
Watcher of Reality

The memories one possesses can define someone's very existence. Yet for one being, it is he, who gives definition to memories. Having spent eternity, viewing the lives of billions of entities, some could be young, others old. Many were the lives of Humans, yet others could be any manner of beast. It wasn't long before the beings true self was lost. He no longer knew who he was, how much time had pasted, or what had happened to his body. All he remembered was sealing away all but one set of memories in an attempt to regain some form of identity. The identity the being suddenly found himself in, was that of a normal human boy, by the name of Nathan. Yet as a repercussion of sealing so many memories, the only set he didn't seal, belonging to the human child, became jumbled. Now rather then stuck with to many memories, he found himself with a lack of memories, including the way to unseal them. In a last ditch attempt to protect the final spark which defined him, he sealed his soul within a miniature world, a world of dreams, which would hopefully allow him to restore some of the jumbled memories. Slowly time passed and his plan was working, however, one of the beings in charge of judging souls took interest in him. Breaking him out of the world, and granting little Nathan's wish. Something which he believed he could have done without. Yet will look back on, and be grateful for. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of Douluo Dalu. I claim no rights to the ownership or credit or pre-existing characters or content. Author's Note: This is a Douluo Dalu fan-fic about a young boy reincarnated, with op cheats, due to the whims of a powerful being. This book will be the main anchor which connects the universe im hoping to create so i hope you all enjoy, and thanks for your support!

SnowRose · อื่นๆ
12 Chs

LeiYu & Niao

Waking up in a land of Ice and snow Nathan felt strange. It was as if something had changed within him on a fundamental level. Attempting to figure out what was different quickly lead him to his answer as he noticed his memories were no longer jumbled together, and he could think clearly. Thinking back to everything he remembered lead Nathan to a world called earth. He was a normal high school kid, yet he was obsessed with reading novels and was often looked picked on for it in school. His parents had died in a car accident when he was young, and his uncle gave him a monthly allowance. Life was fine for the most part, but he always felt like he didn't belong, like he was alone and had no one whom he truly cared about.

One day when he stayed home with a cold. He suddenly experienced a massive headache. It was as if thousands of needles were being stabbed into his brain. The next thing he knew his vison began to turn red, and then black.

"I see so that's what happened, after that I died and spent a while as a soul, before being reincarnated. Dying must have messed up my memories, and when that creepy voiced guy asked me what I wished for, the only things I could think of was my favorite book series from my past life, Douluo Dalu. I used to dream of reincarnating into this world with overpowered abilities that could only be viewed as a cheat, yet to think my dreams would actually come true.

Taking in his surroundings Nathan quickly formed a guessed where he was, "So this is the absolute north…now that I think about it, why don't I feel cold?"

Walking over to a piece of clear, reflective ice, Nathan was shocked by what he saw in the ice.

Standing in a frozen wasteland a 6 year old boy was looking back at him with his deep purple eyes, dressed in a black kimono with purple accents the seemed to shine. A black robe donned on his back with a symbol of a purple thunderbird spreading its wings gazing up, the bird was surrounded by 9 suns 3 were blue, 3 red, the one directly above the birds beak and the 2 on the bottom was purple. In the background of the bird a galaxy rotated giving off a majestic and heavenly feel. A hood resting gently on his head covering his long luscious white hair. A black mask covered his face just below his eyes all the way down before disappearing below his clothing. Deep purple armor similar to his eyes was worn on his legs, arms and across his waist. Donning black boots and a set of purple chains connecting from his front collar loosely hanging around his shoulders and connecting at the purple sun above the birds beak. Connecting to the two bottom purple suns another set of chains hung connecting and holding a black quiver to his lower back, the same symbol as his robe was on the center of the quiver. Oddly enough though nothing was inside the quiver.

Reaching out Nathan noticed the boy also reaching out, thinking about something, Nathan began to test a theory he had and sure enough, he realized the memorizing boy in the ice was in fact him. Pulling his mask down he began to think.

'The far north, a blank space on the map, a forbidden area from humans. The absolute freezing environment makes it impossible for humans to live, yet I feel nothing…My body has changed meaning this must have been either a part of my interpreted wish or the being that reincarnated me did this…now that I think about It I do remember thinking about what I would look like when I reincarnated once, but it had been so long ago I forgot. I need to get used to my new body and any powers I have, seeing as how even my appearance was accounted for, I doubt he didn't give me any of the powers I had dreamed I had. While I have this time alone, I need to make the most of it.'

"First things first, I need new name! New body, new world, new name…what should I call myself? Maybe a Chinese name would be good, so I fit in. How about Tian LeiYu, that will be my name from now on then. Now to test my powers…lets start with my spirit, maybe that will give me some clues."

As Tian LeiYu thought of the first spirit he had in his dream a bright purple light spread through the surroundings, even the sky turned purple. A large singular circle like ring appeared behind him. If one looked closely they would notice within the large ring were 12 majestic ancient rings stacked onto one another, all of which were purple-silver in color, one stood out from the rest. A large purple-silver ring with ancient writing within lay at the center of the circle. shining brighter and made all other 11 rings seem like they were nothing in front of it. Alongside the rings an ancient looking bow appeared in LeiYu's hands, it was just shorter then he was, the limbs of the bow looked like wings, and the sights and stabilizer in the center looked like an open birds beak equal distance from one another, the arrow to be mounted between the two beaks. The front side of the bow was black and looked like scales, the backside of the bow facing him was purple and seemed as if it was glowing, six spikes came out of the back located towards the limbs, two larger ones flanked by a smaller spike on each side. Overall the bow looked beautiful, and suited him perfectly. Information flooded his brain, how to properly use the bow, how to fight, his rings and their abilities, everything he might have needed to know about his spirit, he now knew.

"This…? Should I assume this is his doing? If so thank you, you've saved me a lot of trouble. So I was right, he must have given me all of the things I had desired in my dream. Still though I must say…its really strong, huh…aren't I basically at the level of a God with just this one spirit? I mean I have Twelve rings all of which are from ancient beasts of the universe ageing over 1 billion years old at the minimum…one is even from a 10 billion year old spirit beast. I didn't even know that was possible…I mean considering how old the universe is, just because the Soul Land universe doesn't have them, doesn't mean they don't exist. Still a being that's lived that long is probable equal to or greater in strength then most gods…just goes to show you how powerful that man must be to create it. Will I really have other spirits like that was well? I guess I did envision the most op character I could think of but still…I wonder just how much effort and energy must he have used to complete my wishes, I'll repay this debt one day, just you wait."

Next LeiYu tried using his next spirit, which were his Cosmic Spirit Eyes from his dream. Unlike his bow nothing drastic happened in the surrounding, behind his back a singular large ring similar to his other spirit appeared, looking closer this one also had twelve ancient rings stack onto one another, the largest ring in the center. All of a mix and blend of blue, purple and silver colors, similar to the cosmos themselves. As soon as he activated his spirit, a third mystical eye located at the center of his brow, that seemed to draw ones attention with how beautiful it was, appeared. All three of his eyes turned into miniature galaxies that spiraled and swirled in a beautiful dance of colors and lights. LeiYu saw everything, nothing could escape from his eyes. The entire world, the stars in the sky, everything was within his grasp.

"A…amazing…everything…I can see it all! This is surreal…well being reincarnated is about as surreal as it gets, but still! This is awesome, and it goes perfectly with my Bow spirit. I can even fuse them?! Fusing my eyes with my bow doesn't 'fuse' them in the truest sense of the word but rather the two spirits feed off of each other and enhance each others abilities. Makes sense, a good marksmen can be without sight, but a marksmen with sight is far deadlier. Now for my last spirit…the Thunderbird!"

As if on cue the sky changed, a storm began to rage. The storm seemed to consume the whole world, not one inch of the planted was spared from the raging lightning and booming thunder. The heavens themselves seemed to be falling. A weird phenomenon occurred, along with the lightning raging in the clouds above so to did flames, the sky looked as if it was on fire. Yet oddly instead of ashes, snow was falling upon the world. Even in places where snow had never fell before. Spirit beasts everywhere cowered and were silent, even the strongest of beasts were no exception. Spirit masters gazed up at the sky in wonder, 'just where on earth did this bizarre storm come from' they asked themselves. Only the strongest of spirit masters were just barely able to gaze upon some small truths of the storm.

In the Sea God's Pavilion Mu En faced up towards the sky, his eyes closed.

"Hmm…a god has descended…the question that remains, how and for what purpose have you come…regardless I am unable to change the tides of destiny, I am nearing my end. What comes shall come, I just pray Shrek will be able to weather the coming storm." (Mu En)

Many powerful beings all across the world looked to the sky preying to those above that the cause of the storm spares their lives.

Back at LeiYu, he to was staring at the sky in awe, but for a different reason. Above him descending from the storm clouds, a massive heavenly bird appeared. The bird was coated in a blue flame, yet against all odds the flames caused snow to fall. Its talons and beak seemed as if made of ice and looked incredible sharp. Lightning raged between the birds six wings, the wings were massive, covering most of the sky. Behind its back was one large singular ring, ancient rings stack upon one another forming a large circle, 1 larger then the rest, just like the rest of his spirits, yet rather then behind him, they were behind the slowly descended bird that was getting closer and closer towards the ground. As it did it seemed to grow smaller and smaller. By the time it landed it front of LeiYu it was just smaller then himself, just under four feet in height.

"This lowly one greets master." (Thunderbird)

"Eh?! You can talk?? Well I guess it makes sense all things considering…can you explain the circumstances though?"

"Certainly master, first off, my name is Lei Niao, I am not physically speaking but rather using my spirit power to talk directly to your conciseness. I was created by the Watchers to be your spirit essence. Being your spirit essence we can talk directly through thoughts. When I was first created, I was a spirit beast at the level of a Peak God. Not long after I was created I was turned into your spirit essence. The order there is important, due to being a god first I was able to retain my physical body, as well as move and think independently.

The best way to explain it would be, I'm similar to a Companion Spirit Soul. We are already contracted for life, as you grow stronger so too will I. Your other two spirits are similar, its best to not view us as normal spirit essences, we are all very much 'alive'. Your bow and eyes, however, are not capable of thought and due to that wont be able to fight separately from you. You use them, while commanding me. Also even though I am able to act independently, in the end I am still your spirit essences, you are in control and I can never, nor will ever, act or do anything that goes against your direct will, unless it is to save your life.

Something you need to know, you may order me to carry out reconnaissance using my physical body. During which it does not mean you will lose your spirit essence. I will still be with you, as in a way I am you and you are me. We share everything from senses, to memories you name it, you can look at my memories whenever you wish by the way master. After looking at yours, the best example I could come up with would be drone from your old world. I can move my physical body a far distance from you but the control center will remain inside of you. My physical body, no matter how far away can always be summoned back instantly as well.

The rings behind my back also are shared between our bodies. The best way I can explain is, even though you see the rings behind me, imagine them rather being behind both of us at the same time, just yours are currently invisible. As for my abilities…"

LeiYu and Niao talked about many things, Niao's abilities, his other spirit essences, and other things. Something which he was shocked to learn about, was that he also possessed the complete set of spirit bones from a Storm god Thunderbird including an external wing type bone. He had remembered them from his dream only when mentioned just now, and he would have forgot about them otherwise. They could combine together and form the Cosmic Storm - Archer God's Armor under the influence of combining with my other spirits.

They also talked about how to use his abilities properly in conjuncture with one another. He learned from Niao that he could be considered a Tri-Spirit Peak God. The levels of gods in the universe are as follows, Rank 100-109: 3rd class or 'Lesser Gods', Rank 110-114: 2nd class God, and Rank 115- 119 1st class Gods are known as just 'Gods'. Possessing 9 god rings are Rank 120: God King. At Rank 150: God Emperor you may get 2 more god rings, 120-149 are known as greater gods. While 150-199 are Peak Gods. The soul land universe is to small to have an Emperor Rank watching over it.

The Watchers are beings all over Rank 200 in power having over 15 rings with at least 1 being a Watcher's ring. The Watcher's ring is what gives them control over a section of the multiverse that they've been assigned to. The stronger Watchers can even reach into the 900's. Beings that broke through to Rank 1,000, even Niao doesn't know, as most of his knowledge was told to him by the Watcher who reincarnated me and created Niao.

Watcher's didn't only use the soul land's power system. Some used system's such as cultivation, magic, martial arts, many others as well.

Technically LeiYu was ranked at 150: God Emperor due to having 12 god rings 1 of which was even a Watchers ring, even though its sealed due to him not being strong enough. Niao said his combat power would be equal to 3 or 4 God Emperors due to having 3 spirits. As well as having the rings he has, after all usually only Watcher were able to have rings over 10 billion years old, in normal cases. If he was to ascend to the god realm, he would be able to become the God of Storm, God of Archery, and the God of Vision if he desired, and due to him existing no other god would be able to claim those titles due to the laws of the world.

He learned that going from Rank 150 to Rank 200 and becoming a Watcher would be extremely hard, and if he was to go up against a Watcher, even one of the weaker ones, they could wipe him from existence instantly. For that's the power disparity between ranks above 100. Knowing he wasn't as strong as he thought when it came to the true power of the multiverse was no small blow to LeiYu but he got over it quickly. He already knew he was nothing when compared to those truly powerful beings like the Watchers, just the fact he could glimpse at their power was already saying how blessed he was compared to his previous life. He decided that he would try his best to one day reach their level, and look at what lies above even the almighty Watchers, what force is driving all things behind the scenes.

I know this was one big info dump, but I would rather give out as much information about the world I will be working with at once, rather then spread it out over multiple chapters. If I went with the latter things might get confusing at times. To make up for the info dump its a longer chapter this time around, thanks again for the support as always!

SnowRosecreators' thoughts