
War of Heroes and Gods

Gods, fickle creatures. Taking young men and women from one world putting them in the next to be some hero, what a joke. Over a thousand years have passed since these beings no longer take from us the Young and Gifted, Powerful, and Blessed. Now us humans have unlocked the power to take these worlds for our own and rule them by claiming to be these Heroes the Gods have such abandoned. Rare Materials, Magic, and Knowledge unknown to one world, taken to fuel our own. On to the next world which may be the last for these Heroes, and just maybe find these so called Gods.

Rardren · Fantasy
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30 Chs


Looking a bit perplexed and tilting his head to the side a bit, Rak questioned what this little beast was talking about. "A god he calls himself? how idiotic, they dont exist." He thought to himself. Not buying what this guy is selling, he begins to charge his spikes up with electricity again causing them to glow dimly as he draws back his arm.

Noticing the power being drawn into the fearful weapon he just witnissed the destruction it caused, the werewolf like being began to sweat a bit before yelling at Rak. "Hold it, im telling the truth i really am a god! you might have heard of me!" while jumping off his perch on the tablet.

Still looking weary at the strange creature, Rak kept an eye on him and asked "Alright then, who are you? and why do you think i might know you?" While still putting more power behind his attack he can launch any second.

"Anubis!" the creature yelled, feeling pressured. "Anubis is my name, a god of death and the afterlife and one of many in the egyptian pantheon." he continued to clarify himself.

Finally lowering his weapon, Rak commented "Then it must be true, no actual self-respecting god would pick such a lame name."

Feeling a bit angry over that comment, but still weary of this humans power, the so called god commented with an enraged tone "I swear i am the god Anubis and i could prove it if that damned being did not steal my power!"

A bit intrigued about the creatures story Rak asked "And what kind of being could steal a gods power?"

Thinking back to what had happened and feeling even more annoyed, Anubis spoke in a highly aggresive tone "That bastard Loki thought it would be funny to give our most newly created Demon King of this world a way to steal a few of the gods powers so he could have a friend who would help him out. Little did he know even with the little knowledge he was given after being made he stole all of the gods power. Now all gods, from every panthion you know and do not know is powerless and in this mediocre form unable to do anything by ourselves."

"That explains your problem, but how does this guy fit in to the mix?" Rak asked while looking at the charred husk infront of him.

With a sigh, Anubis explained "Taking that much power was impossible for anyone, even a god like me could not take all of the other gods power, let alone a mere demon from a lower world. So when the Demon King took it all from us he digested what he could and spread the rest of our power upon the millions of other demons in this world he was connected too but with a cost. For hundreds of years all the demons have been asleep adjusting to the power they stole causing them to become stronger by doing nothing but give the humans of this world time to grow. Since this world was recently made human technology is at a minimum and fighting skills at an even less standard without the constant threat of demons to fight."

"Although." The god continued "It seems they have started to awaken slowly with the weakest first and the stronger ones still to come."

"So you are saying that this world is populated by millions of demons, each one at the very least as strong as this guy with more powerful ones to come, and that they hold the divinity of gods themselves inside them, and i just killed one of these monsters?" Rak questioned with a shallow but ever present happiness to his tone.

"That is correct" Anubis stated before turning around to gaze back at the stone slab with writing on it still resting untouched in the town square they were talking in. Then he continued "And i would like to ask for you and your companions help in this matter, as long as a demon is dead we can extract our power from it and become stronger while the masses grow weaker. I believe with the power at your disposal you can help us get our power back and stop the foul demon king before he wakes up."

"As much as i would love to help, I see you are taking a huge interest in these words left by this demon he brought here, what exactly do they say?" Rak asked his last question to the powerless god. While noticing his team coming back to him from different directions.

With a defeated contanace Anubis began to read off the script etched into the stone before him

"Upon a throne made of lies and bone,

Sits a king like none were known,

Down to the last they were drained,

Of power that will not be regained,

Hail to the one who turned the odds,

Our Almighty Demon God."

Noticing the return of the others, Anubis once again stated his idea "So then, i would like to form a contract with one of you, every time your group kills a demon i can get my power back, and through this contract you can use what power i regain to fight even stronger demons than this even easier. the more you kill the stronger i get and the stronger i get the better off you will be. So who wants to make a deal with a god?"

Just coming into the conversation between the two, everyone had a look of confusion about what was going on between this creature calling itself a god and their captain. So everyone had to be informed from scratch.