
When it all goes dark

I've never written a novel before and am terrible at writing, this was written at a mere whim of mine so unless people like this ill probably drop it soon, saying that here's the description. Sebastian an apathetic scientist sits in a spaceship orbiting the last known black hole in existence watching as the tiny celestial body finally winks out of existence, the explosion of energy bracketing his ship, he watches as the functions of his ship turn of one by one in a futile attempt to save energy before finally everything goes dark. as time passes he waits for his imminent death, except it never comes, what's going on?

kokishorttail · ไซไฟ
4 Chs

Christianity was wrong

Its been a few days since I first noticed I was here and a lot has happened, for one I can see colors again so that's great! however I have a bit of a problem, the colors are weird, wherever I am is absolutely filled with photons of every color and its like looking at a never ending flashbang, by the way the reason I know its been a few days or more precisely 3.297 days is because I've been tracking how far the photons have been moving and they have moved roughly 85399119370.8766 kilometers or 53064552619.5 miles, another thing I've noticed in my time here is that there is stuff here other than light, should have been obvious but for some reason I didn't notice right away, it happened after my little outburst on day one where I then spent the next few hours having a mental breakdown, another thing I noticed is that even though during that time I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings I for some reason still know how much the photons moved during that time which is why I know how long it lasted, this realization lead to another mental breakdown but much shorter than the first, oh I started rambling back to the matter at hand, ha "matter" get it! holy shit im losing my mind better get back to work, anyway I noticed that there were a bunch of weird tiny things floating around which I found out were quarks, another flash of pain now I can sense them yada yada that's not important, there's matter, as in hydrogen, I see hydrogen, and why is hydrogen so important you may ask well its not the realization I made due to it which is also the reason for my current mental breakdown is what's important, and that realization was, HOLY FUCKING SHIT IM EXPERIENCING THE BIG BANG CHRISTIANITY WAS WRONG FUCK YOU AUNT I TOLD YOU GOD DINDNT CREATE THE EARTH IN 7 DAYS! im not very proud of my priorities.

This is going to be my last chapter for today (these first 3 were all posted on the same day) for now im going to try to post at least every 2-3 days, if thats not possible I will definitely post once a week but if i get no readers or interaction in the first few weeks ill probably drop this book, anyway please comment your edits, suggestions or ideas and ill try my best to read them!

kokishorttailcreators' thoughts