
What the hell am I?

I am Cameron a girl with a death sentence. My end is about to come. Then I decided that I will do one last daring act before the curtains close on me. I decided to go cliff jumping. On the way I witnessed an accident. The man in the car asked me to take a metal briefcase. He begged me to destroy it. He made me swear that I would destroy it. I took it home before mom came back. I left it in the fridge thinking that I will destroy it in the morning. The next morning mom comes to my room with the vials. To my surprise she used them thinking it was part my meds. It miraculous cured me. I never imagined that my nightmare had just began. I have this crazy thirst that shows up out of nowhere or the urge to beat someone. I had better learn how to control these urges and stay hidden or I will lose all those I love.

Ghaadha · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Chapter 11

I was introduced and everyone was a little apprehensive at first till they saw what I can do. I made it clear that I have worked hard to suppress the monster with will power without a serum. I now consume blood once every two weeks. After that it is normal food. I have no idea what kind of rampage I will go on if she is released. They weren't pleased to hear this but they tried to make peace with it. The vampire turned hunter wasn't pleased. He wanted me to take the serum but the others made it clear that since I am doing so well without the serum. It would be best not to push it. He was annoyed that he wasn't able to do it. He didn't even want to think it was possible to use therapy to suppress that feeling. To him it was a myth.

I was shown a room and was asked to get some rest. I went to sleep and was woken by seizures. I thought I was going into shock. I saw the vampire hunter and his friend with a syringe. I knew what he had done. He wanted me to completely push aside the thirst. I started to cry and he told me to buck up. I held on to the sheets as I felt something break in my mind. The chemical imbalance was certain not what I signed up for. The tremors stopped and I walked out. I smelled blood and I held my breath. I closed my eyes and tried to remember five things that I like to hold. My mom, my diary, a bag of chips, my bike and a good mystery novel. I tried to remember four things I like to feel. The silk kimono mom bought me last year for my birthday. The sand underneath my feet. To dip my finger in a bowl of melted chocolate and the grass beneath my feet in the park. Then I tried to remember three things I like to hear. The sound of my mom's laughter. The machines in the arcades and the sounds of the waves crashing. Then I tried to remember two things I like to smell. One was roses. The other was the smell of freshly cooked lasagna. Then I tried to remember the one thing I wanted to taste. This is where the trouble came. I accidentally thought Blood. I felt the monster awaken with joy as it was free to hunt.

I opened my eyes and saw two people walking towards me. I waved them off, "Run" was all I managed to say before I turned into a vampire. They froze for a moment when I requested that they run. When they saw me change they ran. They told the others residents what had happened. Everybody ran to find a place where they can hide. I heard their pathetic heartbeats. I took a deep breath and the first one cowering behind the couch. I broke his leg and threw him in the air. When he fell down I drank him dry.

The next one I encountered had a bow and arrow as her weapon. I either caught the arrows or stepped aside. The one who held the syringe explained what had happened and the others concurred that I begged them to run before I became monster. How pathetic! I had warn these petty fools. I should have just rip them up. One of the fool tried to shoot me so I jumped over the bullets and snap his neck. The next one tried a knife. I snatched it and broke his arm. The rest of them concluded that the serum had an adverse effect on me. We have geniuses amongst us. I thought I was being nice but the vampires got one thing right. These guys shouldn't be around me. They decided to run and hide. This should be fun. I am going to enjoy this.

Vampire turned hunter decided that he should join in on the fight. He gave me a good exercise but in the end I broke his arm. I was about to break his neck when I was tranquilized. I held on to his head and the darts kept coming. I ripped out a portion of his scalp. I locked my leg on his and tugged it. He fell face first. I grabbed his leg and I was about break it but I blacked out.

I woke up and felt a throbbing headache. I saw that I was handcuffed and strapped to the bed. When I saw the loser that injected me I threw a few profanities at him. He apologized for his lack of intelligence. I closed my eyes and he asked me what I was doing. I retorted that I had use what my therapist taught me to keep her at bay. I closed my eyes again and tried to visualize something that could calm me down. They saw from the monitors that my heart beat went from fast to slow. My resting heart rate was restore. The charts show that I had achieved a way to calm myself. They removed the hand cuffs and the straps. There were a few people who protested that I was being released. They felt that I should be shot and they should burn my corpse. They wanted to watch over me in shifts.

I had enough of them so I walked out of the building with no intention of coming back. The vampire turned hunter followed me outside. He kept asking me to stay. I reminded him that he broke his promise. I am going to have find a therapist who can help me suppress her again. He stood there with a look on his face that says he was sorry but I wasn't buying it. I made it clear we are on the opposite end of the scale from now. I am not joining the vampires but I am not joining the hunt of vampires either. He understood that he had crossed a line. I took a deep breath and ran toward the harbor.

I changed my look to make sure that no one knows how to find me. I spend the rest of the week stealing wallets to acquire some cash to fund my trip to nowhere. I wanted to call the police and informed them where the troublemakers they are looking for are situated. I remembered what Craig had said and how I had betrayed him so I decided that I will just kill the hunters and not go back to my island estate. I snuck into the property. I heard them yelling at each other. I minded my own business and rigged the place to explode. Only the vampire turned hunter was the survivor. I gladly walked to an airstrip where I found a plane that was traveling to Anchorage.