
[19] Home

Something pulled my vision to the road where I saw Savannah, and her brothers riding by in a car, and there was a feeling of hurt in my chest only made worse by the image of a girl in the back seat with Savannah but I shook it off for the most part.

"I'm turning in, try not to get stupid you two." I told Ian and Lip who looked at me worriedly and then towards the Oldsmobile that sped up as it cruised down the street.

"Iz." Fiona grabbed my hand but I pulled my hand from her's and went into the house slamming the door behind me, without meaning to.

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"What was that about?" Dom asked, making Fiona shake her head and look down.

"A girl." Gisele said before following Isaac into the house.

"I thought she was going to say "because he's a man"." Han joked making Fiona giggle like Ham was the funniest guy in the world.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Roman asked, sounding seriously offended while Elena let out her own laugh.

"Just ignore it Roman." Dom said to him before standing up and offering his hand to Elena who took it while giving Dom the look.

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'Damn, why does it bother me so much? I mean seriously I fucked her mom for fucks sake.' I thought to myself as I entered the basement and took out my Infinity 1911 and a cleaning kit, as it bugged me that it's only been a few days and she's already gone and got herself someone new.

"Mind if I join you?" Gisele asked me and I was so lost in my thoughts that it didn't even pop into my head that she got past an armored door that locked like a bank vault.

"Sure…" I motioned to the other side of the table but she pulled out the stool next to me and sat down, and it was then that I noticed I was crying as my tears stained the rag I use to oil my gun's internal parts that it was currently resting on.

I felt Gisele's hand on my back pressed against my spine just below my neck in comfort.

"It's okay to cry." Gisele whispered softly as she saw me quickly trying to wipe away the tears so she wouldn't notice.

"Falling in and out of love is hard." Gisele continued softly with her accent managing to make every word sound sexy and provocative, before she removed her hand from my back and took apart her Glock 26.

"Thanks, I know I shouldn't be like this…I mean fuck, I knew we were doomed from the start, it's just I didn't expect to fall so deeply in love with her or to enjoy the time I spent with her so much." I said softly as I got my emotions under control which is difficult with the rampant hormones of a teenager and the brain chemistry or one as well.

"I'm just as bad if not worse than Lip." I muttered softly to myself as I finished brushing away the carbon buildup on the internal slide.

"Haha, no…even I can tell Lip is worse off than you, is Lip his actual name?" Gisele laughed softly from beside me and I found myself looking over at her and with the way the light shined or her smile she looked like one of the most beautiful women I'd ever met, her being a look-alike for Gal Gadot the furthest thing from my mind.

"No his actual name is Philip, but he hates it because of our mother, who is a bipolar drug addict that ruined the name for him." I replied to Gisele and realized I'd been staring at Gisele too long as I returned to cleaning my gun.

"Don't call him Philip, got it." Gisele said softly with some understanding in her voice.

"Haha." I laughed since the way Gisele said it sounded funny.

"You can if you want to." I replied to her knowing it'd bug Lip.

"So I heard your brother's talking about using your younger brother as bait for a priest named father Pete." Gisele said to me and I started barking out laughter.

"HA-HAHA, Those dumb fucks…haha that is something they'd come up with." I laughed and replied to Gisele who was looking at me oddly.

"Trust me Carl, can fight…that little boy loving priest doesn't know what he's in for." I told her but she shook her head and stared at me while arching an eyebrow.

"Haa, fine…I'll put a stop to it." I sighed and Gisele sent me a little smirk.

"Don't get cocky just cause you talked me out of something twice now." I told Gisele as I put some gun oil on the rag and started wiping down parts of the 1911.

I noticed her smirk grew into a smile as she continued cleaning her gun.

"We'll be leaving in the morning…" Gisele said leaving the statement open.

"It almost sounds like you want me to come with you." I said softly but she didn't give any sort of reaction other than grabbing the gun oil from me.

Suddenly Gisele was off of her stool cupping my cheek and leaning forwards to kiss me, her lips connected with mine in a soft slow kiss as her tongue pushed into my mouth.

I found myself looking into her deep brown eyes and she looked into my green ones and she leaned against me.

Before she broke the kiss and pulled back brushing her lips against mine before fully pulling away.

"There's your real kiss for the station, and for the priest scheme." Gisele whispered to me with her fingers trailing along my jaw-line.

"If I didn't know any better…I'd almost think you like me." I said to her as I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her closer.

"Maybe I do." Gisele replied, sounding sexy as hell before she pulled my arm away and grabbed her gun off the table and walked out of my secure room with a sexy sway to her hips.

"Haaa." I sighed as I felt my jeans were way too frickin tight at the moment.

'You're a hopeless simp.' I told myself.

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