
Water Bending In Marvel

Jared Parker, an assassin from a different world, finds himself transmigrated into the Marvel Universe. Instead of becoming a familiar face, he has been inserted as an unknown character, specifically as the elder brother of the fan-favorite Peter Parker (Tom Holland). With his new identity, Jared embarks on an exciting journey full of action, adventure, and self-discovery. This story promises a unique blend of sci-fi and fantasy elements, all set in the ever-expanding Marvel Universe. Experience the thrill of the Marvel Universe through the eyes of a newcomer, Jared Parker, in this captivating NO HAREM tale.

lazarus898 · ภาพยนตร์
39 Chs

1. Who am I?

The year 2023

A motorcycle was riding on an empty road through some grassy plains...not a single person in sight and no source of light as well. Only the headlights of the Bike were showing the biker his way.

Just as he was riding, the biker felt water droplets fall on the visor of his helmet. The biker slowed the Bike and quietly stopped on the side. He lifted his visor and pulled out a phone from his pocket.

"Ugh...the helmet won't let my face id get scanned and the gloves won't let my fingerprint get scanned." the biker groaned. Fortunately, the touch of his fingers through his gloves could be felt on the phone unlocking it using pattern lock which had now become ancient.

As he unlocked the phone, google maps was already showing his current location.

The Biker navigated the surrounding area on his phone. The water droplets had started falling on his phone screen as well. After a few seconds, the biker selected a place on the map and said "Although this is a few minutes from the main road, it is the nearest town I can see here. Traveling for long in this rain would be idiotic...I rather stay for the night and start my journey tomorrow."

The biker shoved the phone back in his pocket and got back on the road with his bike. Driving a lot slower seeing the streets that didn't seem too reliable. 5 minutes later, he spotted a diversion from the main road but surprisingly, there was no sign that would indicate where he was going and how many miles it was.

Trusting google maps and his instincts, the biker got off the main road and started going toward the town he had found on the map. The road did get a bit rockier but he and his bike could handle it even in this weather, within a few minutes he saw a light.

'Looks like I have reached my destination' he sighed in relief and increased his speed. He was almost soaking wet but luckily the bag on his back had a rain cover so he didn't seem too worried.

As he went further he saw the light to be a bulb attached to a welcome signboard but there was no name on the town. That did seem a bit odd to the biker but he didn't have the luxury to stop and think about it so he just kept on going.

Soon enough he saw houses on both sides but there were all destroyed. There were lamps on both sides of the road but not a single person in sight. 'If this is an abandoned town then why is there still electricity here?' the biker thought when he saw a big mansion on his right. The mansion wasn't in too good of a condition but it was enough to provide the biker with a temporary roof.

The Biker took a turn and entered the gates of the estate stopping just under the stairs which was dry due to the extended roof. The mansion's door was closed and it was dark inside so he decided to stay outside. He parked the bike, removed his helmet and gloves, and sat on the stairs. Seeing his face and build the biker seemed to be in his late 20s and had black short hair and brown eyes. He had a tall and lean build but not too ripped or anything.

The biker took out a cigarette box and a lighter from his bag and lit the cigarette. He pulled out his phone but it didn't seem to have any network so he tossed it inside the bag. After a few puffs of his cigarette, he suddenly noticed that there was light on both sides of the stairs. He turned back and saw that the entire mansion was lit as if it was a party inside.

'What the heck, how did all the lights turn on in this rundown mansion?' the biker thought as he stood up and walked up the stairs toward the door. As he stood in front of the door, he remembered that the door was closed when he came here but now the door seemed slightly open.

Just as he opened the door, the entire atmosphere changed. There were people inside and not just a few but a lot of them. The entire area which seemed silent for a while suddenly became lively. The Biker was startled by this and looked back. To his relief, the rest of the down was still destroyed and silent like it was a few minutes ago.

The biker looked back inside the house and noticed that even though there were a lot of people there, they all were wearing clothes that seemed out of fashion as if they were 1940'ish.

'This is a theme party kind of thing? Should I ask someone about this ?' the biker thought and saw a few of the serving staff members standing with some food and drinks.

"Excuse Me?" the biker asked as he stepped forward but instantly the entire atmosphere changed. The sound of instruments playing and people talking instantly stopped and even the people suddenly became quiet and looked at the biker.

The lights also started to dim and everyone turned toward him. 'Wait what's happening? Is this some kind of a sick prank?' the biker thought when everyone inside the mansion started running toward him. But just as they took a few steps ahead, a sudden wave of water pushed them all back. The biker didn't understand where the wave of water came from but then he looked back and saw that he himself was falling backward into water.

The Biker tried to grab something while flailing his arms up in the air but he couldn't hold onto anything and fell into the water. He looked around and saw that he was surrounded by water as if he had fallen into the deep ocean.

He wanted to come up to the surface but the light kept getting dimmer and dimmer while his body kept getting heavier and heavier.....

"Jared...Jared...are you alright?"


Hey guys this is a new fanfic and will have regular updates. This is the first chapter and I wanted to know if you guys want it this slow and detailed or if you want it to have a little more pace with the story.

Usually, people don't expect or demand a lot of detailing in fanfics so I would like your opinion.