
New Mission Already





"Uh, what!?" Naruto spoke out, startled by his sleep.

Naruto jumped as he heard another boom, hitting his head on the hatch of the tank. "Ow, damn," Naruto cursed as he squirmed his way to near the top hatch. He was about to open the top hatch before everything around him went black.

When Naruto's vision returned, he could see the familiar sewer system that he knew. Looking up from the sounds of breathing, Naruto walked toward the source of the loud breathing. Wouldn't you know it, Naruto found himself in front of a huge cell.

Naruto eyed the giant red eyes behind the cage as it was the source of the loud breathing. Naruto, being mindful of where he is, stalked forward until he was nearly five feet from the cell. The red eyes, eying his movement until his stop.

"Hmph, so we meet again."

This received no response as the young soldier looked on, arms crossed, fingers and foot tapping impatiently. Seeing this, the red eyes could narrow as the beast tried to continue the conversation.

"Listen here brat. I know you're in a struggle right now. Seeing that we're in a new world."

"You got that right."

The beast sighed to itself as it knew that the kid was at least going to listen from now on.

"So I have thought that maybe I should at least assist you in this situation that you're in."

"Oh really yay!" Naruto shouted in joy, jumping in anticipation.

"Hah, you're lucky that you're even receiving my help."

"Then why are you helping?" Naruto challenged.

"Because if you die, I die to simply put it for you." the beast retorted.

"Ok, but why do you want to do it?" Naruto genuinely asked.

Seeing this the beast answered, "Because of this world we're in. I have seen the worst of the worst of the humans in your world Naruto. But I was wrong. And now I want to do everything I can to keep myself alive. And to do that I need you to live, which has brought me to ask Naruto. Would you like to work with me, mutually, so we can live and somehow return to our world?"

Naruto was aghast with the nine-tails reasons. He never would have thought that it would even try to make mutual agreements with him in the first place. He understood the simplicity of the reasons, but for it to ask because it too was lost as him in this new world.

Without much thought, Naruto answered, "Yes, I agree."

"Then we agree,"

"Yes, we did," Naruto commented with a grin. This also made the beast smile, showing its sharp set of teeth. There was movement inside the cage before an orange-colored furry arm extended out. Its hand was clenched and was in front of Naruto.

"Come now, fist bump to finish our deal," the beast asked.

Naruto nodded as he too made a fist and bumped it into the nine tails. From that moment, they both felt a connection open. They could feel or hear each other's thoughts. 'This could come in handy,' Naruto thought to himself.

"Yes it will come in handy," the nine tails commented. The ground shook as the nine tails began to move toward the cell, showing itself to Naruto. Naruto stood there, surprised, and began to eye the gigantic fox before him.

Naruto got his fill from the fox and began to leave the sewers. A cough from the fox stopped him in his tracks. Looking back he could see the fox laying down. He was about to ask but the fox beat him to it.

"I just wanted you to know that my name is Kurama," Kurama introduced.

Naruto nodded and went back to walking out of the room, returning to the 'real world'. Waking up again, he could see that he was still inside the tank. Regaining his balance, he finally opened the hatch, seeing cloudy skies as usual.

"You fucking kidding me!"

Looking down Naruto could see the tank driver screaming and waving his hands towards War Daddy. 'He seems pissed,' Naruto commented.

"No kidding,"

Naruto's eyes rose in confusion from Kurama's sudden response to his comment. Looking up at the sky, Naruto began to think of possible ways on how Kurama was possibly talking to him now. Thankfully Kurama answered the question, "Due to the connection, I could speak with in your mind along with more abilities that I could use to help you,"

"Thanks," Naruto mumbled.

He received a hum in return before 'feeling' Kurama leave, possibly going back to sleep. Looking back down, he could chuckle at the drivers' actions towards Don.

"Come on! We're so close to Rome and now we're pulling back!"

Naruto's eyes furrowed when he heard the statement. 'Are we pulling back?' Naruto pondered to himself, his finger scratching his chin.

"I can't do shit 'cause the major ordered it," Don said.

With a huff, the driver walked away but not without mumbling, "Bullshit," before leaving. Taking the chance, Naruto heaved himself off the hatch and landed in front of War Daddy. Don hardly flinched as he looked at Naruto.

"What's going on?" Naruto asked.

"Pack your stuff, we're going to France," was all that War Daddy before bumping past Naruto with his shoulder. Naruto looked at War Daddy's back before shrugging. So having nothing to do, Naruto did exactly what War Daddy ordered him to do.

Deep down, Naruto felt giddy on a new adventure to a new land. And he was right, it was an adventure. One of inhumane cruelty.

Present Day

Naruto woke up with a jolt of pain in his back. Shifting a bit until he heard his back pop, Naruto could see the light of the morning through the tank's periscope. Just to confirm, Naruto peered through said periscope and it was morning, based on the fact that half the sun was above the tree line.

Looking back, to inside the rest of the tank, Naruto could see the rest of the crew asleep except War Daddy. Naruto heard a tap outside the tank to which Naruto nodded to himself as he got up, as far as he could, and walked toward the top hatch. Not before kicking the metal side inside the tank, causing a loud bang which spoke everyone awake. And just for fun, Naruto kicked Gordo in the back of the head to make sure he isn't passed out drunk.

Opening the top hatch, Naruto stretched his arms and took a whiff of the morning air and for once he enjoyed it. Smelling nothing but clean air. No blood, no smoke, and no lead could be smelled from this village.

Naruto felt a smile creep into his face as he dropped down. He approached War Daddy as he was leaning in front of the tank, near Normans' hatch, and was observing a bundle of papers. Naruto could chuckle as yesterday were the papers clean, but now it was full of smudges and grime.

The hatch of Norman, Gordo opened as the hatch near the top one opened as well. Bible got out first and then Grady showed his top half while Norman and Gordo stood up. They all began to pay attention to what War Daddy had to say.

War Daddy sent a glance to Naruto and the crew until he went back to the paper, tapping his fingers on what to do. He snapped his finger, looked up at Naruto, and ordered, "Alright, get some chow. We're leaving in ten,"

Naruto let out a 'yes sir,' and walked off to an alleyway, needing to stretch his legs. "Hey kid," War Daddy called out.

Looking back, Naruto could see the commander pull out a pack and toss it in the air, towards him. He caught it, waved in gratitude, opened the bag, and walked off. Looking inside the contents, Naruto could ogle the dry meat inside. He knew he was going to enjoy it.

Naruto quickly scarfed the meat and let out a burp, not caring for those who heard him. He closed his eyes in pleasure as he could still taste the lingering meat stuck on his teeth. Naruto found himself on the ground as a white dog was barking at him. It didn't seem to mean any harm, just looking for something.

"Akamaru get off him!"

The dog was suddenly yanked off of Naruto. Naruto looked up at his savior and could grin as it was his old pal, Kiba Inuzuka. Kiba let out a hand, which Naruto took and he was hoisted up on his feet again. Naruto, along with the help of Kiba, dusted the dirt off his uniform all the while Kiba apologized for his dog.

"It's all right. He probably smelled the meat I ate." Naruto stated.

"Of course he would. Akamaru is a dog after all,"

Looking behind Kiba, to see who made the obvious statement, could Naruto see his other long-time pal, Shino Aburame. "That isn't hard to figure out," Naruto commented, crossing his arms.

Shino could only shrug at Naruto before leaning on a nearby tree, leaving Kiba and Naruto by themselves. They conversed about what has happened over the past three years. Kiba talked about how the village has changed, while Naruto left his activities vague when Kiba asked him about his three years.

It took Naruto a second, but he figured that Kiba and Shino were here which could mean that someone was missing or nearby. Looking by a fence wall could Naruto see a strand of purple hair disappear behind the fence. Naruto patiently waved off Kiba and went to where the last member of Team 8 could be hiding.

The person hiding behind the fence was none other than Hinata Hyuga. 'That's the girl from before,' Naruto realized.

She was clutching her chest and appeared to be calming herself with deep breaths. Taking his chance, Naruto snuck up to her and was directly in front of her and she was clueless. When she looked up, she stood still at the sight of Naruto in front of her. Her breath hitched as he came closer. She froze upon gazing at his blue eyes, they were dull yet they were full of life as well. And now, they were the eyes of a predator stalking its prey. This made Hinata feel weak, knees were beginning to tremble.

Before she could collapse, a hand rose and rubbed her cheek. Looking at the owner of the hand, that being Naruto, did Hinata let out a small squeak of surprise. Naruto leaned closer to the whimpering girl, his breath on her face. Naruto leaned to her right, near her shoulder, and asked, "Why did you avoid me?"

"I... uh," was all that Hinata could see as Naruto looked down to her neck. He could smell her perfume which was intoxicating to him. He would've kissed her neck then and there and claim her as Kurama said, but he restrained himself.

Naruto moved back with a grin, then said, "Sorry but I don't have the time. I have a mission to do,"

All that Hinata could do was nod meekly as she watch Naruto stroll past her and headed to where he came from. When Naruto was out of sight did Hinata fall to her knees, gasping at the previous moment.

She stayed there, calming herself until a hand appeared in front of her. Looking at the owner of said hand, that being Kiba, did she look away in embarrassment.

Kiba let out a howl of laughter as he commented, "So what was that all about with Naruto!?"

Hinata blushed, waved her hands in front of her face, and gibbered out excuses. Kiba playfully nodded in understanding. Without warning, he grabbed her hand and hoisted her to her feet. Kiba asked Hinata if she would like to eat lunch with their sensei. Hinata agreed as she wanted to take her mind off of Naruto. Yet as she and Kiba walked to meet up with their team, she never felt so happy that Naruto for once acknowledged her, more or less flirt with her. But with Naruto, he was giving Kurama an earful for what happened earlier with Hinata.

"Did you have to do that?" Naruto asked.

"Yes, what else would you have done in that situation," Kurama responded.

"Simply talk with her, it's not that hard,"

"Whatever, I think that you being close to her will help you a lot,"

Naruto huffed as he was done with this conversation, Kurama knowing this went back to sleep and Naruto continued his way towards his squad. What Naruto didn't know was that he was being followed.

The figure following Naruto, hiding behind the covers of the rooftops, observed him and was planning his ambush. So the figure stalked him, a paintbrush in one hand, and a scroll in the next. Then did Naruto turn into another pathway did the man painted objects in the scroll, did a few hand signs until the drawings in the scroll enlarge and become alive. The beast, four lions or tigers, jumped out the scroll, and with a hand sign from the figure did the beast roared and jumped.

Naruto, hearing the roar, ducked as the group of beasts pass over him and skidded to a stop. They turned and showed their teeth. Naruto reached his back pocket and drew out his M1911 pistol. Seeing Naruto pull something out of his pocket, the beast roared again and jumped toward him again.

Three of the beast ran around Naruto, forming a circle, trapping him in place. All the while the lead beast jumps forward, intending to bite and crush his arm. Seeing this, Naruto stiff-armed the beast in the chest and shoved it to the right of him. The beast landed on its side, before it could get up Naruto, with the pistol, shot it in the head once. A loud bang rang out.

Naruto heard screams of fear and all he could do was curse at himself. He finally realized that people, civilians, were watching the commotion and never expected the gunshot. Naruto would berate himself later, but now he aimed his pistol to the next beast he could spot. Finally spotting one, he shot one round but he was off, hitting the wall behind the beast.

The beast, more like a tiger Naruto thought to himself, let out a cry of anger and charged him. Naruto grin as the tiger charged in a straight line. He aim his pistol, the iron sights straight on the tiger's chest, and slowly squeezed the trigger. The bullet broke the sound barrier and landed in the target, the chest. The tiger stopped running, making it fall face first and drag to a stop.

The other two tigers stood still, slowly backing up from the target. Taking the chance Naruto sprinted away from the scene to where the tank crew could be. As Naruto rounded a corner and ducked quickly as a claw swiped above him. Looking up again, he let a sigh of annoyance escape him as the tiger crouched low and sprung into action.

Naruto braced his hands up, but it didn't do much good, as the tiger tackled Naruto, knocking him on the ground with the tiger on top. The tiger raised itself and its claw up and was about to wipe down. Luckily Naruto had the quicker draw and shot two rounds in the tiger's chest. The tiger reeled back in shock, losing balance in the process.

The tiger fell on the floor and Naruto could hear it now whimper in pain. He frowned at this, so he did the best thing he could which was to walk away. Not after shooting one more round into its skull, silencing its whimpering and its pain.

Naruto was about to continue running but a roar stopped him in his tracks as he looked up. Standing on a rooftop was the figure responsible for the ambush, not that Naruto knew it was his ambush, and the last tiger. The figure pointed at Naruto and in response, the tiger jumped directly onto Naruto.

"Oh shit," Naruto yelled out as he was, once again, on the ground.

Naruto held the tiger back with one hand. In response the tiger lowered its head closer to Naruto, intending to bite him. Naruto saw this as a chance, so raised his other hand and stuck the pistol barrel into the animal's mouth, pulling the trigger.

The tiger's brain matter exploded outward, spraying the ground behind it. With a grunt, Naruto shoved the tiger to the side. He stood up, busy trying to regain his breath, and glared at the figure. The figure was poised, ready for anything. The figure ran out of sight as Naruto pulled his pistol and fired his last round, entirely missing.

'The hell just happened?' Naruto asked himself.

Naruto's head shook as he disregarded what happened and quickly ran to where the crew was. Has rounded another corner and was glad to see the tank standing alone in the middle of the street. He slowed to a stop in front of the tank.

"Naruto what the hell happened? I heard gunshots," War Daddy asked.

"I was attacked by tigers or something. I don't know," Naruto coughed out.

"Are they gone?"

"Yes, I shot them dead,"

War Daddy nodded to this. He grabbed Naruto's shoulder and ushered him to his spot as the .50 cal operator, all the while War Daddy stood up inside his hatch. With everyone already in their positions, did War Daddy order Gordo to go forward to the village gates. It was a slow drive as the people moved out the way.

As they were moving through the village, Naruto asked his leader, "What is the mission now?"

"Your people are planning to stage a meet-up with a defector of this village. Orochima- something they called him..."

"You mean Orochimaru?"

"Yeah. We're supposed to get info from the guy,"

While taking in the information, Naruto asked something else, "Anyone coming with us?"

"Your old team and two new people that I've never heard,"

"That's good," Naruto finished with a sigh.

It wasn't until fifteen minutes later did the Fury finally reach the village gates. Naruto, looking out, saw that Sakura and Kakashi were waiting for them. Naruto gave an uncertain wave at them, one that they returned but with a little more enthusiasm.

Walking toward the tank, Kakashi asked when he was within ear distance, "Glad of you to join us,"

"Likewise, Kakashi."

Then did War Daddy got both Kakashi's and Naruto's attention by tapping his watch. Kakashi nodded and then went on leaning to the tank, waiting for something.

"Hey Kakashi, what are we doing? Are we supposed to do the mission already?" Naruto asked, wondering why Kakashi was leaning around.

Sakura came up and answered for Kakashi, "Well two people are joining us,"

"Well, where are they?"

Sakura shrugged in response.

It was then that two figures caught Naruto's attention as they wore shinobi attire. But one of them did Naruto notice that one of them was the same person who attacked him in the alley. Naruto got angry, so angry that he got out his pistol, threw away the empty mag, inserted a new one, and pointed at the figure.

The figure stopped as if caught by surprise. The other figure stood in front, blocking Naruto's view.

"Naruto what's the meaning of this!" War Daddy asked, concerned that Naruto's weapon was out.

"It's him, sir. The one that attacked me at the alleyway," Naruto explained.

"Calm down Naruto. They are the ones who will be assisting us in the mission," Kakashi said.

Naruto continued to glare at the figure, and then asked, "Why the hell did you attack back in the alleyway?"

The figure stood forward, Naruto taking time to eye the figure, and gave a bow. Looking up at Naruto he explained, "Oh nothing. I just wanted to see what you're capable of doing,"

"That was a very fun way of doing so,"

"Yes, it is,"

Naruto's eyes narrowed as he didn't trust him. Naruto asked one last thing, "What's your name?"

"My name is Sai," Sai answered.

Naruto let out a sigh before holstering his pistol. Kakashi would have chuckled at the scene as that was such a move that Naruto would use to meeting a stranger. But he let out a cough as he began to introduce the group, "Naruto this is Sai, as you already know. And the bloke next to him is Captain Yamato who've been recently relieved from the ANBU Corps."

"ANBU?" War Daddy asked.

"I'll explain later," Naruto said.

"So now that we all are here, let's get this mission started," Kakashi stated.

Naruto and War Daddy nodded, while Sakura let out a little cheer. Turning forward War Daddy got his radio and ordered Gordo to move forward, with the ground team walking beside or behind them. Naruto seeing no threat outside the village gates, why would there be, and settled down behind the tank turret. That way he could eye everyone behind him, especially Sai.

Deep down, Naruto could feel that this mission would go wrong and he knew it. It was just a matter of time.

Next chapter