
Mission Failed

They all made pairs of 2 group one. Jiyoon and James went to Aylin and Matilda and Chales went to Erick. Matilda and Chales saw Erick who was sitting near the lake of the college. Matilda said, " l will go and you be ready for the situation." Chales did a thumbs-up sign and Matilda went towards Erick. Erick saw her but ignored her. She said" Hey Erick! How have you been these days?" Erick stared at her and said, "If you have come for asking about Aylin so l don't care." Listening to this Matilda was staring at him with disbelieve and said" No l am not here for her but for Chales as he said you have been making him study the whole day with you.

" Erick again said without looking at her "It's because his dad told me to take care of him. " After saying this he stood up and was ready to go but suddenly Matilda said," Please bro, He was crying because of it".After saying this she put an innocent look on her face. Seeing her like this he said," Tell him to not disturb me then".

He walked back without listening to her.So Matilda became sad but suddenly Chales appeared in front of Erick and said" Eri! Please don't be so cold. We only want you to sort misunderstanding between you and Aylin."

Listening to this he ignore him and went to his way. Matilda ran towards and gave him a page. Chales and Matilda went to find James and Jiyoon. On another side, James and Jiyoon went to Aylin who was doing her dance practice alone. Jiyoon said" hey Aylin! "She looked at them and said," l am busy can't talk to you now". After listening to this James said," Aylin please teach us how to dance in partners". Aylin said " l taught you yesterday only and l am busy now let me leave." After saying this she was going to leave but James said" Vampire ! Don't be so harsh on yourself. l don't want you to get hurt," She said" It's my choice so don't interfere and don't disturb me." James said" At least talk to him" Without listening to him she went away.

Jiyoon said "Mission failed," James said, "Let's go and find them".