
War wound

A ex military officer betrayed be the government now a vigilante on a mission to bring down the corrupted society. he is the antihero known as War Wound

Waynehead803 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs


5 years later

"Look at this view. I can't believe there's so much corruption in such a beautiful city. I whole city isolated from the rest of the country but the streets are still flooding with crime and drugs. And at the center of it all was Ivan Saturn. I have 2 weeks to expose the clown or he's going to be elected mayor for sure. Even with my teleporting powers it's hard to tale this guy."

One night Miles heard that a fight going on in the middle of city that is turning into a riot. Miles teleported to a nearby building to get a view of what was happening. But when he teleported there something felt off so he jumped to another building. As soon as he land he was shot with a taser. Over a dozen of men dressed in all black emerged from the shadows. Soon alot more joined them.

"We've been expecting you Mr. Moore. Alright men clear this mess up before the police or other heroes show up. You see Mr Moore we created this whole scenario to lure you here tonight."

Miles tried to teleported far away from these guys but he couldn't travel far and his head felt like it was going to split in half. Some of the guys attacked Miles forcing him to optic lasers. He took down three of them before he felt another shot from a taser. Then someone hit him with a gun.

"Like i was saying Mr Moore we were expecting you. Mr Saturn his kept i close eye on you keeping a close eye on him. He would like to invite you to come have a friendly cheat with him. He'll answer any questions you may have. Do you accept this invitation?"

Before Miles could say anything he was hit over the head with a gun again knocking him unconscious. The thugs quickly tied him up and took him where Ivan was waiting. He miles finally gained consciousness his arms where tied behind his back and the was wearing some weird red shades type things along with some type of head gear. The first the he tried to do teleport but he felt an electrical shock through his entire body. Shortly after Ivan walked in.

"Miles Moore how good of you to accept my invitation and came so peaceful with my men. Im sure you noticed you can't use your teleporting powers and before you try it you can't shot your eye beams neither. Those shades would reflect them right back into your skull burning holes into your brain. Now that we have understanding let's talk. I don't really care why you've been following me what i want to know is about your talents. How did get them I've always been interested in teleporting powers. You looked surprised Miles. Did you think you was the only one. No sir your the third one I've encountered. Me and a brilliant scientist captured and killed the last one. We tried to obtain it's power but we made the mistake of killing him before experimenting on him. So unfortunately you'll have to be alive during all of this."

"You really messed up you know that? I first i was just going to expose your dumb ass but know ima put a few holes in you then drop you off a cliff. You'll hit the ground right before you bleed out. You think you can keep me here so you and some play doctor!? And for all you men here i know your just following orders. Get out now and i wouldn't drop yall off the same cliff this guy gonna drop from."

"I understand Miles. You wanna go out like a real tough guy so you try to keep this brave front up but by the time we're done with you your gonna wish i just put a bullet in your head. Fortunately for you we had to break my partner out of a maximum security asylum so you have a few more days to act all tough."

Miles didn't respond he smiled and tried to use his powers again causing massive shocks throughout his body but he continued to try. Fighting through the pain his body started vibrating. His body and mind was starting to overpower the machine attached to his head. Ivan quickly exited the room and sent in to 3 guards. Miles was counting on him send them in. As soon as one got close enough Miles headbutted him as hard as he could breaking the shades the provided him from using his optic lasers. He immediately blasted the other 2 guards and grabbed their keys to the cuffs. Miles was free and out for blood