"Now, make the two things I just made, and then I'll teach it. I'm not wasting materials on using this technique on something mid as fuck…, so go. Do it. Now!" She demanded, and as I stretched my limbs a bit, she slammed the table, waking me up to go gather all of the ingredients.
"Y'know, just because I looked lazy didn't mean I wasn't paying attention," I cheekily grinned, and as the woman rolled her eyes once more, I ground the first batch of materials up, splashing a few drops of cold liquid into it in order to finalize the entire thing.
I then mashed up the next batch of ingredients and dripped a few drops of boiling hot liquid into the mixture, causing an eruption of steam to finalize the entire thing.
"And… how is it?" I asked, pushing two bowls towards her, causing her to let out an angry grunt as she muttered under her breath, and soon she took her two wooden bowls and shoved them in front of her.