
Wanted by the devil CEO R18

"I hate my life, why can't I be happy" Natrine Kana is a loving and caring lady who is always challenging and strong in any situation. She lost her father at a very young age and became depressed because life had never been easy for her. She came from a middle class family and as the only daughter and child, her only job was to keep her mom happy. She met Dylan some weeks after her father's death and since then he had became her backbone always showing her love, compassion and care. Dylan was the definition of a perfect boyfriend, whose only job was to see a smile crawl to the lips of Natrine. He was the romantic type who loved Natrine compassionately. Their love kept blossoming for three years till Dylan demanded for a break up. Once again she had to lose a loved one and this time it was her one and only Dylan which made her heart shatter into pieces. She decided to never fall in love again and just concentrate on her work. But all that ended when she had a night stand with a stranger which she later found out to be her boss, the CEO of the top companies in ten different countries. An eligible bachelor, successful tycoon, a sinfully handsome man and also rumoured to be a devil at work. Since then her entire life became a fairy tale. WARNING: Explicit mature content and the book is also a work of fiction. Image by freepik.com Read my other works in order not to miss out of a world of fantasy.

Derin_Asha · LGBT+
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Heated Night R18

I got a message from Dylan on my way home and luckily the time was just 3pm.He told me we were going for an outing.

I was so stressed after all I had a filthy and dreadful day.

I hurriedly went home and changed into a powder pink gown.

I put enough makeup on and after being satisfied with my looks, I left.


I met Dylan waiting handsomely for me at the side of the road.He looked damn cute.

Hi baby girl,he looked at my whole body and my physique then he smiled.

Natrine you look more beautiful and I had missed your beautiful face.


Get in Natty,he said.

I entered his car then he sped and left.

Soon he stopped at a very large and beautiful hotel.

Come down beauty,he whispered. I got down with his help and I felt a little awkward air around us.

Natrine I brought you here for fun and my friend his celebrating birthday today.

Wow that sounds great,I replied.


The party was so fun and since I'd vowed to not drink any alcohol, I stared and watched the beautiful abode.

"Natrine have some fresh orange juice,Dylan said to me.

Thanks and without hesitation, I sipped the whole glass...


Urggghhh.....I heard my soft moans as Dylan pleasured me with his fingers.

I was naked so he had access to my pussy lips.

Let it all out,he whispered to me.

He kept on pleasuring me with his fingers till I suddenly grabbed him,stripped his undies and the visibility of his large dick was seen.

He was so huge,I slammed the cock into my mouth and pleasured it with my hands.

Uhmmmm....Dylan moaned as he enjoyed the whole pleasure.

I rubbed his dick gently and pouted them with my soft, pinkish tongue.

I managed to swallow his whole dick and shoved it gently.

Uhmmmm...Na...Na..tt.tt.. am about to...re..le..ase.

He released his whole seed into my mouth and I swallowed it all

He started to rub his dick on my pinkish nipples which made me moan louder.

He nibbled on my nipples and started making his way back to my core.He was so devlish and knew how to satisfy me.

All of a sudden,he slammed his dick into my wet core and started driving me crazy.

Oh My Gosh Dylan was my perfect match made from abode.

I hope you are all enjoying the novel or should I stop the scene of the heated night?

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