
Walking on Destiny

Steam, transcendent, noble, shadow, perfect witch... Sir, would you like to have a supernatural medium given by the gods? This must be very crazy, Aha! I saw it, I saw the pore of fate, this is the arrival of a new era, or another beginning of the war between gods...! Madness is the style of this world, hunger is the daily routine of this world, praise, the hauncontrollable destiny

Chanjan · แฟนตาซี
41 Chs

Chapter 17 Delayed bad luck


Hayden came back from outside with a black bag in one hand. He seemed to be in a good mood with a smile on his face, but when his eyes happened to catch sight of his friend Al Mantes, who was holding his The revolver was pointed at his employee's head. The smile on his face immediately disappeared and was replaced by a smile that he thought was funny: "Are you performing a circus?"

Hayden's words broke the extremely tense atmosphere between the two of them, which made Kerens completely relieved. He slowly lowered his hands above his head and wiped the cold sweat on his brow.

The police officer looked at Hayden with a puzzled look on his face, as if he was asking about the identity of this strange black-haired boy, but Hayden didn't say a word and shrugged at Al. Then he realized that he had misunderstood the black-haired boy. He quickly put away the revolver that was pointed at Krens's head, and smiled at Krens with an embarrassed look, trying to make him forgive him. He was reckless, but what he got in return was a blank look from Kerens, which made him laugh twice and thought to himself, "Are you kidding? How can I apologize to a child with my identity?"

Al endured the pain in his knees and limped towards the sofa on the side. At this time, he was injured and was caught in Hayden's eyes. His sea-blue eyes suddenly flickered without anyone noticing. ray of light, and then looked at Al's injured leg. Under his gaze, he did not find any obvious injuries, and then joked to Al: "Which lady were you in last night?" "It's caused by excessive exercise on the body." Hayden's sarcasm. If it were Al from before, he would have stood up and straightened his crotch, and then looked at Hayden with a proud look on his face, a man who seemed not interested in women, to prove his certain abilities.

More than once, Al invited the other party to certain places that all men knew, but always received a rejection. Sometimes Al would wonder whether Hayden really didn't like women, but just liked them. It was unimaginable. , but fortunately, I never dared to raise this question. Thinking of the magical methods I had seen Hayden in these years, I suddenly felt my hair tightening, and quickly threw this question out of my head.

This made him guiltily glance at Krens standing next to him out of the corner of his eye, and thought to himself, "I must not let Hayden know that I was defeated by a child today. No, I did not fail." Then he pretended As if nothing happened, he grinned and said to Hayden: "Haha, that was just an accident. My friend Hayden, you have to know that no matter how good the general is, he will fall off his horse one day."

Listening to the extremely greasy conversation between the two, Kerens, who was standing aside, felt that he was particularly redundant now. This made him complain in his heart to the two middle-aged men in front of him, "Whatever you say, I can listen to it." Well, I'm still a minor."

In fact, Kerens didn't know that he had reached adulthood in the St. John Empire, but because of his appearance and height, it was not easy to notice.

Al's cryptic look at Krens just now could not be hidden from Hayden. For the sake of his vanity, he had to pretend to believe Al's words and nodded.


The huge clock on the wall sounded a reminder. At this moment, the hour and minute hands on the clock pointed exactly at 12 o'clock. It reminded people that it was time to enjoy their lunch, and it also reminded Al that it was time to go back. After all, Hayden He is a stingy businessman who will not provide himself with free lunch, and may even make himself pay a higher price than elsewhere. Then he stood up and said goodbye to Hayden, then dragged his limping body out. This pocket watch shop.

Looking at Al walking away, Hayden picked up the black bag placed aside, which contained two fresh but relatively cheap steaks. He said to Krens kindly: "To celebrate your first day. At work, I plan to cook you my best steak, trust me, you will definitely like the taste of it."

Listening to Mr. Hayden's confident tone of showing off his cooking skills to himself, Kerens thought of the soup that was a little too salty. He felt uneasy and wondered if there was something wrong with Mr. Hayden's sense of taste, but he still He nodded and responded to Mr. Hayden: "Okay sir, what do you need me to do?"

"All you need to do is wash the dishes and wait for the delicious steak. Of course, it would be better if you could help me add some firewood, but remember not to use too much firepower, which will affect the taste of the steak." Hayden smiled and ordered to Krens.

Krens skillfully added or subtracted firewood and controlled the temperature of the flame beside this simple stove. His skillful movements made Hayden look at him with special eyes. As he put the bright red steak into the heated metal pot, The aroma of meat after the steak was heated filled the entire kitchen. Clence swallowed as he smelled the familiar smell. His stomach seemed to be awakened by the aroma of meat, and he began to become hungry.

Looking at the steak that was gradually heating up and becoming delicious, Krensi missed the peaceful life in his heart. Although he came to this world not long ago, he felt that this life had passed for many years. Maybe it was because of Yuan Ke Maybe it was an illusion created by Rens' memory.

Krens, who was immersed in his own memories, did not notice that the oil splashing from the metal pot suddenly flew towards his bare arm, and a burning pain spread along his arm to his mind, which made him unable to help it. He jumped up and quickly wiped the area where the oil splashed with his clothes.

This accidental burn reminded Krens immediately of the ability from the Good Luck Hat he had used when dealing with the tall man named Al. Krens completely understood in his heart that the burn on his arm was The misfortune he had to endure, Kerens' expression turned extremely bitter as he turned his head, and he quickly counted in his mind how many times he had used his luck.

All of the accidental burns caused by Kerens were seen by Hayden, which made him feel a little funny in his heart. He was concentrating on the food and did not distract himself from looking at Kerens' injuries, because this might affect his health. As for the taste of the food, just treat it as an accident.

With the addition of various spices, the steak in the pot gradually changed color, and the meat began to become firmer under the gaze of the two. Hayden took out a bottle of red wine from the cabinet and poured it on the steak. A red flower The flames rose in the pot, and the aroma of wine and the aroma of beef filled their senses.

Hayden then placed the steak on the dinner plate prepared by Krens. After placing the steak on the cleaned table, the two sat down and looked at the rich aroma emanating from the plate. Krens Using a knife and fork unskillfully, he put a piece of steak into his mouth, took a bite, closed his eyes and slowly chewed the imaginary delicacy.

But when he chewed, the delicious taste he imagined did not come. Instead, there was a burnt smell. Kerens opened his eyes suddenly, and the expectant expression on his face immediately collapsed, and he looked across the way. Hayden's meal seemed to be delicious, and Kerens swore that he really wanted to feed Hayden the steak on his plate at this moment.

After struggling to eat this, it was the most unpalatable steak he had ever eaten. Clence decided not to let Mr. Hayden waste food like this in the future, not only for the food but also for his own stomach. If he wasn't worried about letting the sea Mr. Deng wonders how a person who spends all day looking for a little food can have good cooking skills. Krensi really doesn't want to hide it now.

Krens, who was very self-conscious, started cleaning the pocket watch store after the meal. There were not many customers in the afternoon. After all, only wealthy families used timekeeping tools, and more people were often worried about food. , would never buy such a decorative item for myself.

In this world, pocket watches are just a decoration used by the rich to show off their wealth. They are usually engraved with their family crest and inlaid with various gemstones. The relatively small appearance has been welcomed in this world as soon as it was invented. It has been widely praised by the nobles, and the second time function can also remind them not to forget their date with Mrs. So-and-so. The life of the nobles is so simple.

Every time when repairing a pocket watch, Hayden would always let Krens watch on the side so that he could gradually become familiar with various types of pocket watches. However, there were also some small incidents, such as being hit on the head by a book, and his finger being pinched by a wooden door... .

The bad luck caused by using the good luck hat kept bothering him. It wasn't until the blue moon reappeared in the night sky that Krens' little misfortune finally ended.