
Wandering in the DC universe

Nick died while not remembering his cause of death and met a benevolent entity while also almost throwing said hands to the entity follow Nick through his journey as he finds love and family through the characters that he once saw behind the screen AN I have inconsistent uploading schedule and this story is just a shot in the dark for I was having a dillema on making this story or not so you already know the outcome (damn this intrusive thoughts of mine) anyway hope you enjoy the fic

MASKEDBANDIT_231 · ภาพยนตร์
3 Chs

ch.1 beginning




A young youth of a Man woke up panicking and reach out to his side only to feel nothing but as- I mean air *what the he-*.

as he abruptly open his eyes only to get flashbanged with absolute whiteness "aaagghhh sonuvabitch who turned on the lights" as he adjusted his eyes only to see an endless plane of white as he processed on how he got her he heard a playful voice

"Oh, a soul wonderd itself into my domain it seems" as the voice said that Nick looked around only to not see the source of the voice "who's there! show yourself I am fueled in frustration, adrenaline and hate right now that I ain't afraid of throwing hands and pissing of beings that can't be comprehended by mortal mind"

as Nick said that the disembodied voice speaks once again or was trying to as it was histeracly laughing it's ass off at what Nick said "HAHAHAHA, my aren't you a funny little soul I was about to kick you out of here after giving you three wishes but for the little show that you put on I'll give you four"

as Nick heard the wishing part his brain shortcircuited and was trying to process what the disembodied voice said "wait wait wait,what did you say about wishes and souls last I checked I can still see my hands"

as he said that while looking down he couldn't see his lower part it appears that his lower body is but a wisp of ethereal smoke that is floating "whoah what happened to me"

as Nick asked the question the disembodied voice spoke once again "you died" said the disembodied voice "I mean duh, I meant how did I die last that I remembered I was dozing off in my class" as Nick ponderd on how he died the disembodied voice said "it seems you died while you are asleep on what you mortals call a class, what a fascinating way on preserving knowledge of your species"

the voice exclaimed a sense of fascination on the mortals world "well we do also put it in books to be preserved and also created a machine which a gathers all of our collective discoverys and knowledge"

as Nick said that "yes fascinating, but a shame really" as the voice continued " for

your kind also seek profit for said knowledge to be accessed leading on a quarter of a whole of your population to their deaths if said knowledge was free to spread a pioneer may be born leading your kind to new heights"the voice finished

"What do you mean by that?" asked Nick on what the voice meant "if your kind as a whole were to spread your knowledge for free your kind might step foot to an era of space travel" the voice said "but alas it seems the greed of humanity as a whole has stunted your progress as a space faring species"

Nick was flabbergasted at what the voice said "what, there was a possibility of space travel of our kind!?"nicke asked perplexed at such a thought "yes it is possible in a different timeline it seems and even some of your kind saw glimpses of it and portrayed at what your people call memes"

Nick was astounded at the thought of a different timeline "anyway we're not for such are we now?" asked the voice "were for your wishes that you desire so I can finally be alone" said the voice with frustration laced within it's voice and a hint of tiredness

Nick swallowd an unexpected saliva within his throat"ah yes the wishes thank you for granting such kind generosity" "bah there's nothing to it I say it's a fair deal for breaking my boredom in my domain and giving me such a wonderful time" said the voice with a hint of playfulness and amusement in it's voice

*I mean I'm already dead it ain't my problem anymore, go away useless thoughts* Nick thunk to himself thoughtfully

"Tho you may only receive four wishes" said the voice breaking Nick out of his thoughts as the voice said that Nick begins to think of what to wish for" can you give me a minute to think this thru"

" Sure but you better hurry I might just fling you through the void if you take too long to make your choice" said the voice Nick shudders as he felt the voice smile as it said that *goddamn is that one crazy entity* as Nick thinks on what to wish minute's passby and the disembodied voice spoke once again

"alright times up what will it be little soul?" said the voice with a hint of intruige in it's voice

"For my first wish I would like to have the strength of Saitama on the battle with garu and also Saitamas body constitution with no hair side effects" said Nick crossing his fingers that this wish will be accepted

"Hhhmmmnn, fine granted but it takes three wishes for how powerful it is your asking I say it's a fair trade don't you think?" said the voice "ah,yes thank you very much for accepting it" Nick said bowing in a 90 degree angle while scratching the back of his head

"well what is your last wish?" Said the voice "I wish for the adaptation of Doomsday in the DC universe" said Nick "ah yes that one's power well I suppose it's acceptable" said the voice

"Phew" said Nick whipping an imaginary sweat in his forehead

"Wait!, can ask for a protection for my mind I mean you wouldn't want to be discovered you know"said Nick nervously "fine that's a freebie" said the voice reluctantly

"Well now that's done choose on what universe do you wish to live" said the voice "wait I can choose?" Nick said pointing at himself "yes don't worry it's free of charge, (well you'll be flung to said universe to your choosing)" said the voice reassuringly the last part said in a whisper "flung what? what did you say about the flung part?" said Nick in a panicking tone

"what?, what did I say again you must've been hearing something different to what I said" said the voice Nicke deadpanned at what the voice said *thank God I chose Doomsdays power with it I can adapt to any type of situations*

"so what universe will it be " said the voice "I choose the DC universe" said Nick "you sure I mean it's your choice but are you sure about your decision?" asked the voice"yeah I'm sure" said Nick reassuringly "your call" as the voice said

Nick was then immediately flung out of the domain how does he know well he can't see white anymore instead all he see are stream of lights as Nick was flung and was currently being sent to his universe he chose as this was happening his body was being constructed during the process on travelling

his body was lightly tanned with a compact muscular build his irises golden as the sun and his hair was white as bone as if it was dipped in bleach in decade's

as his transformation was finished he came to an abrupt stop *were the hell am I?!*


Thanks for giving this story a read oh about the doomsdays wish part Nick only got the characteristics of the adaptation of doomsdays ability not the full on bloodline of Doomsday just the ability can't have you all being dumbfounded on why Nick can't fly shm ciao

*Fish thought's 🐟 🐟 🐟*

as I write this chapter I was currently taking a shit while making this it amazes how my creativity just shoots thru the roof when I'm shiting makes you wonder what you can achieve while sitting in the ceramic throne


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