
Scout's Guide to the Zombie Apoc (Part 11)

(A/N Longer chapter due to the first bit about the three MC's current relationship.)

"Fuck, my feet are killing me" Denise sounded out as the large group walked down the road out of town to the evac site. After escaping, or more like exploding, the police station the group needed a way out of town. Missy suggested her Bentley, a car her dad got her from impound for a steal, but Akane broke the news that her car was the one that exploded. The bimbo's response was a frustrated kick to the ground as she whined about losing her sweet 26th birthday present. So now the group was forced to walk down the road till they either made it to the evac, or found a car to get them there faster. 

"The security checkpoint's only a few miles away" Ben said, trying to keep the morale up.

"Ah dude, I'm starving" Carter whined. Ben looked at him with genuine amazement.

"How can you even think of food when people are being eaten alive?" he asked his friend.

"You know, they say that humans taste like pork" Augie chimed in as he walked with an easy gait. Everyone took a second at the comment before Denise asked simply, "They?" Augie shrugged, "Cannibals I guess?" he answered while continuing to walk. 

"Dude, I love bacon" Carter said as his mind picked up on pork being called out. 

"Me too, it's like nature's candy" Missy said with a smile as she walked next to Denise. The waitress was doing her best to ignore the bimbo as she walked, making it clear they weren't friends. The three movie goers were behind them walking together having their own conversation. 

"Did you really need to waste the pipebomb for that?" Logan asked Akane who nodded with her chest puffed out. 

"Absolutely, you know how badly I wanted to do that in the real world babe. I never did though because I would be labeled a homegrown Terrorist, hunted down by the Alphabet boys and girls, and then locked up in a place no one would ever see me again." 

"Us, never see us again" Logan corrected as he would never have sold out his wife, and thus been an accomplice, which would have likely gotten him branded as a member of the non-existent cell the FBI would have thought they were a part of. Akane blushed at his loyalty and stopped to rise up to her tiptoes to give him a heartfelt kiss. 

"I love you" she said truly while starting to walk again before pausing and hopping over to kiss Leah, who herself was doing her best to give the two a moment. "And I feel like we're getting closer to that point with you as well." Leah blushed at the kiss and smiled while looking up at Logan, who smiled and leaned down to kiss the girl as well. 

"I'll be honest and say that you really do awaken the past" Leah looked at him and Akane nodded with a smirk. Going into more detail Logan smirked himself and responded, "My father kept me mostly isolated growing up, he raised me to be a soldier, a commando, a true attack dog of the military that he would give to at the age of eighteen. Anyone can notice that when I'm left to my own devices, I tend to grow cold, calculating, hungry for... a challenge. A challenge of might, of superiority in any form that I could find. He saw this early enough and instead of wasting time with drugs and therapy, he simply gave me the tools and outlets to do just that.

Paintball, sports, hunting trips, martial classes, chess club, advanced mathematics, ect. you name it he put me into it. This of course led to my social popularity skyrocketing as I had the trifecta. I'm fit, I'm smart, and," waving to his smiling face, "I'm obviously not lacking in looks. With these combined the girls in my life were naturally attracted to me. That didn't matter much until highschool when childhood crushes got dosed up with hormonal lust of puberty.

I'd love to say I was immune to this but I'm still human. So, me being mister perfect in the eyes of all the girls around me, it didn't take long for me to end up getting asked out. Now, Like I said, everything was a challenge to me, a challenge I needed to... Dominate" He said while his expression and presents shifted in a way that made Leah think of that first night with the two. An overbearing and domineering individual. one that made her knees weak as his eyes looked right through her, as if she was nothing. Akane instinctually grew taller in her steps and more aware, as if she was ready for a fight. The feral smile that replaced the smirk showed the carnal nature of her response.

No kidding?" Leah barley got out sarcastically as she looked at Logan, her legs shifting during the walk to instinctively try to sooth the burning need his look gave her. Akane pressed into Logan's side and growled softly as she looked at him before looking at Leah. 

"Oh yeah, I'm sure you remember how He puts the M in S&M Honey" she said while rubbing his chest. His eyes never left Leah's and she actually had to stop walking as her leg seized up. The other two stopped as well while Akane continued. "Our man here awakened about half of the girls in his high school class to the more submissive side of love. I'm talking about some real slave like love, on the ground kissing his feet and begging for treats kind of shit. Hell, one time I waited outside of his highschool for him, and I saw like ten girls with actual dog collars on just like you, and wearing them just as proudly!" she laughed. Logan reached up and bopped his wife's head.

"You make it sound like I broke them into nothing more than pets for the next man to come along and claim" Logan said watching as Leah shifted to looking at the ground as her body shivered out in need for a second. "I did see love and relationships as something to win back then, which seemed to resonate with my partners positively. Everything was consensual, and I made sure that they kept their pride and romantic boundaries strong."

"Oh, absolutely, that's why I said they wore those collars with pride! They looked so comfortable with themselves, Logan. You literally broke them, showed them who they really are, and then built them back stronger" Akane responded. She then smirked again as she looked at him, "though, we did quite a few desperate calls after you graduated about needing their master?" she said with a whisper loud enough for Leah to hear. Logan was going to respond but was beaten to the punch.

"So that's why you guys told me to be myself?" Leah asked with a breathless voice, looking at Logan, who shifted back to a more relaxed posture and let Leah cool down a bit. 

"Yeah, If that's what gets you there then I'm willing to embrace some of my more domineering side" he said. "I let some of it go after I found a woman who could challenge me. Someone who would fight me for dominance and never give me an inch for free." Logan finally looked down at Akane who was smirking like the demoness she was. 

"And I found a man who could handle me. both mind, body, and bloodlust" she said while leaning up for another kiss. Leah nodded as they kissed but then licked her lips. 

"I would really like that then, if you're offering Logan" Leah stated. "I'll be honest that for a while now I felt like you weren't enjoying my presence in the relationship. Hell, you've never once pulled me away for just a moment with just the two of us. I...kind of want to see what you would do with just me as your only focus you know. with those eyes and that presence you just gave off. Like that first time in the Cineplex." Logan looked at the woman and broke away from Akane who was licking her own lips. 

Immediately his eyes grew colder again as he reached down and gripped the dog collar Leah wore. The native woman breathed in a shuddering breath as the taller man leaned down over her till he was mere inches from her lips. 

"I suppose you've been a good enough girl to ask me for something" He said, locking her gaze firmly on his own. "But when you want something like this again you better beg me Pet" he Commanded her. Leah shook as she actually fucking got their just from his first real command of her.

"Yes...Master" she whispered, earning her a smile and kiss from Logan that held a confirmation that their connection had grown from just sex, to a blooming affection. Akane smiled happily at the wall between the two, finally breaking when she heard Augie singing. All three looked over and noticed the group in front had forgotten them, and that they had run up to the abandoned truck, and the dead homeless from the convenience store. 


The three watched in fascination as Augie started singing hit me baby one more time to the dead and actually getting a response. "~This loneliness is killing me~" the red headed scout stood out getting more pumped and surprisingly the dead started to join in, verbally singing back. At this point Carter & Missy both hopped in getting sweeped up in the moment and soon all three were singing. The three that were a bit left behind just watched in fascination at the scene. 

"The level of cognition the dead have in this movie is such an interesting premise" Logan said as he watched the dead literally singing in a guttural yet still verbal response. Leah shook her head and frowned.

"No, not interesting, fucking terrifying if you ask me. Imagine an actual dead that could trick the living into running right into a trap. Hell imagine if they could set up traps? They would evolve into a minor threat that would eventually die out, to a major hassle you would constantly be looking out for" Leah said.

Akane nodded at her thought process. "Yeah, that wouldn't be great. It would be like a less deadly Wendigo, or skinwalker." Leah then grew bright eyed and clapped her hands. "Oh, after the zombieland movies let's go to one of those movies next! I'd love to hunt something like that." Leah looked at her with a slight frown.

"Really? I don't know if we're really ready for something so dangerous right?" she questioned while looking over at Logan who she realized wasn't going to be any help. He was smiling even wider than Akane at the thought of killing something so dangerous that sparked his needs. The native woman sighed and just watched the four singing to help cope with the future plans in place. Given it was her own cultural myth they wanted to hunt, she didn't like the idea of it one bit given its strengths. Eventually the three heard the dull roar of the military jeep behind them and looked to see it pull up. 

A tall black soldier got out, assaults' rifle, shouldered it, and took aim. 

""""~Hit me baby one more time!~"""" the four sang out before a bullet priced right through the dead, killing it instantly, and scaring the three singing with it. Everyone but the three turned back to see the soldier who looked tense.

"Nice shot" Akane commented offhandedly. 


After the death of the homeless dead everyone loaded into the jeep, with Akane on Denise's lap, Leah on Logan's, Carter on Ben's, and Missy on Augie's. To say the two boys together were upset was a given especially with Leah looking happy in her seat, and Missy complementing Augie on having comfortable thighs with a giggle.

"I swear to god dude if you pop a boner right now" Carter said and Ben looked grossed out.

"Shut up Carter," he said while they drove off with speed to get out of town.

"Is this all of you?" The soldier asked, looking back at the crowded jeep.

"Yeah," Ben answered. "What the hell's happening?"

"Don't know yet, some kind of Viral outbreak. CDC ordered a military containment perimeter" the soldier answered. "We've evacuated everyone we could find, but this thing hit so hard and fast we are still trying to contain it." 

"What about everyone at the party?" Ben asked and the soldier looked perplexed, "What Party?" 


The suppressed thump of the music from the abandoned rec center sounded out into the night, signaling a few crashers that were nearby. One being dead with its lower jaw missing, and weirdly flicking its tongue around as if tasting for its prey. It stood just outside the center and started slowly walking towards the noise in constant hunger. A few other dead could be seen making their way to the center as well. 


Carter and Ben, fearing for her sister and the other kids, directed the soldier to head to the meetup that Carter was texting. The drive wasn't long before they pulled into the Waste management facility The three boys hopped out leaving the rest to wait in the car. The three moviegoers watched outside as the three looked around and found no music, teens, nor any sign of a party going on. 

"Oof" Akane said as she watched in the front seat on Denise's lap. 

"Yeah, Kind of figured this would happen" Denise answered looking as the three boys grew distraught. Hearing about the party on the drive here the older girl, experienced in the shitty social structures of school, kinda wondered why the football jock would invite the scout nerds to the senior party. Akane nodded as she rolled down the window hearing the conversation in front of them. 

"Come on Carter, look where we are," Ben said, showing the waste plant in front of them. "Jeff, literally sent us to a place that was full of shit, as if he would ever let us go to the party." Carter looked furious at the fact he was literally told how much of a loser he was to the popular clique. Augie grew a smug expression and chuckled. 

"Well, well, well, seems kind of poetic to me" the red head said. Carter looked at him, and channeled his rage at him. 

"What? that because of what we do, we are losers, Augie. That which you take so much pride in makes everyone in highschool look at us like we're freaks!" he said and Augie shook his head. 

"Teenagers aren't the end all be all of life Carter, so what if we were not popular now? when we are grown up and out of school and into the real world, will be-"

"What?" Carter interrupted. "Will be thankful that we were scouts!? Look at who the leader is! He's a Dolly Parton lovin nobody with no kids, wife, or social life that doesn't involve little kids. Hell the man was watched by the government for a few months to make sure we weren't being molested!" Augie didn't have a response to that so Carter kept going. "Augie, we don't want to be Scouts anymore, we want to be respected by our peers!" 

"Carter!" Ben said, trying to get him to shut up. 

"No! You need to tell him Ben, and stop hiding behind me!" Carter said, getting shit off his chest. "For the last three years Ben has said so many times he wants to quick scouts, Augie. He only stays because he doesn't want to hurt your feelings!" Ben looked pale as he looked at Augie.

"That's Bullshit, he's lying Augie, I would-"

"No," Augie said calmly. "If truths are coming out, then Ben wants to date your sister."

"What, No!" Ben started again but Carter looked at his best friend. 

"You want to date my sister!, dude that's incest!" he shouted and Ben shook his head. 

"No it's not, she's not related to me in any way" he defended and Carter pointed a finger at him. 

"Oh so you really do want to date her!" he stated and Augie nodded. Ben, now in his own anger, moved to push Augie, making the three start to fight like kids. Which made Akane roll up the window as the talking was over. 

"Oh god, hey soldier, can't you radio someone to..." she started but saw that the man was leaning on the wheel and had a wound on his hand. "uhhh, buddy?" she asked and Akane pulled out her knife. The three in the back were in their own world right now as Logan looked out the window while Leah nodded at Missy's constant rambling. In the next moment the soldier lunged at the two women in the front seats, earning a knife in his head, and a scream from Denise and Missy. This earned the three boys attention and they ran back to the car. opening the driver side and passenger side door they saw the dead soldier and grew wide eyed. 

"Oh my god! Not the hot black guy!" Missy screamed out, making everyone then look at her. "What, he was!" she said and everyone shook their heads. Before anyone could say something else the radio buzzed and Ben grabbed it, trying to make it work.

"Hello," he shouted into the radio. 

"Area confirmed clear, no more survivors @(#*$&#@" the radio sounded muffled and disconnected. 

"What, no, WERE STILL HERE, STILL ALIVE!" Ben shouted into the radio but it just wasn't getting through. 

"*#(@$*& confirmed denotation drop at 0300 hours (@#*$&#@ Confirmed" sounded out and Everyone but the three looked tense. Ben tried to get someone to respond but found that it just wasn't getting through. 

"Fuck" Ben shouted.

"They're gonna bomb the town in two hours? what are we gonna do, we have to find Kendall and the others!" Augie panicked. 

"It's a secret party. They could be anywhere" Ben said, trying to think of where they could be. Everyone took a second to think when Carter had a great idea. 

"My sister's diary! She writes every last boring detail of her life in there. She must have said where it would be" Carter said with conviction. Akane With a smile gripped the seat and dash and lifted herself up. 

"Move" she commanded and Ben and the boys got out of the way as she kicked the dead soldier out of the jeep and hopped into the driver seat. "Hop in boys and girls and let's get the show on the road."