
Scout's Guide to the Zombie Apoc (Part 15)

After the group got out of the suburbs with the diary Ben directed Logan to drive out and look for a ride for Denise and Missy. The waitress looked at him but didn't say anything as Logan simply followed the directions and peeled off to head out of town. The ride wasn't more than five minutes before Logan found a dirt bike on the road tipped over but intact. Stopping, Denise, Missy, and Ben hopped out with the Big Breasted Deputy pulling Augie with her. As the four passed Ben stopped at Logan's window making the big man roll it down with a raised brow. 

"I'm gonna send Denise and Missy to the checkpoint to call off the bomb and maybe send back some help to save the party goers" Ben explained. Logan nodded and Ben looked a little off to the side as he took a breath. "I, uh, hope you're okay with helping us save Kendall and everyone. It's just you three really-" Ben started and Akane leaned over with a smile.

"Are fucking natural badasses?" She guessed and Ben nodded without any reservation.

"Yeah, I just wanted to make sure you guys were okay with helping, cause we can find another car or..." he puttered out as Akane put a finger on his lips. 

"You think we're gonna skimp out after all the other shit we have had to deal with? We didn't have to go get the diary with you all, we chose to. Look Ben, I'm fucking close, too close to take a cold shower after all I did. We're going, and I'm going to fully enjoy Every. Single. Second." with that she pulled back and sat back down with both Ben and Carter looking at her. 

"Why do I actually find you so fucking hot" Carter asked and Akane looked back to him. 

"Girls like bad boys with a possible heart of gold, Boys like crazy hot girls who will do things that you can't tell your mom about" she said as if it made perfect sense and then pulled out her DS to continue her pokemon addiction. Again the two boys watched her before Logan broke her spell. 

"Were good to go Ben, the waitress is waiting for you" Logan said. Ben looked over and saw Denise looking at him by the motor bike and nodded as he left the window. Carter leaned over to Leah who was also in the back seat and whispered a question in her ear. Leah just smirked and shook her head before whispering back something that made Carter recoil back with a shocked expression. Logan looked at her and Leah shook her head and waved a hand implying that she will tell them later. The four in the car started to watch as Ben walked to Denise to share a moment at the bike, when all their attention went to Augie and Missy. 

The older woman had pulled the red headed scout away from the car and bike and was practically mauling him as the two embraced. One could see the scout was in way over his head with the deputy fully showing how much of a back of the bleacher kind of girl she was. The four in the car would think they were watching a porno if not for the deputy keeping her heavy petting above the belt.

"Is he...kicking his foot up?" Leah said, leaning forward to watch closer. The other three in the car nodded together with open mouthed amazement as Missy then actually pushed forward enough to dip the scout as she brought the kiss deeper. Carter finally broke through his shock at what he was seeing as he held his hands up and shook his head in anger. 

"Really? Augie gets to kiss the big boobed deputy" he said with a growl. 

"Mmmh? I'd say if there was a bush present Augie would get more than a kiss right now" Akane chimed in as the two finally broke. Missy leaned in to say something that had Augie nodding politely before walking away and back to the car. The four kept on Missy as she walked to the bike, showing them that both Ben and Denise were also watching what just happened. with a quick few more words Ben wished them well and the two took off on the bike. When he got back to the car both Ben and Augie hopped back in, with Leah moving to the front seat, with Akane. 

The car didn't move though as Logan shifted to look at Augie with everyone else following his lead. The red headed scout looked at them all with a raised brow.

"What?" he asked. Everyone didn't say anything and just shifted back to look straight ahead. 

"Rec center next right?" Logan said, getting the plot moving forward again. Ben shifted forward and grew a serious expression as all night he's been running around like a dipshit who didn't know what the fuck to do. But now, he was about to drag his friends into hell to save the girl he liked and a bunch of kids who looked at him like he was a dumbass for being a scout. It was time to show those fuckers what being a scout really means.

"No, first we gotta make a pit stop" the boy said and directed Logan to a new destination. 


On a quieter part of town that the dead hadn't moved into, a smaller sized box store received a breakin as Logan smashed a cat ladies car into the entrance doors. Timed seemed to slow down as the four doors opened up, blasting out Dubstep on high (Burial ft. Pusha T), as the group of old and new scouts rolled out to gear up. Ben walked through the store before stopping in the gardening section and finding a gassed powered weed wacker right next to a glass display showing some rather nice looking knives. 

Carter went into the carpentry section and found himself a caulk gun, piping, and a wide selection of nails and screws.

Augie took a stop in the sporting goods section and found himself some Croquet balls, compressed air tanks, and tubbing.

Akane, seeing the scouts feeling a little inventive, stretched her brain out and picked up some metal piping, a short machete, some butane tanks, and tubing.

Logan headed into the electronic section to grab some circuitry, before doubling back to the sheet metal aisle and sporting goods section to grab gloves and his own air tanks. 

Leah picked up saw blades, a portable saw, drill battery pack, some heavy duty springs,.

The group spent an hour building their zombie killing gear while also modifying their clothes and putting on some bite protection before putting their new tools into their car and pulling out to go enjoy quite the rager.


Chloe kept trying to send some raging text out to the asian bitch after finally understanding what her emoji message was. As if that bitch would put a fucking hand on her for just wanting to show that Dickbag Logan a better time. She was even nice enough to make it a fourway because of how hot he was, but whatever, she'd just have to make do with what she had. Thankfully she needed to bring some date so as to not look like a loser, and it was paying off this very moment in Travis.He was popular, dumb, and hot enough for her to settle when she went out looking a week ago. Which was why she was pulling Travis away from the party to help burn off this built up lust she had for Logan. 

"God you look hot" Travis said as she pulled him to some storage area. Spotting a metal table in the middle, and seeing it wasn't too dirty, she pulled him to it. 

"Thanks, now listen" Chloe said as she hopped up onto the table. "We just started dating so I'm not letting you fuck me, and I'm not letting you shove her cock down my throat." Travis looked bummed in his drunken state but she pulled his face back up to meet her eyes. "But, I will let you eat me out okay, I'm horny and need some release." Travis grew a smile as he nodded and she smirked before popping in her headphones and laying down to put on a porno to help her get there. Travis excitedly started to pull off her panites and flung them off, only to hear a groan from behind. 

"What?" he asked as he turned to see a shadowy guy behind him. His details were obstructed enough that Travis didn't notice the wrongness of the guy. Feeling grossed out by the peeping tom though, the drunk and horny teen grew defensive and made a stand. 

"Hey, perv, fuck off" he said pushing out his upper body to look bigger. The guy looking on didn't answer and instead started to walk forward towards Travis and Chloe. "You wanna test me?" Travis said as he started walking towards the guy. "You think approaching me isn't going to get your ass Beat you little fu-AGH" Travis started when the dead lung forward and brought him to the ground. 

"~Travis I'm fucking waiting~" Chloe sang out as Travis was having his throat ripped out. She didn't have to wait too long as the dead pulled back up and turned to her. Seeing such a prime area to bite it obliged the waiting girl by moving in with past memories taking over. "Finally, I thought you would never-AH, watch the teeth you dick." Chloe said as she felt "Travis's" teeth a bit too much when she tried to grind a bit on his face. Looking down though made her grow pale as the dead looked up from her crotch. The next second he dove back down, this time focusing on teeth only.


Back into the main party area which was the drained pool, Jeff was grinding on Kendall who looked nothing but worried. Her phone was dead at this point and she couldn't find her brother anywhere when she looked around the pool. When she felt Jeff start to drag his hand up to her breast and his lips on her neck, she got annoyed. The fact that her boyfriend wasn't clearly seeing her present and clear expression of worry, and instead trying to turn her on was sending her over the edge.

"Stop," Kendall said, flicking her neck away from Jeff's lips. The boy didn't think so as he tried to kiss her neck again. this time she physically pushed Jeff away and turned to him. "I said stop!" 

"Come on, babe" Jeff said looking at her annoyed at the cock block. He tried to move into a kiss but Kendall shoved him. "What the fuck's your problem?" he shouted out as he just wanted to get laid tonight, and Kendall was being nothing but a bitch to him the entire party.

"I can't find my brother or his friends, they should've been here hours ago," Kendall said, trying to get him to understand her worry. Jeff just looked smug and laughed as he understood what's been bugging her all night. He guessed the joke had gone on long enough for him to spill the beans. 

"He's not coming, babe," Jeff laughed, catching Kendall off guard. 

"How do you know? Did he text you?" she asked while feeling for her dead phone on instinct to check it. Jeff pulled her closer trying to get her to dance with him as he answered.

"Because I gave them the wrong address," He said. 

"What?" Kendall said wide eyed with a frown. 

"They're Scouts, Kendall!" he said trying to understand how she wasn't getting this. "What'd you think, I was gonna invite those losers for real?" Kendall looked at him in bewilderment at how someone about to graduate high school would still have such a mindset of a five year old. So what if they were scouts, how was that being a loser? did he think him being a football star made him fucking special? Kendall pushed away from him in rage. 

"You are such a dick!" she shouted and turned to leave. Jeff though grabbed her arm.

"Woah, you're not leaving right?" he asked and she pulled away from his grab.

"Watch me!" she said and started to walk away again. When she felt Jeff's arm really grab her she finally had enough. spinning around she fully slapped him hard enough to make him stumble back. He held his face in anger when he looked back at her.

"Fine, then go bitch" he said with a shove that knocked Kendall to the ground, and showed Chloe behind her. Kendall reeled from the shove as her tailbone hit the hard ground of the pool, but still saw her friend didn't look too good. Her complexion was pale and she had blood running from down her legs from her crotch "Jesus girl, go find a fucking tampon" Jeff said in his infinite "asshole guy in movie" wisdom, making Chloe's next move a crowd favorite. With speed Chloe jumped into Jeff's chest, and sunk her teeth into the jocks neck to send both to the floor in a bloody mess. Kendall, seeing the fucked up scene, screamed her head off as she stumbled back to her feet.

In the middle of the party she pushed and shoved her way through the crowd to get the hell out of here. She tried to tell everyone to run, but found that most were too drunk or caught off guard to know what she was trying to tell them during her fearful state. Eventually she ran out of the crowd and to one of the doors the lead out of the pool hall. Yet this proved to be a bad move given that when she opened the door to run, she saw a massive hoard running right for her. Screaming again she doubled back to the pool and crowd as the dead swarmed into the party. 

Now, with the added dead, and sudden violence they were showing to the few near the door, the teenagers partying suddenly sobered up enough to realize that shit had hit the fan, and they needed to run. however, the teens were in the pool, and thus were essentially fucked as the dead herded them into the deep end as they started to munch down on the outside of the party crowd. Kendall was with them as she pushed deeper into the crowd to run from being attacked. Everything looked more and more fucked as dub stepped rang out, and flashing lights showed glimpses of the dead attacked anyone in sight. Eventually Kendall made it to the deep end edge, and saw the ladder to the lip of the pool. 

Seeing the way out she quickly grabbed on and started to climb. Unfortunately for her though the dead were swarming the pool faster then she made it to the ladder and thus when she got nearly to the top, she was just inches away from a lunging hand by a dead at the lip of the pool. This caused her to drop back but still hold on thankfully as she soon felt the hands of more dead under her. Again she screamed out as her mind didn't know what else to do to save her from this hell. It was at that point though that everyone in the pool heard a record scratch loud enough to make the pool hall quiet.

"Hello horny boys, and drunk minded girls" Akane shouted out from the DJ stand. Next to her were Logan, Leah, Ben, Augie, and Carter. Each one holding some rather tinkered toys to play with as they gazed out onto the hoard, and scared teens in front of them. "A message from Troop 69, taking over for the police tonight given current events, that we've received a noise complaint and the smell of some Wacky Tobacky. Were going to have to request you let us join in, and to share that shit." The crowd and hoard looked at her in silence for a beat before Akane continued. "No? then I guess some Excessive force is needed then. Hope you don't mind if I put on a classic banger to enjoy the rest of this party." 

With that Akane pressed the button on the laptop and the music started up as the scouts dove into the hoard. 

(A/N: I know I gave the three guns, but I mostly did that for Zombieland coming up. Plus who doesn't like some dead rising modified weapon fun! I know the info on what Akane, Logan, and Leah are building for their weapons is sparse, but each one is based on a game weapon. Can you guess what they are before the next chapter comes out? I'll give a hint and say that two of their weapons are from the same game world. Well, now I have to write out a hopefully fun and long fight scene that will likely be the whole next chapter...Maybe.)