
Chapter 59

Damien's pov

After she fell asleep while massaging her back I let her sleep peacefully and headed for the library to make some calls to the marriage registry and sent all the documents needed her scan is in four days but I'll be taking her to court and on that day of the scan she will be addressed as Mrs Dior cause I'm getting married to this woman in a day or two and I'm so happy,how do I pull this off without her suspecting I thought to myself...

Few minutes later I got a call from the person i asked to document everything necessary for our marriage and he replied with everything is ready she and you just need to come with a valid ID card so we can get you married plus we need two witnesses,I remember my wife to be is an orphan all she has is her bestfriend,so I plan to bring Alex and his wife , Belinda and Douglas mum and dad Into the picture so they can all be present,we can always have our party anytime as of now I want her to be my wife legally afterwards we travel for our honeymoon.

I placed a call to Douglas and gave him full details,I had him arrange everything in the office while I take a week off for my honeymoon with my wife.i asked he pass the information to bel as well and he even asked why I would ask him to do such so I laughed at him and told him all the signs are obvious and even Rian can see through their pretense he just smiled over the phone and said you're right tho and I think it's time I settle down and this woman is someone I want to try everything with,I gave him my word of advise and encouragement and also wished him goodluck..

I left the library to mum and dads quarters to also let them in on the coming event mum wasn't pleased she wanted something huge and I just wanted a private wedding for my wife ,so I told mum and dad it was just our marriage registry that after the birth of our child we can plan a bigger wedding for now I don't want her having our baby out of wedlock and I know you two will agree with me on that and they both nodded so we agreed they'll be at the registry before myself and Rian so she wouldn't suspect a thing..

It's another bright and beautiful day it's the day and we're booked for 2pm everyone left home before Rian could wake up,once she's awake the maids made her breakfast and she noticed bel hasn't come to see her neither has mum or dad been to our quarters she's so used to having them around that she misses their presence.. where's everybody she asked ,mum and dad when to see their doctor and I don't know where Bel has gone to you can give her a call maybe she's still In her quarters though I explained and I know she's not buying my explanation so she asked isn't the doctor meant to visit mum and dad?yeah but they insisted on going themselves maybe they just got bored and wanted to sight see you know I told her and she's like okay and picked up her phone to call Bel when. She picked she told her she's gone out to get herself some toiletries and she relayed the message to me as well,then I told her I wanted to take her someone and it's a surprise plus she needs to go shopping first and she agreed without suspecting a thing.so we got dressed and went to get her complete cloth and jewelry fit enough for today's occasion and have her wear them before heading to the court,When we're so close I parked by the road side and said I was going to blindfold her eyes since it's a surprise and I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise I have for her,she smiled and said why are you acting mischievous all of a sudden and I replied saying you sure would love my surprise for you so just play by the rules that's all and she nodded allowing me to put a blindfold on her eyes,and I drove into the court came down and turned to her side to help her down and calmy directed her way so she wouldn't trip and fall after we arrived in everyone were there my mum and dad,Douglas and Bel ,Alex and his wife and daughter Mitchell and the marriage registers they were all smiles waiting for me to open her eyes,which I did and they all screamed "SURPRISE"