
Mission Vampire and Eri Begins!

The day of Prom was there as only 2 days were left but Aylin and Erick were not talking to each other, Everyone was fed up with them although they all were practicing dance for their prom except them. They were worried that they won't go to prom due to this war Matilda, James, Chales, and Jiyoon were sitting together and discussing the problem

Matilda said" Dudes! l am fed up with Aylin from this. Whenever l come home she started shouting at me without reason, I have to also study the whole day due to her ." James said"Exactly! When l called her in college for lunch l get trapped she started making me study as well and l saw her practicing dance a lot. l am worried that she will fracture her leg." Chales said"Both of them are the same These days whenever l go to Erick's house get his scolding or need to sit with him for studying. Now l am scared of going there or meeting him." After listening to their sufferings. Jiyoon started laughing.

She said:" You all just be quiet and think of a solution for solving this mess". James said "l have an idea." He said something to all of them and after listening to his plan Chales kissed him on his cheek James said"Mad! Don't kiss me. l am gonna kill you." After listening to this everyone started laughing and Jiyoon said, " Ok! So mission 'Vampire and Eri' begins now! Arrange all the things and meet at the base where we will accomplish the mission in the evening."

They all ran towards their allotted places wearing a mask and a cap. Seeing them like this all the students were laughing and gossiping about them but they all avoided them and went towards their way.