
Wanted by the devil CEO R18

"I hate my life, why can't I be happy" Natrine Kana is a loving and caring lady who is always challenging and strong in any situation. She lost her father at a very young age and became depressed because life had never been easy for her. She came from a middle class family and as the only daughter and child, her only job was to keep her mom happy. She met Dylan some weeks after her father's death and since then he had became her backbone always showing her love, compassion and care. Dylan was the definition of a perfect boyfriend, whose only job was to see a smile crawl to the lips of Natrine. He was the romantic type who loved Natrine compassionately. Their love kept blossoming for three years till Dylan demanded for a break up. Once again she had to lose a loved one and this time it was her one and only Dylan which made her heart shatter into pieces. She decided to never fall in love again and just concentrate on her work. But all that ended when she had a night stand with a stranger which she later found out to be her boss, the CEO of the top companies in ten different countries. An eligible bachelor, successful tycoon, a sinfully handsome man and also rumoured to be a devil at work. Since then her entire life became a fairy tale. WARNING: Explicit mature content and the book is also a work of fiction. Image by freepik.com Read my other works in order not to miss out of a world of fantasy.

Derin_Asha · LGBT+
68 Chs

Throwback:Who drugged me?

He slammed his cock roughly and made me feel a slight pain in my stomach.

He was so rough and fast that we climaxed quickly.

I licked the whole white liquid out of ecstasy and started riding his cock. He started to moan loudly and crazily.

Natt.tty you are a ba...ba...bad girl he screamed.

I rode his cock faster and squatted on it till he released inside me again.

The pleasurable night continued till we drifted into a deep sleep.

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I woke up in the midnight because of the pain from my core.

I noticed I was in a strange room in a strange way.

I took my phone and started chatting my mom because I knew she would have been dead worried about me even though I told her I won't be coming home.

I texted her then slept back.



I woke up with the help of the birds.They were chirping and singing sweetly.

I slowly stood up and saw myself naked.

It looked so strange because I didn't remember any thing too.

I looked back and saw Dylan sleeping peacefully beside me with the whole bed tattered..

The room was also disorganized. I started to feel somehow strange but even if we had sex,it wasn't bad since we are lovers and I was sure he was my man to be.

I got up after convincing myself and went to shower.

I was done when Dylan woke up.I was so happy because I had lots and turns of questions to ask him.

I knew I wasn't drunk last night .I only had orange juice and felt dizzy and sick after that.

Does that mean Dylan drugged me?I shouldn't make false allegations against him.

Natty!! I drifted out of my thoughts as Dylan called me.

"You seem to be lost in your thoughts and I am surprised to see you wake up so early after yesterday nights' event,I felt so shy when I heard his reference"

He was actually a devil.

I don't understand anything Dylan but I don't think am feeling too weak.I managed to reply him with my whole face flushed .

Natty you seem to be blushing than usual,Ok let me get dressed then we move finally,Dylan said.

He went to shower and I used the main time to investigate and think about how I got so decked up last night.

"Don't over think it Natty. It's normal for things like this to happen after all we are sexually attached,I whispered to myself.

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Hello readers,

Do you really think Natty was drugged or it was just her normal demands.

__To be updated soon

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