
War of Heroes and Gods

Gods, fickle creatures. Taking young men and women from one world putting them in the next to be some hero, what a joke. Over a thousand years have passed since these beings no longer take from us the Young and Gifted, Powerful, and Blessed. Now us humans have unlocked the power to take these worlds for our own and rule them by claiming to be these Heroes the Gods have such abandoned. Rare Materials, Magic, and Knowledge unknown to one world, taken to fuel our own. On to the next world which may be the last for these Heroes, and just maybe find these so called Gods.

Rardren · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs


After being caught up on the whole story by Anubis, the rest of the squad finally had a picture of what they were up against and what might come later. After repeating his questioning for a contract Anubis looked over each one with a hopeful face wondering who would take on his offer. Especially Rak, he was hopeing the most powerful in the group would take his offer.

Although a contract with any of them sounded like a sweet deal to Anubis, who would not want their partner to be the strongest?

Everyone looked at each other wondering who should be the one to make a deal with an actual god who was powerless.

After a few minutes of diliberation Rak spoke up "Larry, you do it. Everyone else could atleast effect the way that fight went, but you were useless to say the least. Your sniper might be powerful against ordinary monsters and demons, but against these it is sorely lacking. Atleast next fight you can help if you make the contract."

A bit embaressed Larry commented "I know i did not do much but would a power boost not be better suited to you captain? You basically ended that fight all your own and should be able to do alot more if you did it."

"Enough being a coward man" Chimed in James, slapping Larry's shoulder and continuing "Just do it already and let us move on, we don't need another one of them coming at us right now while we are tired from just one of them."

All the while they were trying to come to an agreement, Gremlin was taking constant glances at Anubis and mumbling something under her breath.

After a few more minutes to come to a conclusion the descision was finally made for him, so Larry was the one made to take the deal so he could work for once. After accepting his fate Larry gave a big sigh and walked infront of Anubis and squated down.

"I will make the contract." He said in a bit of a defeated tone. "So what do we need for this to work?" he asked

"It is very simple, all we need is a drop of your blood and to state your name loud and clear to show a true commitment for each other." Anubis explained

With a pained expression Larry shot up and waved his hands "Heck no, not gonna happen, i dissagree with this all the way!" before backing up a few feet.

"What is wrong with you? Should blood not be common for you to see? Just one drop is all that is needed to establish the contract." Anubis said while looking at Larry like an idiot.

"That ain't it!" He screamed "I hate my name and will go by my new one forever and never will i say it ever, not even if there was a knife to my throat." He stated vehemently

Before he could take one more step back, a knife was flung to his throat with not a sound or single movement from the one sending it. As is stopped a mere centimeter from his neck he stopped walking and moved his eyes over to his captain, not liking where this is going.

"Is there an ammendment to that rule?" Rak questioned, staring at him with a smile.

With a few beads of sweat dripping down his face, Larry replied "I guess, if the knife is floating in the air i might be a bit more willing."

With that said, the floating knife at his throat slowly moved torward his back and gently poked him forward, edging him closer and closer to the fallen god questioning his life choices.

Finally coming to a stop in front of Anubis he said dejectedly "Alright lets get this over with." With a quick glance to Rak who moved two more floating knived to his left and right making sure he did not try anything funny.

With a slight nod Anubis raised his hands and a swarm of glowing blue particles rose from the ground in a small circle around the two. Lowering his right hand he said "I, Anubis, god of the underworld hereby sign a contract."

With one last sigh Larry raised his left hand and grabbed his dagger at the waist and cut a small line in the middle of his right hand before offering it to the small creature. As he slowly offered it to Anubis a trail of blood flowed and he stated "I, Alibaster Durnham, hereby sign a contract."

As the two shook hands a blinding white light engufled the two for a short few seconds before dissapearing leaving everything as it was before. Even the wound, albight small, on Alibaster's hand was already healed.

After it was over Anubis looked at his new contract mate and asked "Why do you hate such a name? It feels noble, one meant for a person in a much higher position than a mere warrior."

"Thats why is hate it." Larry said. "Who names their kid this thinking they are going to not get bullied for such a lame name. Thats why i go by something different, something more normal. But with this contract i have a new name now." He continued with a smile on his face.

"Oh? Pray tell what is it?" Anubis asked, never actually hearing how they refered to him.

"Me?" He said, as his grin grew by a mile. "I am now Larry, the sniper of death and destruction, the man who will send everyone to the underworld who makes him mad." He continued as he swung his sniper rifle over his shoulder and laughed.

"What have i done?" Anubis spoke softly as he felt an emotion he sought rather unpleasent, regret.

Sorry for slow updates, work is starting back up and have had no time to myself lately. Will try to get some more chapters out if possible.

Rardrencreators' thoughts