
Waking up as a Ghallager (Shameless USA, 2011 SI)

guy got tortured died met a goddess got some wishes and reincarnated into Shameless as Issac Ghallager twin brother of Ian Gallagher. Tags: #Hire, #Loyal Protagonist, #Revenge, #Massive Crossover, #Possible Harem, #Wish Fulfillment, #Traumatized Protagonist On an Indefinite Hiatus (heavily inspired by relaxing in Shameless, some close similarities, that I didn't really realize until I re-read the beginning chapters.. Savannah and the Wrights were also inspired from it but they aren't exact copies. of that ff.)

Shane_Town · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
26 Chs


Putting my Infinity 1911 back together, sliding the full mag home, racking the slide, putting a round in the chamber, before walking over to the couch, setting my pistol down on the coffee table and laying down to get some sleep.

Soon music started filling the room at a nice volume, and I started singing along softly with One Last Breath by Creed.

Closing my eyes, letting the music carry me to sleep.

[Beep beep Beep beep]

My phone started to ring, fishing my phone out of my pocket answering the call.

"Sir, Linkin Park would like to add Pillow Fights to their tour venue." Svetlana told me with her thick Russian accent came off as seductive.

"You're fucking with me aren't you Lana?" I asked the retired Russian whore.

"They're manager has called over a dozen times, as Pillow Fights is a very popular venue at the moment." Svetlana told me and I could tell from her no nonsense tone of speaking that the Russian woman was serious.

"Book them then, but they're in charge of security, and we get thirty percent of ticket sales and they pay for any damages to the facilities." I told her and got an affirmative sound from her in return.

"Along with all-access backstage passes for you and your family…I also requested one for the." Lana replied to me and I smiled knowing that she predicted my demands.

"Thank you love, you can use her pass…" I told Svetlana before hanging up, standing up from the couch and stretching out my muscles.

'Haa, such a reliable manager and secretary.' I thought to myself while putting my 1911 in its holster and going over to a cabinet that holds boxes of candy bars, grabbing out a couple king size Resse's cups before going to the mini fridge to grab a can of coke a cola.

Finishing up my unhealthy as fuck breakfast before heading upstairs finding Mia cooking breakfast alone in the kitchen.

"Want some help?" I asked Mia while resting my hands on the floating island that held an additional sink, a cooktop along with pot and pan storage.

"No, I wanted to make you breakfast as a thank you." Mia said to me while looking over her shoulder at me.

"Well I appreciate that, I'm not going to let you cook alone for so many people, now tell me what needs to get done sis." I replied to Mia as I washed my hands.

"Alright, follow the Bisquick recipe for biscuits but make it a double portion, and add the bag of sharp cheese in the fridge and make a butter sauce using chive, garlic, and parmesan cheese." Mia told me and I got to work seeing that the oven was all ready as I grabbed a mixing bowl and the ingredients mixing up the dough, grabbing out a clean cookie sheet, spraying it with olive oil and then portioning out the biscuits using a large spoon, before throwing the sheet in the oven.

"You're not too bad in the kitchen." Brian suddenly said as he seemed to come out of nowhere and hug Mia from behind kissing her cheek.

"Don't make the joke I'll make someone a good wife someday or else…I'll make sure my future niece or nephew loves American muscle over your plastic imports." I told him jokingly while staring into his eyes with promise.

"Well if he can't say it, I will." Dom joked with a chuckle as he walked into the kitchen making me roll my eyes and playfully flip him off.

Mia and Brian laughed, and Dom smirked while smiling at me before Elena hugged him from behind looking like a school girl in love.

I kept my expression normal even while I felt bad for Elena and future little Brian.

'I'll do my best to keep you from dying…' I thought to myself while making sure my gaze didn't linger too long.

"Mmm, I smell food." Tej said as he walked into the kitchen and then Roman came in rubbing his stomach.

"When food gonna be ready? me hungry" Roman asked while saying he's hungry.

"Yo, you always hungry Rome." Brain joked with a smile on his face and a laugh in his voice.

"Hahaha." I joined in on laughing with everyone while Han joined the group.

"My sister with you?" I asked Han who shook his head no.

"No, it just wasn't there for me last night." He replied while taking a seat at the stool.

"If you think I mind, I don't…I got used to my sister's ways years ago." I told him as I went into the fridge and grabbed out a yuengling beer and popped the top with my thumb before taking a sip.

"Thanks, but I doubt anything will come of it." Han replied to me and I shrugged to him in response.

"Good morning." Gisele greeted as she walked out of the living room.

"Morning." I shot back to her before taking another swallow of my beer which she walked over and took out of my hand and took a sip of before handing it back to me.

"I'm gonna go grab the other's for breakfast." I said while Gisele smirked at me slightly.

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"What is that about?" Mia asked Gisele while crossing her arms over her chest, taking a slightly combative stance.

"Just some teasing." Gisele replied while arching an eyebrow but everyone in the room felt the tension between the two.

"Is that all it is?" Mia asked knowingly with a protective look in her eyes.

"For now, not that it's any of your business." Gisele replied back not being the one to break eye contact first.

"I don't know the rules of your country…but isn't he a little young to be drinking a beer at seven in the morning." Elena said, making everyone look at her with an are you serious expression.

"Having a beer in the morning is probably the least of the kid's problems." Dom said calmly.

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