
Wanting More (Naruto Fanfic)

Yoshiro - “Only with experiencing pain and anguish will ones true self come out.” Remembering little of his past life, The MC steps in the world of Naruto and adventures to put his name in the history of this anime world. Having to live alone and survive on his own. Hardening both mind and soul, Yoshiro has a decision. Live a peaceful life and harbour life or Live a chaotic life and eliminate life. Either choice has it up and downs but in the end, fate decides it for him. I do not own Naruto, I only own the OC.

TruckkunJr · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
21 Chs

Facing Reality

To say Yoshiro's personality and view on life had change was an understatement. Seeing his parents stay in a coma statue for 4 years, than suddenly pass away due to shocked. His little heart broke, the once cheerful and bright Yoshiro that visited his parents every day to tell his parent of his day and make jokes like they were awake was now an introvert, cold boy that put on a fake smile to his distant cousin's so they wasn't worried for his well-being.

Though it came as a Shock to Find out in this Naruto world that Sasuke was a Female just like his older brother. Sasuke and itachi or should you say, Sayaka and Itsuka looked similar to their mother, Mikoto. Sayaka was a very out going child the same as her male counter when he was a child but when she wasn't with her family, she was the same as the male version. Same as Itsuka, she dotted on her younger sister and actually really cared for her mother.

The three females cared deeply for Yoshiro so seeing clearly the change in him, disheartened them, the three didn't know what to do to comfort him except ask and show their affection towards him. Mikoto looked at him just like a son she never had. Itsuka loves him excessively like an Obsessive Older sister, she had a massive brother complex wouldn't be a surprise to say the least. Sayaka has a crush on him and always tried to gain his attention but to only get teased by her sister and mother for seeing this.

Yoshiro growing up in the 4 years saw his self looking very like Izuna, Madara's brother and Sasuke but without the duck butt as hair. His Raven neck length hair that had 2 long bang with spiky hair, Onyx eyes and sharp features made a lot of girls his age fawn over his very cute face. He was rather tall for his age, standing the same height as an 5 year old.

Nevermind his Looks and Relationships. Yoshiro when he went to his apartment that was paid by the Head family, he slept with each and every hour shaky and sweating furiously. Waking up after every nightmare, all he could do was train and keep his mind from being occupied by memories of his deceased parent's.

Training, shutting himself in and visiting his parents graves was his daily Schedule. But once strolling back home with food in his hands, he heard shouting and a very shy voice near the pathway that was close to his house.

"Ewww, why are your eyes soo disgusting!"

"Yh! Your eyes are soo creepy!"

"I-im sorry... I-i will just go." The short haired girl with white eyes like pearls to tried to leave the three boys to only be grabbed by her shoulders.

"Your not leaving just yet."

Finally registering what scene he came across, Yoshiro always loved Hinata and believed her to be too good for Naruto who always tried to get a flat board that aired him even after saving her life multiple times. Grabbing the 6 year old boy by the wrist, being little taller than him, Yoshiro Dark eyes steered daggers in him.

"Pick on someone your own size." Yoshiro forcefully using the child's arm to make him be in a kneeling position.

"Argghhh! I'm sorry! We won't do it again!" The child cried while grunting in pain. Seeing it working, Yoshiro clicked his tongue and booted him away.

"Go! I ain't got all day!" Shouting at the children, all of them ran of crying. Sighing at the scene, Yoshiro put his hand through his hair and turned around picking up his grocery bag.

Being amazed and thankful at the boy that saved her, Hinata blushed slightly with embarrassment, also taking notice of his face, she blushed more in a daze staring at his eyes. Glancing from behind him, Yoshiro took in the cute Hinata and saw her scarf ripped due to the pulling from the children

Unwrapping his Black Scarf, He walked up to her and wrapped it around her neck, somehow in the end covering her neck and half of her face.

"It seems you need this more than me, here, you can have it."

Her face turning almost all red, she looked at her feet not wanting him to see her face. Glancing at his face while shaking slightly, she finally connected the loose ends, Weird Red and white fan that looked very familiar on the back of his black cozy jacket, Black hair and black eyes. Widening her eyes slightly, she asked in a shaky but thankful voice while bowing slightly.

"T-t-thank you. A-are you an Uchiha by any chance? I-if not than, I'm s-s-sorry!"

Waving her off, he put his hand in his short pockets and introduced himself. "Yes, my name is Yoshiro Uchiha. From your beautiful eyes, I can tell your from the Hyuga, Am I right?"

Nodding her head dazily with a blush from hearing him call her eyes that she always despised and got picked on by almost every kid beautiful. She thanked her eyes for the first time since having them.

Seeing the weird behaviour, Yoshiro put on a slight smile, she was very similar to Sayaka when he used to praise her. Noticing the movement of his lips into a smile, she stood still frozen while receiving warm head pats, she thought in her head 'S-so Soft and w-warm. His smile looks sad and lonely...'

"Get away from Hinata!"

Interuppting their special moment, another voice intercepted, it directed their fist to the right side of his head. Instinctively crouching down missing the punch, Yoshiro sweeped the leg causing the person to fall on their butt. Getting back up, Yoshiro about to finish off the person, heard another person from behind him, this time another squeaky voice.

"Brother! Leave them alone!"

Seeing a kick directed to his back, Yoshiro turned his upper body towards them and grabbed their ankle moving it to his left missing his back, and finally moved his lower body to step through with his right leg with right fist inclosing on the person's jaw to knock them out.

This counter move was made by Yoshiro while sparring against Sayaka, he counters the person's leg/fist while pulling their ankle/wrist by making them barely miss while keeping their movement causing all their force that they built up to be done against them by his counter kick or punch even head butt.

"Y-Yoshiro, Stop please!"

Stopping his punch from knocking the person out. Yoshiro let go of their leg causing he/she to fall, Yoshiro yet again grabbed his groceries that was on the floor Infront of Hinata.

"Get back here! We haven't finished yet." Hearing a boy shout loud, Yoshiro just aired him.


"Brother! Stop always being loud, this is why mother stopped you from eating ramen." Hearing her mention, ramen. Yoshiro Knew the girl was talking about Naruto but... What does she mean Brother, Nevermind her mentioning a women seemingly to be their mother.

Yoshiro looked behind him with a confused to hell face. What he saw almost shocked the living hell out of him, their on the floor arguing loudly was two Blonde haired twins with whiskers. One was definitely Naruto with his Red scarf and the second looked like a female version of him but with purple eyes and twin ponytail.

Yoshiro didn't know what to say any more, this was completely different compared to canon. Though this made a whole new bunch questions pop in his head, is Minato dead? And how is Kushina alive? Only possible explanation was that either Tsunade was at the scene when she was about to die or the god/goddess of luck was on her side.

Too much for today, Yoshiro only patted away the dust on his shorts and walked away with question marks almost appearing above his head.

Arriving Back at his apartment, Yoshiro made some food and trained while his mind was on auto pilot thinking about possible changes in the Naruto world that he was in. When he was finished, he went asleep like usual this time his nightmare wasn't as bad because of the occupied thoughts he has going on.

[Pov: Hinata Hyuga]

Looking at boy that told me his name is Yoshiro, I could tell he was lonely like me before I met Naomi and Naruto. I was always bullied by my eye's that every Hyuga inherited. It scared me that I would be lonely and without friends, just like him because of something I couldn't change.

His movement, calmness and breathing showed he trains a lot and has fighted in similar scenarios. His hair blew in the wind like the night cloud and his confident demeanour.

How can someone be soo good looking! Neji-nee-san doesn't even come close to him, I want to see him again... But father said that the Uchiha clan was trouble and nothing good will come out of speaking to them.

"Hinata! Anyone home!?!?" Shouting Infront of my face, I stepped back and realised I was stroking the scarf he gave me and blushed.

"Hinata, do you know who that boy is?" Turning to the side of Naruto, who woke me up. I looked at Naomi and tried to calm down my blush.

"He only said name was Yoshiro Uchiha." Speaking sadly, I wanted to speak to him more before he left.

"Uchiha? Ahhh!! Mother mentioned them once. They are said to be one of three most powerful clan in Konoha, famous for their Dojustu like your family Hinata. She said it was called the Sharingan." Listening close to Naomi ranting, she was similar to Naruto but was very smart and loved anything to do with history.

"So what if he's got this Shaingan or whatever! I'll kick his butt than become the Hokage, Datebayo!" Naruto proudly exclaimed.

"Why do I have such a stupid older brother..." Naomi faked cried while putting her arm around me, seeing his sister calling him, Naruto pointed his finger at her and said.

"Watch, you'll see that I will become the best Hokage their will ever be." Storming off, Naomi and me was walking back to my home in the clan head house. Getting dropped off, Naomi asked me about Yoshiro, she explained that she couldn't see his face because of his fast movement but could only see his Black hair.

In the end I got my revenge and successfully teased her. I can't wait until The Academy is open so I can be with my friends and... Yoshiro...