a few bandits". Oriana nodded in agreement, then from the treeline a voice could be heard "Throw all your belongings in front of the carriage, no one has to be harmed here" the voice had a rough, almost hoarse like tone to it. Finley's grin widened at the bandit's demand. "I don't think that's going to happen," he called back, his tone laced with defiance.

Oriana tightened the on her scythe as she scanned the treeline for any signs of movement. "We won't surrender to thieves," she declared. As the tension in the air thickened, Finley and Oriana braced themselves for the upcoming fight. They knew they were outnumbered, but they refused to back down, their determination to protect what was theirs unwavering.

Suddenly, with a swift movement, the bandits emerged from the trees, brandishing weapons and wearing grim expressions. Finley and Oriana jumped off the carriage, their weapons at the ready as they prepared to face their adversaries head-on. The bandits hesitated for a moment, sizing up Finley and Oriana before launching their attack. With a fierce battle cry, they charged forward, their weapons glinting in the sunlight. Finley intercepted a couple of them with his rapier while Oriana fought a few bandits behind him. They were standing back to back as the bandits closed in around them. The clashing of the weapons could be heard throughout the once peaceful road. As the fight continued, Finley and Oriana found themselves surrounded on all sides. But they refused to yield, fighting with all their strength and skill as they defended themselves against the bandit onslaught.

Out of nowhere one of the bandits jumped at Oriana and lacerated her arm. She was deeply wounded , it made her drop her scythe as she kneeled onto the floor. "Oriana, are you ok?" Finley shouted. "Better than ever" Oriana replied, as she looked up her green eyes started to change into big, brown eyes, her muscles swelled and bulged beneath her skin, her bones elongating and reshaping to accommodate her new form. Fur sprouted across her body, thick and coarse, as her features became more bestial with each passing moment. Her hands and feet elongated into powerful claws, while her face stretched into a snout lined with razor-sharp teeth. With a mighty roar, Oriana rose to her full height, towering over the bandits with an aura of primal ferocity. Her brown eyes gleamed with untamed power as she faced down her adversaries, her every movement exuding the raw strength and grace of the wilderness.

With a swipe of her massive paw, Oriana sent one of the bandits flying, the force of her blow enough to shatter bone and send a clear message to the others. The remaining bandits faltered. Seeing their advantage, Finley rallied beside Oriana, his rapier flashing as he engaged the bandits in a flurry of precise strikes. Together, they fought as one, a formidable duo of man and beast, their combined strength and skill turning the tide of battle in their favour. As the last of the bandits fell before them, defeated and scattered, Oriana reverted to her human form, the wild energy of her transformation slowly fading. She stood amidst the aftermath of the battle, her breath coming in ragged gasps, but her spirit unbroken. With a nod of gratitude to Finley, Oriana retrieved her fallen scythe before climbing back on the carriage.

"Remind me to never anger you" Finley said as they got back on the carriage. Oriana smiled "transforming takes a lot of energy out of me, so don't worry too much, I'll only do it when needed." They continued their journey to Windsor's rest. Upon their arrival at Windsor's Rest, they found the town bustling with activity, the sounds of laughter and music drifting through the air. Finley wasted no time in setting up for his show, his enthusiasm clearly visible as he prepared to entertain the townsfolk.

Meanwhile, Oriana took the opportunity to rest and tend to her injuries, using her druidic magic to heal the wound on her arm. Though the process was draining, she found solace in the soothing embrace of nature, drawing strength from the earth itself. As evening fell, the stage was set, and Finley's performance began. As Finley's performance began, Oriana watched from the side-lines, her eyes fixed on her companion with a mixture of admiration and pride. She listened intently as he weaved captivating stories and sang songs of old, his voice filling the air with a magic of its own.

As the night progressed, the townsfolk gathered around the stage, drawn in by Finley's charismatic presence and the allure of his tales. They laughed at his jests, cheered at his feats of skill, and were moved by the heartfelt melodies that echoed through the streets. For Oriana, it was a moment of quiet reflection, a chance to appreciate the depth of their friendship and the bond they shared. As she watched Finley work his magic on the crowd, she couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for his companionship and support. As the final notes of Finley's performance faded into the night, the townsfolk erupted into applause, their cheers echoing through the streets. Finley took a bow, his face lit up with a radiant smile as he basked in the adoration of the crowd.

With the show concluded, Oriana joined Finley on stage, a warm smile gracing her features as she congratulated him on a job well done. "Thank you" Finley said as he did his gracious bow "now let's rest, tomorrow we shall continue to the city" Oriana agreed, they went to the tavern and each got a room so they could sleep, although Oriana didn't need much sleep, she needed to regain her magical strength, especially if they were ambushed again.