
Wanting More (Naruto Fanfic)

Yoshiro - “Only with experiencing pain and anguish will ones true self come out.” Remembering little of his past life, The MC steps in the world of Naruto and adventures to put his name in the history of this anime world. Having to live alone and survive on his own. Hardening both mind and soul, Yoshiro has a decision. Live a peaceful life and harbour life or Live a chaotic life and eliminate life. Either choice has it up and downs but in the end, fate decides it for him. I do not own Naruto, I only own the OC.

TruckkunJr · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

World of Naruto

You know how everyone says living as a baby would be peaceful and great....Well it isn't! All I do through day and night is shitting my nappies and Cry, even when I want to stop I can't!

On the bright side, overhearing my Mother and father talking one day, shockingly i fount out currently that I am in the Naruto world and even more I was a Uchiha as well as Uzumaki.

It might sound great and all that I could possibly gain the Rinnegan but while living on the outskirts of the Uchiha clan, all that I could see in my fellow clan member's eyes is scorn and hate towards me and my family. Even when my parents show nothing but smiles towards me, I can tell in my mum's eyes the hurt and betrayal shown towards the clan.

While living a peaceful and comfortable life for 2 months. It sadly all fell apart when a Massive gust of smoke suddenly appeared in the middle of the Village. Overshadowing 2 glowing red eyes, it sent chills down my whole being. Seeing it in the anime is way more different experience compared to real life.

Seeing everyone rushing and trying to get away the 80m 9 tails fox. My parent hushed and tried to comfort me, arriving to the safe point for everyone. Being given to my mother's best friend Mikoto, my parents departed me. Only my mother leaving me these world before leaving to protect the village.

"Always know that your mommy's boy and you're parents will love you no matter what....Goodbye Darling...."

Kissing my forehead with tearing dropping down both of their loving eyes. They left imparting their legacy in few words to me. Shredding tears, this time with true meaning. I could only see my parents back before gradually falling unconscious in Mikoto's blossom. ...Yet again losing my parents in both life from young age.

[Time Skip: 4 years]

As rain fell and thunder voiced with the night sky shadowing, standing in a grave yard a small black figure was standing above 2 graves. Leaking tears from his Charcoal eyes that looked down cast towards the 2 graves, Both graves belonged to the little figures parents.

Yoshiro: "Only with experiencing p-pain and a-anguish will someone's true self come out...." muttering under his breath, loneliness and pain choking on his words. Yoshiro faced towards the moon.

Yoshiro: "Always know that you're mommy's boy....we will always love you no matter what....Why? Still this question always comes to my mind. Why did they choose to leave me?" Questioning life it self, Yoshiro gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

Yoshiro: "I bet this is all nothing but a sick joke to who decided to play around with my life!" Shouting with anger, pent up stress leaving his mind. Yoshiro squatted down and placed his hand on the graves and dropped the flower's with the other hand on the graves.

Yoshiro: "Kaa-san....Tou-san.....I will live up to your expectation's. Just watch, no one will disrespect neither of you until my dying breath." Biting his lip hard, blood coming out. The once Charcoal eyes were now replaced with glowing red eyes, 2 black tomoes in both eyes.

Walking away from the graves with one last look. His Black spiky hair swede with the wind, visibly showing only a glowing red eye that had a tear down his cheek. Yoshiro left and promised his deceased parents, with his final words.

Swaying towards the once lively home of his family, Everyone looked at the lone child variety of emotion's could be seen in their eyes. Pity, Hatred, Shock in everyone of their eyes that was towards him. Clans member that passed him and bumped into him on purpose looked at the lifeless and sad red eyes with shock and disgust.

Clan member: "half bloods shouldn't have them dignified eyes, only Pure blooded Uchiha Elites should."

Clan member: "Just leave him alone for today, the Clan head wife has taken a liken to him. You don't want to get on her bad side."

Getting bumped into mostly all the way with civilians giving sympathy looks towards Yoshiro. He finally arrived to his house, getting a shower and putting on his boxers and a black T-shirt. Yoshiro sat on his bed looking at the door where his parents would come in and look after him.

Yoshiro: "I'll get stronger for both of your sakes and mine so you don't have to worry about my well being. Goodnight Kaa-san, Tou-san."

Laying down and closing his eyes. Yoshiro drifted to sleep, let the night sky that gazed on him with his pale skin glistening away.


Thank you guys for reading my new naruto Fanfic! I hope you guys enjoy it and until next times! Bye! Btw it's a short chapter so sorry but it's just the background and to tell the start.