
waiting for LOVE

Meet cute happens in many settings and circumstances. Everyone has dreams of find "the one." How far will you go to present yourself to the one you think is your perfect match? Sarge and Aina work at different departments at the same hospital. Because of their different work schedules and an upcoming big change in their work environment, they barely have time to talk. Exciting changes are happening in their lives. Are they ready to face the challenges that are coming their way? We often fall into a trap we unconsciously make for ourselves. However, the answers to these questions are all just there right in front of us.

einsy1c · สมัยใหม่
18 Chs


"Yes, how may I help you?"

"...delivery for Dr. Mendez, Dr. Mary Athena Mendez." The delivery man said. "...please sign here..."

"Thank you. From whom?"

"I just picked it up from the restaurant..." the delivery guy said and left.


"What's this?" Aina said when she approached the nurses' station. Aside from the usual floral bouquets for the patients, there was a paper bag with "Dr. MA Mendez" written on it.

"It was just delivered for you."

"Uh, thanks." Aina said. She grabbed the bag and went to the back room. She was in the process of opening the bag when her phone buzzed in her pocket.


"Heya! Did you get it? I hope you like it." Sarge said on the other end.

"What's this?"

"I promised to send you food, didn't I? Don't skip meals, okay?"


"I gotta go. Bye."


Aina turned her attention back to the paper bag and found a whole meal from soup to dessert! Checking her watch and seeing that she had time, Aina sat down and finished her food. She came out from the back room around 30 minutes later.

"Where were you?" Dr. Sam, her colleague, asked.

"Just took a break..."

"Hmm..." Sam raised an eyebrow.

"What? Oh shoot!" A little sauce had dripped on Aina's jacket. She immediately rushed to the ladies' room to wash up.


"Doc Sarge, are you and Doc Aina dating?" the oblivious resident Dr. Ruby once asked. This made Aina blush and choke.

"I think I ate a seed" Aina said, recovering after drinking some water.

After a few more months of chatting and almost regular meet ups, Sarge and Aina had yet to talk about relationships. And except for a handful of people, Ruby didn't realize that Sarge had been their generous benefactor of food every now and then.

"Uhm..." Sarge glanced over at Aina who was beside him. Dr. Naomi who was seated beside Ruby bumped her and pretended to have dropped her napkin.

"What?" Ruby turned to Naomi.

"My napkin fell by your feet. Can you pick it up please?" Naomi pointed to the floor.

"Where?" Ruby replied while looking under the table. This gave Naomi a chance to quickly apologize for their clueless friend.

"Here. Well, Doc Sarge?" Ruby continued. Naomi rolled her eyes and silently groaned.

"We've never really talked about that." Sarge said.

"Well, I think you should. You're both single anyway..." Ruby pushed.

"Wait..." Naomi interrupted. "We've been friends since we started our residency, but I don't recall hearing your full name. And your ID only says Dr. Sarge in front." Naomi said. "Is your dad in the military?" Unlike their ID's, Sarge's ID information were all on the back while the front had a photo and his nickname. This was because he worked at the pediatric department.

Sarge shook his head. "But my brothers are 'Cap' for Captain, 'Addy' for Admiral, and 'Corn' for Colonel, and there's me, 'Sarge'. My dad just really likes all things military. None of us have anything to do with the army or navy."

"Whoa!" Ruby exclaimed.

"Corn?" Aina glanced at Sarge.

"His real name is Oskar Klaus. He's the youngest. Still in high school." Sarge clarified.

"And you, what's your full name?"

"My brothers are Friedrich Karl, Wilhelm Hanz, and Oskar Klaus..."

"Whoa! Swiss?"

"Hmm...German. My parents said they fell in love there while they toured the country. They also spent their honeymoon there."

"Cool." Naomi exclaimed.

Sensing that Aina had reached for his ID on his neck, Sarge tried to grab it back immediately. However, Aina was able to read his name before he snatched the ID back.

"Siegfried!" Aina announced.

"Really? Siegfried?" Naomi giggled.

"Thank you, MARIA. MARIA ATHENA!" Sarge glared at Aina who was turning red from laughing.

"Maria is a normal name" Aina stuck a tongue out at Sarge.

"Fine. What's your name origin story?" Sarge replied.

"My parents went to Greece for their honeymoon."

"Ah, so your siblings' names are also Greek?" Naomi asked.

Aina shook her head. "Davey, my brother, is named after my Lolo David. David Artemio."

"Artemio is the Spanish version of Artemis, I think." Sarge said.

"Artemis is a gender-neutral name of Greek origin that means "twin of Apollo" and "butcher". Artemis was the Greek goddess of the moon, hunting, and chastity." (https://www.thebump.com/b/artemis-baby-name) Ruby suddenly shared. They had not noticed that she searched for the name on her phone.

"Hah!" Aina exclaimed. "He's a total opposite of being chaste, that's for sure!" she laughed.


"...I'd like to apologize on behalf of Ruby..." Aina said as they walked around the park after their meal.

"It's okay. You were all bound to find out anyway."

"You have a lovely name. Siegfried Gregory. So noble."

"Thank you!" Sarge said and bowed with a hand twirling gesture. This made Aina giggle.

"And I find your nicknames unique, too."

"Just like yours."

A long while later, as they neared the exit of the park. Aina turned toward Sarge who suddenly stopped walking. "Why?


"Actually, I've been thinking about what Ruby asked earlier." Aina sighed.

"Honestly, so have I and I want to..."

Aina looked at Sarge in the eye and slowly said, "I want to think about it more..."

"Is there someone else?" Sarge asked after a while. He had seen Aina interact with their other male colleagues. But since they never 'labeled' their relationship, Sarge knew he had no right to be jealous or restrain Aina from talking to other men. He also secretly vowed to watch over her and protect her, no matter what.

Aina too, had observed how Sarge interacted with the other female doctors and nurses. He was tall, handsome, and very charming. He also had a way with children that he was often called to calm those who were anxious about their hospital visits. These traits were endearing but she felt she wasn't ready for a commitment yet.

Aina shook her head. Sarge wanted to tease her and mention a name of a colleague whom he knew had a crush on her, but he stopped himself. "Okay. I understand." Sarge said softly.

They walked quietly side by side. The tension was palpable. Suddenly, both their phones rang. They simultaneously looked at the phones.

"Hospital?" They looked at each other and spoke in unison.

Sarge nodded. "They're asking everyone to go. There's been a big accident and they need all the help they can get."

Aina nodded and they both ran toward the hospital.