
Warhammer 40K/HP The Warp Debacle

Cast into the warp in the dying days of the 41st millennium. Harry fights to return to the wizarding world and the challenges beyond. - Enjoy a slippery descent into Madness - _______________________________________ Reviews and any spare power stones would be appreciated - No smut or harem degeneracy The trademarks, IP and characters relied upon are owned by their respective organisations, only the AU characters are my own. This fanfiction is not monetised.

Descentofpotential · ภาพยนตร์
48 Chs

Chp 46: Wizards in a Circus

The next day Sirius and Adam were sat chilling in his flats living room, Sirius was reading the Times of London, whilst Adam was flicking through the images in a copy of fourty thirsty furries a purely educational prose.

"Eh, Adam you ever been to the circus".

"Sorry ... no I haven't, why"?

"Oh I was just thinking, as I have the day off and there's a circus I think it's called" looking back at the paper, "Cirque du freak it might be fun to check it out it's just ".

"I mean ... sure maybe it will be fun" replied Adam.


Having spent the remainder of the day plonking around Adam got dressed for the evening it was seven and the show was due to start at eight.

"Adam ... bud we need to get a move on, I can get there in an instant but there will still be a queue and personally I'd like to get good seats" called Sirius from elsewhere in the flat.

"On my way, I won't be a second" called Adam back finishing the process of buttoning up his white linen shirt, before rolling the arms up to his elbows".

Adam, looked at his trunk, sighing.

' Pleas let this evening be normal' he thought.

'Calcifer snickered'.

'Yo Calcifer let's not flag the evening'.

Calcifer popped her automaton head out of Adam's trunk, 'good luck mate'.

'Na-ah you don't get to stay in the flat when you've said something like that' thought Adam.

Adam pulled out his wand reducio, grabbing his trunk which was now the size of a matchbox, clipping it onto a necklace he wore around his neck.


Arriving at the circus around a faint mist wet the air. In front of them was a great circus tent.

There were a few other hooded attendees but for the most part they were one of the few there in front of them was an empty booth with the sign back in three seconds.

"Back in three seconds that's awfully specific" said Adam.

"Well one, two and three there and they're not back".


A small hatch at the bottom of the booth cracked open dropping a small square note 'money'.

"Strange" said Sirius fishing out a few great British pounds the muggle sort before placing it in front of the hatch. Suddenly a small inhuman hand appeared for half the blink of an eye wisking the money away leaving behind two tickets.

'Eeewww what is that did you see the teeth on that thing' echoed Calcifer in Adams head. 'Your guess is as good as mine, that's something even a goblin mother couldn't love'.

Continuing past the booth Adam and Sirius walked through the entrance of the tent.

"Is he eighteen" said a strange deep voiced asian man stood almost directly above them.

'thrones tits' that scared me thought Adam.

"Uhhhhh ..." said Sirius blankly looking from Adam to the man and back again.

"Say YES" said the strange unnaturally tall asian man.

"Uh sure" said Sirius.

"Gooooooowddd ... You don't have a tendency towards panic, sudden cardiac arrest or crippling anxiety do you .... SAY NO".

"No" said Sirius.

"No" said Adam looking at Sirius before sighing.

"Alrrrrr-ight then" said the man bowing deeply above them before saying "go in then the shows about to start".

Adam and Sirius sat down in the seats waiting for the show to start. A couple of minutes later the asian man with a hairline worse than a cistercian monk came to centre stage under a bright set green of stage lights.

"Welcome .. welcome to the Cirque du Freak the oldest continually operating freak show in the western hemisphere, we have toured for five hundred years bringing the bizarre to generation after generation may I present the ... Wolf man"!

From the dark emerged a great furred man with a dogs snout and face, sharp claws and flies spinning around it's stinking form smellabke from meters away.

"That's not a bloomin warewolf what on earth is that".

"Oh my God it stinks".

The wolf man growled as it walked past th front row of the audience, before coming to a stop in front of a woman. Suddenly it roared ripping off one of her arms blood spraying everywhere.

"Holy Merlin" exclaimed Sirius cringing away in his seat.

"For peats sake there's blood on my shoe" replied Adam nonchalantly which got him a strong look from Sirius.

"Call an ambulance" screamed a member of the audience.

"That's not necessary ..." said the tall strange asian man.

The dog ... man dropped the arm in front of the asian man " good boy ... and stay", suddenly upbeat jazz started to play as the woman who's arm had been ripped off suddenly stood up with a smile on her face as her arm began growing back in seconds first bone, then muscle and finally skin weaving towards her now reformed fingertips.

'I could so do that'.

'Unlikely, that would take you hours if not days as you are now' said Calcifer.

"The enchanting recycling queen" shouted the asian man. Receiving a smattering of claps from the small audience "and now our resident hunger artist.

In slid a black man on his knees in a gold shirt and trousers "Ribsss". The man stripped off his shirt revealing a mostly missing torso is spinal column missing several of the bottom ribs his organs wound around the lower half of his spine like rope.

'Could you do that too Adam'.

'Na I'm good bro'.

"Double ew" said Sirius.

"And next gertha ... Ttttteeeettth m" from above descended a woman holding onto a rope with her teeth, massive teeth.

'Is her whole thing just massive teeth'.

'Looks like it'.

'Crazy what you can get away with in the nineties'.

The various acts continued, a man with two bellies, a snake boy until finally "Madam Tuska" shouted the deep voiced, criminally hairlined asian man.