

"This is it," Naruto said as he and the crew went back to their stations. Save for Naruto as he maned his .50 Cal, and for Don.

"Alright, keep pace. We got nothing to lose here" War Daddy ordered.

Turning around, War Daddy got a pack, pulled one out, and lit it. Looking down, he could see the extended hand of Bible and gave him the pack. He looked at Naruto and puffed. Breathing out smoke, he got the cigarette and put it in front of him.

"No thanks, don't wanna look bad when we arrive."

"Shit, you already looked bad as long as you joined my crew."

"Doesn't mean I have to look worse now do I?" Naruto challenged. War Daddy had nothing to say, so with a shrug he turned back and faced the gates that were getting bigger by the second. Looking at the gates itself, was nonetheless a bore, especially with all that scribble on the front part.

"Hey, what's with the crap on the gate?"

"That I don't know. I never gave a crap about it." Naruto responded.

War Daddy gave a hum of understanding and faced forward. This time, now he could see buildings and people beyond the gates. It seems that the people were gathering at the entrance. 'Shit, not this again.' War Daddy thought, slightly pissed of dealing with people, more or fewer civilians.

But the shinobi, as Naruto described, he could understand them as soldiers with a mix of assassins'. Especially that they get paid more than your average Private.

'I should have taken that promotion.' War Daddy sighed.

"We're just about here, Naruto?" Kakashi asked from the side. Both Kakashi and War Daddy looked at Naruto. Only to find him lost in thought.

'It's just like Paris.' Naruto thought to himself. He could remember it like it was yesterday.


"Come on, you got to look your best' War Daddy taunted.

Naruto could only smile as the other crew members were laughing at War Daddy's taunt. It was only yesterday on August 24, 1944, did the French 2nd Armored Division reclaim Paris. Now it was August 25, 1944, and the whole city was in celebration. Fliers all around, and confetti and people waving French and American flags. Naruto never felt this good about saving a city, more or less a country.

"I see that there could be some good in you humans" a dark voice interrupted his thoughts.

Naruto tried to drown out Kurama's thoughts and tried to cheer along with the French. He wishes he could understand the language. But what most of the people were chanting, from what his fellow crew member translated, was 'Viva la France'/ 'Long live France', 'Down with Vichy' and 'Viva la Resistance'/ 'Long live the Resistance'.

"Don't ignore me brat."

"Why do you care, you had no interest in human affairs." Naruto retorted.

Ignoring the looks from his crewmates, except War Daddy as he was shaking hands with the people. But Naruto knew that Don was used to him.

"But look at these people. They are so happy to be saved from the tyranny of these 'Nazis'." Kurama spat out.

"Yeah, so what?"

"I just wish that humans from your world could be as united as these humans are."

Deep down, Naruto could wish the same. He loved his old sensei's idea of peace, but with the hatred of his country and the hatred of the Biju, Naruto couldn't see it happening anytime soon.

"Are you going back to sleep? Things could get loud once we leave?" Naruto asked, concerned.

Kurama let out a hum before feeling him retreat inside him. Naruto decided to look around some more and was then awestruck and the construct in front of him.

"Hey what is that?" Naruto asked a French soldier who was walking by, pointing at the construct.

"That their son is the 'Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile' the Triumphal Arch of the Star." the soldier explained before walking off.

'Wow.' Naruto thought before he turned around and settled down.

Present Day


Naruto looked down, seeing Kakashi look at him with his 'usual' look only with his eyebrow raised.


"Mind telling me what you were thinking about?" Kakashi asked.

"Nothing, it's just that the gate looks familiar."

"Oh, I see"

Naruto was then thrown forward as the tank skidded to a stop. He knocked on the tank, signaling his displeasure, to the crew inside. Inside he could hear some chuckles. Looking at Kakashi, Kakashi in return shrugged and began to enter inside the village and was began talking to a few people.

"Get ready," Naruto told his crew.

"Are you nervous?" Temari asked as she took a seat next to him.

Turning to her he answered, "I'm worried that an incident will occur because these guys think they'll slit our throats when we show ourselves."

"Well, tell them that they won't bite." Temari teased before jumping down.

"I think I see people heading your way."


Turning around, he faced the crowd of curious civilians and shinobi alike. He knocked on the tank and told them that they mean no harm. If it were the case, Naruto and them could happily test them.

The rest of the crew got up and, just for fun, threw their tank helmets and caught them.


"Alright, move it. Move it 'mas putos'" Gordo shouted as he was slowly leading the tank inside the villages.

To say that it was a confusing situation is correct. On one hand, it was hard moving people out of the way. On the other, the shinobi didn't know what to do, they were letting a war machine into the village. But everything was sorted out by Naruto, stating that they just needed a place to stay.

"I can't believe that worked." War Daddy mumbled.

"Yeah, let's say that these shinobi can get outsmarted by an orphan." Naruto vaguely explained as he continued ushering people to the side.

"Man look at that hottie," Gordo mumbled, pointing at Temari, who was talking to Shikamaru.

'Shikamaru' Naruto thought to himself. Naruto made a realization that he was in for some drama when he meets his old friends, and boy did he not want to deal with that. Sakura was bad, but with them, he would like to go back, please.

"Look at how they talk," Bible mentioned, puffing his cigarette.

"Then I guess she's taken then?" Gordo mumbled.

"Do you care about that?" Naruto asked.

Gordo shrugged and continued to drive the tank. It was then, that everyone froze as they felt a pair of footsteps land on the tank, besides Naruto. Turning, Naruto came face to face with Shikamaru, who was giving a calculating expression. He leaned back and gave out a smile and sat down next to Naruto.

"It's about time you came back, things were getting boring without you."

"You had peace and quiet for three years, don't you have a complaint about that?" Naruto retorted.

Shikamaru's face fell a bit, but continued with the conversation, "Yeah, but it's boring. Not like I was glad that you were gone."

"I know that."

'Not much of a talker now?' Shikamaru questioned himself as he tried to read Naruto's expression, only to find it blank. But he knew that there's something as Naruto's eyes were always active, looking and staring.

"You're other friends miss you."

"I know."

"You should meet them, or at least show them what this machine is."

"They could, but now I've got a job with them. I can't my station." Naruto added before facing the front. Shikamaru nodded in confirmation that they could reunite with Naruto and maybe celebrate. But that's a maybe.

Shikamaru turned left and let out a signal and he could hear Naruto curse under his breath. "Stop the tank, we got visitors," Naruto said. War Daddy relayed the order and the tank soon stopped again, allowing people to crowd again and began to explore the tank.

The crew stood up again and did whatever while Naruto went to the side with Shikamaru and began to grab hold of a few hands. Pulling the few people up, Naruto wasn't prepared for one of them to embrace him in a hug. Looking to who was hugging him was a blonde girl with a purple top and purple skirt with fishnet armor as shorts.

"Hello, Ino."

"Shut up and hug me back," Ino demanded.

Naruto shrugs and hugged her in return then she let go of him. Looking around to see the other people, he immediately remembered who they were. That being, Choji and Asuma Sarutobi along with Kurenai-sensei.

"Hey guys, did you miss me?"

"You already know the answer to that Naruto," Kurenai answered.

She crossed her arms around her chest, which Naruto luckily didn't get caught staring at, and tapped her foot. He looked at her and could only shrug as he reached his hand out pulling more people. Doing so he turned around and asked them to sit down so to give them more room.

Looking at the new people he remembered was Kiba and Shino along with Tsunade and Shizune. He was suddenly brought into a hug by Kiba. He gently shoved him off and began to wipe off the dust from his clothes, until he was brought into another hug from Tsunade. Naruto didn't mind as he was between those soft... never mind she soon let go and began to mumble a bunch of stuff to Shizune.

Looking past the crowd, he could see a lone girl standing behind a pole. She was blushing and was looking straight at Naruto. Once she noticed his gaze she turned and walked away. 'Was that Hinata. She looks nice' Naruto commented.

"Maybe you could claim her," Kurama stated, chuckling.

'Shut up.' was all that Naruto could say before turning back to his friend, a tint of red on his face.

"Hold on."

Before they could ask, the tank started to move, making them jump and nearly lose balance. The movement of the tank also dispersed the crowd. As they went deeper into the village, Naruto began to reminisce about the old village and how he loved and hated it.

But his mind froze once he saw his old apartment and the second story of a run downed building. "Oh wow."

"This is where you lived in?" War Daddy asked.


"Want to blow it up?"

"Maybe later."

Naruto chuckled as War Daddy laughed to himself and finally stopped at an intersection. Naruto looked at Tsunade and questioned if he should head to the Hokage Tower. She nodded and with that she and most of the shinobi went off their ways, satisfied to meet Naruto once again but having multiple questions in their minds.

Shikamaru went off with Temari to discuss the chunin exams as if Naruto heard a better excuse. Choji, Ino, and Asuma went to their favorite BBQ restaurant. Kiba, Shino, and Kurenai went off to find their missing teammate. Thus, leaving Naruto and the crew.

"What now?" Gordo asked, peeking his head out of the hatch.

"Let's go check out this place, it looks beautiful." Machine suggested.

"Not now, we have to talk to Tsunade," Naruto said.

This got a few groans out of a few of them but they couldn't complain. They could see the village later it would seem.

"So, that Tsunade lady, she's got a whole lotta..." Gordo finished the sentence with a whistle which got a few shouts of agreement.

"I could get me a piece of that pie," Grady commented.

"She's like an old lady by this point" Naruto tried to explain.

"Whatever." was all that Grady could say before entering inside the tank. The rest of the crew also went back and waited for Naruto's direction to the Hokage Tower. With that, they could only wait as they try to get through crowds of people and try not to get lost.

After a few setbacks, the crew of Fury soon found themselves facing the Hokage Tower.

"Shall we?" War Daddy asked.

Naruto nodded, jumping down as well as the rest of the crew.