
What the hell am I?

I am Cameron a girl with a death sentence. My end is about to come. Then I decided that I will do one last daring act before the curtains close on me. I decided to go cliff jumping. On the way I witnessed an accident. The man in the car asked me to take a metal briefcase. He begged me to destroy it. He made me swear that I would destroy it. I took it home before mom came back. I left it in the fridge thinking that I will destroy it in the morning. The next morning mom comes to my room with the vials. To my surprise she used them thinking it was part my meds. It miraculous cured me. I never imagined that my nightmare had just began. I have this crazy thirst that shows up out of nowhere or the urge to beat someone. I had better learn how to control these urges and stay hidden or I will lose all those I love.

Ghaadha · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 12

I snuck in and made myself comfortable as the medium sized plane started it's engine. It struggled to take off. It bobbed up and down like an apple in a basin a few times before it reached the required altitude. And still occasionally it would slowly drop before it goes up. This was how the plane was throughout the entire trip. My lips moved to form words of prayer till I was sure it would land. The engine made a whining sound as it began to fail. I smelled smoke shortly before it took a nose dive. The shipment in the cargo hold wasn't all strapped down so they flew into the air before they landed with a thud and went up again. As the plane started to spin like a top. I heard screams that is more common with people facing certain death than with a ride in a roller coasters. The loose luggage decided that it needs to bash something. I had to move out of the way as they repeatedly attempted to give me a concussion. Then this useless piece of crap landed in a body of water. I know that I was stranded but still I felt like I was the happiest person alive.

I used all of my strength to pull the cargo door to get out. Water came gushing in with such pressure that I had to jump out of the way so I will not to get slammed. I subconsciously thanked that fact that I was a vampire. The water looked more like concrete as it shattered the crates. I waited till the cargo hold was two third filled before I dove in. It felt like I was being suck into a vacuum cleaner. It took effort to get out.

When I was finally able to get to the surface I saw that there were people in the river bank. They were staring as the pilot and the other passengers swam towards them. They waited till these guys on dry land before they were incapacitated. They were flipped on their back and tied up. Those who tried to run were shot. They accidentally looked at the river and saw that I was in the water. So they tried to capture me as well. But I am decent swimmer.

I reached the other side of the river and heard gun shots. I looked to see bullets heading in my direction. I ran as fast as cheetah and got away from the line of fire. I sat down to catch my breath. I heard shouting and more gun shots. One of them had the nerve to say they were going to peel me like an onion. So I reached into depths of myself. I wanted to stop them so badly.

I felt the anger overtake me. I turned around and saw red silhouettes with a beating heart. I smiled as I climbed the tree and waited till nightfall. As soon the sun set and they pulled out their puny flashlights I started picking them off one by one. The first guy was a short, crippled guy wearing hiking clothes. He had a flashlight and a rope. I yanked the rope and made a noose. I quietly wrapped it around his neck. I watched his eyes bulge as he tried to wriggle to free himself. He made a few funny faces as he stopped moving. I waited for a few minutes before I untied him.

The next was tall man wearing a sweatshirt and shorts. He had a rifle that ran out of bullets in no time. I used the same rope pretending to be a cowboy playing with a lasso. This time I wrapped it around his leg and dangled him upsidedown. I slit his throat and sucked his blood dry. The third one was smart. He stayed with the hostages near the bonfire. That didn't mean he was safe. I managed to sneak up behind him and break his neck. I drank him dry too. I heard muffled voices so I checked the cabin and the tent.

The tent was empty but the cabin was not. There were two more of those guys were happily taunting the captives. I shook my head I listened to what one of them had in mind for the women. I got so pissed that I just snapped his neck. I suppose it is a natural response. They screamed for a moment. Then they stopped and saw who saved them and screamed again. I lunged at the second one. I repeatedly stabbed him till I was sure he was dead. I turned to face the captives. They weren't so grateful so I lunged at them killing them one by one. When I was done I took a deep breath and calm myself down. I opened my eyes and saw the devastation I had created. I had killed innocent people. Grief and guilt over took me as I started to cry. I hated the guy who gave me the injection that ruined me. But I need to stop blaming him if I want to get myself together again. I dragged the bodies in and burn the cabin. I watched as the smoke rose to the sky.

Soon after I heard the sound of another plane heading in this direction. I knew I had to hide so I did. The plane belonged to the fire department. It flew over the cabin and dumped a few million gallons of water. The fire dimmed a little but kept going as though it had a job to do. Then I heard sirens. I knew the fire truck was here so I ran to hide in the trees. I climbed and waited till they were done. When the fire was doused they began investigating on the cause. They found bodies and knew that something was off. They called the police and I knew that I had to get away. So I snuck back into the river. I swam till I found a different campsite. The family was taking down the tent, putting out the fire and packing the other camping gear. One the benches sat the son and daughter. They were happy to be going home.

I snuck into grab a towel when the daughter saw me. She was curious but said nothing. She assumed that I was like her. Dragged to the great outdoors as a punishment. She happily snuck me into the back of the Minivan along with the camping gear. I sat quietly as they drove to the city. I listened as the couple talked about taking the Maple leaf that takes off from Toronto and stops at New York City. Then they will take the Amtrak to go to Chicago. I will make sure to go with them one way or the other.