“Contrary to popular belief, there is such a thing as reincarnation. I should know, I’ve been reincarnated several times now at this point. My case, however, was different since I seemed to remember each life very clearly.” -Excerpt from Chapter One A man from our world is gifted powers beyond his wildest dreams. Once his quest for vengeance was realised he found himself without a direction. So the takes the powers he has been granted and he travels the world searching for a purpose. *All recognisable characters belong to their respective owners. I only own the OCs*
Happy New Years my dear readers, I wish you all the best. Just a minor announcement and not a chapter unfortunately. Fortunately this announcement pertains to a new chapter that will be released with in the next day or so. I've been pretty busy with recovery and putting my life back together after being bedridden for a month. Hence why I haven't updated as frequently as I would like. You all matter so much to me as your comments and reviews are proof that most if not all of you enjoy my amateur work. I know my writing isn't the best but your praise and often hilarious comments make my day.
From the bottom of my cold black heart,
Thank you all